2012 EAVS NVRA Data File Codebook
2012 Election Administration and Voting Survey
National Voter Registration Act
Data File Codebook
2012 EAVS NVRA Data File Codebook
The 2012 Election Administration and Voting Survey data are available in three data formats – Microsoft Excel, SPSS, and .DBF. This codebook presents the variable name, a brief description of the variable, and the variable type (text or numeric) for all variables in the data. For most numeric variables, we present the minimum and maximum reported values as well as the frequency and percent of missing values and blank responses. Missing values include “Data Not Available” and “Not Applicable.” In all data formats (i.e., Microsoft Excel, SPSS, and .DBF), a value of -888888 indicates that a jurisdiction reported “Not Applicable” and a value of -999999 indicates that a jurisdiction reported “Data Not Available.” Names in the .DBF format of a few variables are abbreviated due to character limits.
Additional information about the 2012 Election Administration and Voting Survey and a copy of The Impact of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 on the Administration of Elections for Federal Office 2011-2012 report are available at
2012 EAVS NVRA Data File Codebook
StateState in which the Jurisdiction is located
Type: Text
2012 EAVS NVRA Data File Codebook
Value / Frequency / PercentAK / 1 / 0.01%
AL / 67 / 0.82%
AR / 75 / 0.92%
AS / 1 / 0.01%
AZ / 15 / 0.18%
CA / 58 / 0.71%
CO / 64 / 0.78%
CT / 169 / 2.07%
DC / 1 / 0.01%
DE / 3 / 0.04%
FL / 67 / 0.82%
GA / 159 / 1.95%
GU / 1 / 0.01%
HI / 5 / 0.06%
IA / 99 / 1.21%
ID / 44 / 0.54%
IL / 110 / 1.35%
IN / 92 / 1.13%
KS / 105 / 1.29%
KY / 120 / 1.47%
LA / 64 / 0.78%
MA / 351 / 4.31%
MD / 24 / 0.29%
ME / 500 / 6.13%
MI / 83 / 1.02%
MN / 87 / 1.07%
MO / 116 / 1.42%
Value / Frequency / Percent
MS / 82 / 1.01%
MT / 56 / 0.69%
NC / 100 / 1.23%
ND / 53 / 0.65%
NE / 93 / 1.14%
NH / 320 / 3.92%
NJ / 21 / 0.26%
NM / 33 / 0.41%
NV / 17 / 0.21%
NY / 62 / 0.76%
OH / 88 / 1.08%
OK / 77 / 0.94%
OR / 36 / 0.44%
PA / 67 / 0.82%
PR / 1 / 0.01%
RI / 39 / 0.48%
SC / 46 / 0.56%
SD / 66 / 0.81%
TN / 95 / 1.17%
TX / 254 / 3.12%
UT / 29 / 0.36%
VA / 134 / 1.64%
VT / 246 / 3.02%
WA / 39 / 0.48%
WI / 3,541 / 43.43%
WV / 55 / 0.67%
WY / 23 / 0.28%
Total / 8,154 / 100.00%
2012 EAVS NVRA Data File Codebook
JurisdictionJurisdiction (county or county-equivalent) within the State
Type: Text
FIPSCodeUnique jurisdiction identification code
Type: Text
QA1aEnter the total number of persons in your jurisdiction who were registered and eligible to vote in the November 2012 general election. Include all persons eligible to vote in the election including special categories of voters with extended deadlines (such as returning military). Do not include any persons under the age of 18 who may be registered under a “pre-registration” program.
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 4,758,437
-999999 / Data Not Available / 58 / 0.71%
Blank / No Response Provided / 18 / 0.22%
QA1_CommentComments for QA1
Type: Text
QA2When you report the number of registered voters in your jurisdiction for the November 2012 general election (as in A1a) do you include both active and inactive voters in the count, or does your jurisdiction only include active voters?
Type: Text
Value / Frequency / PercentActive / 39 / 0.48%
Active and Inactive Registered Voters / 3,247 / 39.82%
Active Voters Only / 4,242 / 52.02%
Both Active and Inactive / 134 / 1.64%
Both active/inactive / 1 / 0.01%
Jurisdiction uses both Active and Inactive Registered Voters / 93 / 1.14%
Only Active Registered Voters / 320 / 3.92%
Other / 55 / 0.67%
Blank/No Response Provided / 23 / 0.28%
Total / 8,154 / 100.00%
QA2c_OtherQA2 Other SPECIFY
Type: Text
Value / Frequency / PercentAll Active and Inactive / 1 / 0.01%
Included in Maui County / 1 / 0.01%
N/A / 6 / 0.07%
None / 1 / 0.01%
North Dakota does not have voter registration / 53 / 0.65%
Not Applicable / 1 / 0.01%
Blank/No Response Provided / 8,091 / 99.23%
Total / 8,154 / 100.00%
QA2_CommentComments for QA2
Type: Text
QA3aActive: Enter the total number of persons who were registered and eligible to vote in the November 2012 general election into the following categories.
