2012 Official Rules For Girls B-Ball Softball
- With the exception of the following rules, the Ohio High School rulebook will govern league play
- Infielders must be within 5 feet of the baseline until the ball is put in play bythe batter.
- First Base
- Second Base
- Short Stop
- Third Base
- All outfielders must be at least 15 feet behind the baseline until the ball is put in play by the batter.
- Age as of December 31, 2010 for B-Ball Girls is 7-8-9 years old.
- B-Ball will play 6 innings.
- On the tenth batter, the defense must touch home plate to end the inning, unless the 3rd out is made. The ball does not have to be dropped at home plate on 10thbatter. Once the plate is touched with player holding the ball, the inning is over.
- B-Ball coach throws a maximum of 6 pitches. Coach must pitch from behind 30' at all times to 46' feetfrom the plate. The fielding pitcher must stay within 5 ft. of the rubber 4 (either left or right, but not infront). Pitching coach must leave field when fair ball is put in play. Ifpitching coach is hit by a ball, it willbe considered a live ball.
- Metal cleats are not permitted.
- All batters will receive 6 pitches or 3 swung-at strikes total. If the pitch is fouled, the batter gets another pitch until the batter doesn't foul. Same for the 10th batter.
- When the team is in a defensive position, one coach will be permitted in the outfield for instructionalpurposes only.
- B-Ball players cannot BUNT or STEAL. Balk and infield fly rule is eliminated.
- If both teams have 10 players, then they must play 10 players. If a player gets hurt or sick when you are playing 10 players and have no substitutes or other players, then it will not be an out when the loth positionbats. If one team has nine the other team can play with ten. Both teams will be allowed to bat ten batters, even if only playing nine. If a team starts with eight, or their number is reduced to eight during the game, they will still bat ten.
- B-Ball consists of 10 players.
- Bases will be set 60' apart in all divisions.
- Any caught foul tip that is above the batter's head will be an out. Unlimited foul balls.
- B-Ball will use the 11" ball.
- All players playing the pitching position must wear a heart guard
- To stop play in B-Ball the child playing pitcher must have control of the ball inside the pitching circle. If a runner is not halfway to the next base, they must go back to the previous base unless a play is being made on a runner then the runner does not have to go back. If a runner is over halfway and no play is made runner must stop at the next base unless a play is being made then runner does not have to stop. Halfway lines will be used.