2012WhyallaSTARCLUB Club Development Conference
Tuesday31st January – 6.00pm
Venue: West Whyalla Football Club
Cost: Free– RSVP – 25th January
Time / Topic6.00 – 6.05pm / Welcome/Opening
6.05 – 6.50pm / Session 1:
Effective Committees. An introduction to the Office for Recreation and Sports Committee Member Induction Essentials Pack.
Steering your committee to success: A must attend session for committee members aimed at providing you with the motivation, tools and techniques to ensure your club is currently functioning to the best of its ability while also preparing for the future ahead.
Presenter: Hans Van Bavel - Hans has an extensive range of experience in relation to club development and consultation through his association with the Office for Recreation & Sport and his own involvement in sport as an athlete, coach and administrator over many years.
6.50 – 7.35pm / Session 2:
How to be a STARCLUB
So many areas, issues and considerations must be dealt with as a club. The STARCLUB - Club Development Program has been designed for use by sport and active recreation clubs of all sizes. The program will be valuable for your club whether you believe your club is already a STARCLUB or has some work to do.
Find out how to take part in the STARCLUB process.
Presenter: Hans Van Bavel
7.35 – 7.55pm / Break – Tea, Coffee and Light Snack
7.55 – 8.45pm / Session 3:
Child Safe Environments
Is your club complying with legal requirements?
Latest updates.
Presenter: Mike Fenwick - In conjunction with the Department of Recreation and Sport, Mike has been involved with Jan Stirling the coach of the Australian Opals & Jane Bartlett in designing & presenting the Child Safe Officers course & other courses for all sporting organizations. He has worked with professional athletes from all sporting arenas in teaching them psychological skills for performance preparation, during performance & for post performance reality debriefing.
8.45 – 9.20pm / Session 4:
Junior Sport, the lifeblood of your club – What could you be doing?
Juniors are the lifeblood and future of your club both as players and volunteers. With this in mind, as a club how can you ensure that you are doing the best you can to attract and retain juniors of all skill levels at your club.
This session will look at practical examples and opportunities to set up and maintain school-club linkages aimed at increasing the number of young peopleenjoying sport within your club or community.
Presenter:Alex Zivic–Regional Coordinator Active - After SchoolsCommunities, Australian Sports Commission.
9.20 – 9.30pm / Closing and Question Time
An opportunity to ask any final questions to the panel of presenters.
For further information or a copy of the registration form contact Whyalla be active Field Officer Alberto Salatino on 86403443, 0423700 753 or via email on