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 4,758,437
-999999 / Data Not Available / 180 / 2.21%
Blank / No Response Provided / 25 / 0.31%
QA3bInactive: Enter the total number of persons who were registered and eligible to vote in the November 2012 general election into the following categories.
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 1,739,058
-999999 / Data Not Available / 498 / 6.11%
Blank / No Response Provided / 52 / 0.64%
QA3_CommentComments for QA3
Type: Text
QA4aTotal new Same Day registrations: Enter the total number of registration forms received on those days in which it was possible to both register for and vote in the November 2012 general election on the same day.
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 74,646
-888888 / Not Applicable / 1,633 / 20.01%
-999999 / Data Not Available / 1,120 / 13.74%
Blank / No Response Provided / 153 / 1.88%
QA4bAre the numbers you provided for question A4a because your state allows Election Day Registration or Same Day Registration for all voters, or does your answer come from a different circumstance?
Type: Text
Value / Frequency / PercentN/A / 155 / 1.90%
No / 380 / 4.66%
Not Applicable / 2,301 / 28.22%
Other / 88 / 1.08%
Yes / 4,825 / 59.17%
Blank/No Response Provided / 405 / 4.97%
Total / 8,154 / 100.00%
QA4b_OtherQA4b Other SPECIFY
Type: Text
QA4_CommentComments for QA4
Type: Text
QA5aTotal: Enter the total number of forms your jurisdiction received from all sources during the period from the close of registration for the November 2010 general election until the close of registration for the November 2012 general election.
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 2,989,120
-999999 / Data Not Available / 151 / 1.85%
Blank / No Response Provided / 240 / 2.94%
QA5bDivide the total number of registration forms received into the following categories: New valid registrations (excluding pre-registrations of persons under 18)
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 561,046
-999999 / Data Not Available / 133 / 1.63%
Blank / No Response Provided / 24 / 0.29%
QA5cDivide the total number of registration forms received into the following categories: New "pre" registrations of persons under age 18
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 14,032
-888888 / Not Applicable / 62 / 0.76%
-999999 / Data Not Available / 1,410 / 17.29%
Blank / No Response Provided / 275 / 3.37%
QA5dDivide the total number of registration forms received into the following categories: Duplicate of existing valid registration
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 163,684
-999999 / Data Not Available / 734 / 9.00%
Blank / No Response Provided / 317 / 3.89%
QA5eDivide the total number of registration forms received into the following categories: Invalid or rejected (other than duplicates)
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 571,700
-999999 / Data Not Available / 786 / 9.64%
Blank / No Response Provided / 312 / 3.83%
QA5fDivide the total number of registration forms received into the following categories: Changes to name, party or within-jurisdiction address change
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 857,369
-999999 / Data Not Available / 503 / 6.17%
Blank / No Response Provided / 203 / 2.49%
QA5gDivide the total number of registration forms received into the following categories: Address changes that cross jurisdiction borders
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 250,798
-999999 / Data Not Available / 1,847 / 22.65%
Blank / No Response Provided / 564 / 6.92%
QA5hDivide the total number of registration forms received into the following categories: Other 1
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 777,207
-888888 / Not Applicable / 62 / 0.76%
-999999 / Data Not Available / 1,401 / 17.18%
Blank / No Response Provided / 4,966 / 60.90%
QA5h_OtherDivide the total number of registration forms received into the following categories: Other 1 SPECIFY
Type: Text
QA5iDivide the total number of registration forms received into the following categories: Other 2
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 1,008,587
-888888 / Not Applicable / 62 / 0.76%
-999999 / Data Not Available / 2,088 / 25.61%
Blank / No Response Provided / 5,282 / 64.78%
QA5i_OtherDivide the total number of registration forms received into the following categories: Other 2 SPECIFY
Type: Text
QA5jDivide the total number of registration forms received into the following categories: Other 3
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 87,309
-888888 / Not Applicable / 62 / 0.76%
-999999 / Data Not Available / 2,088 / 25.61%
Blank / No Response Provided / 5,525 / 67.76%
QA5j_OtherDivide the total number of registration forms received into the following categories: Other 3 SPECIFY
Type: Text
QA5kDivide the total number of registration forms received into the following categories: Other 4
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 266,622
-888888 / Not Applicable / 62 / 0.76%
-999999 / Data Not Available / 2,086 / 25.58%
Blank / No Response Provided / 5,531 / 67.83%
QA5k_OtherDivide the total number of registration forms received into the following categories: Other 4 SPECIFY
Type: Text
QA5lDivide the total number of registration forms received into the following categories: Other 5
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 4,419
-888888 / Not Applicable / 62 / 0.76%
-999999 / Data Not Available / 2,086 / 25.58%
Blank / No Response Provided / 5,537 / 67.91%
QA5l_OtherDivide the total number of registration forms received into the following categories: Other 5 SPECIFY
Type: Text
QA5_TotalDivide the total number of registration forms received into the following categories: Total
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 2,989,120
Blank / No Response Provided / 314 / 3.85%
QA5_CommentComments for QA5
Type: Text
QA6aDivide the total number of all registration forms received (as entered in A5a) into the following sources: Individual voters submitting applications by mail, fax, or email
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 639,151
-999999 / Data Not Available / 179 / 2.20%
Blank / No Response Provided / 122 / 1.50%
QA6bDivide the total number of all registration forms received (as entered in A5a) into the following sources: Individual voters registering in person at the election/registrar's office
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 292,615
-999999 / Data Not Available / 181 / 2.22%
Blank / No Response Provided / 506 / 6.21%
QA6cDivide the total number of all registration forms received (as entered in A5a) into the following sources: Individual voters submitting registration forms via the Internet
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 834,084
-999999 / Data Not Available / 6,489 / 79.58%
Blank / No Response Provided / 341 / 4.18%
QA6dDivide the total number of all registration forms received (as entered in A5a) into the following sources: Motor vehicle offices or other offices that issue drivers licenses
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 509,514
-999999 / Data Not Available / 3,755 / 46.05%
Blank / No Response Provided / 64 / 0.78%
QA6eDivide the total number of all registration forms received (as entered in A5a) into the following sources: Public assistance offices mandated as registration sites under NVRA
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 54,263
-999999 / Data Not Available / 4,508 / 55.29%
Blank / No Response Provided / 151 / 1.85%
QA6fDivide the total number of all registration forms received (as entered in A5a) into the following sources: State funded agencies primarily serving persons with disabilities
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 65,303
-999999 / Data Not Available / 4,558 / 55.90%
Blank / No Response Provided / 151 / 1.85%
QA6gDivide the total number of all registration forms received (as entered in A5a) into the following sources: Armed forces recruitment offices
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 6,629
-999999 / Data Not Available / 1,345 / 16.49%
Blank / No Response Provided / 103 / 1.26%
QA6hDivide the total number of all registration forms received (as entered in A5a) into the following sources: Other agencies designated by the State not mandated by NVRA
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 87,259
-999999 / Data Not Available / 4,647 / 56.99%
Blank / No Response Provided / 209 / 2.56%
QA6iDivide the total number of all registration forms received (as entered in A5a) into the following sources: Registration drives from advocacy groups or political parties
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 257,845
-999999 / Data Not Available / 1,606 / 19.70%
Blank / No Response Provided / 429 / 5.26%
QA6jDivide the total number of all registration forms received (as entered in A5a) into the following sources: Other 1
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 115,430
-999999 / Data Not Available / 900 / 11.04%
Blank / No Response Provided / 791 / 9.70%
QA6j_OtherDivide the total number of all registration forms received (as entered in A5a) into the following sources: Other 1 SPECIFY
Type: Text
QA6kDivide the total number of all registration forms received (as entered in A5a) into the following sources: Other 2
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 59,175
-999999 / Data Not Available / 906 / 11.11%
Blank / No Response Provided / 1,613 / 19.78%
QA6k_Other Divide the total number of all registration forms received (as entered in A5a) into the following sources: Other 2 SPECIFY
Type: Text
QA6lDivide the total number of all registration forms received (as entered in A5a) into the following sources: Other 3
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 29,677
-999999 / Data Not Available / 1,305 / 16.00%
Blank / No Response Provided / 2,042 / 25.04%
QA6l_OtherDivide the total number of all registration forms received (as entered in A5a) into the following sources: Other 3 SPECIFY
Type: Text
QA6mDivide the total number of all registration forms received (as entered in A5a) into the following sources: Other 4
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 9,078
-999999 / Data Not Available / 1,573 / 19.29%
Blank / No Response Provided / 2,154 / 26.42%
QA6m_OtherDivide the total number of all registration forms received (as entered in A5a) into the following sources: Other 4 SPECIFY
Type: Text
QA6nDivide the total number of all registration forms received (as entered in A5a) into the following sources: Other 5
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 31,574
-999999 / Data Not Available / 1,683 / 20.64%
Blank / No Response Provided / 5,831 / 71.51%
QA6n_OtherDivide the total number of all registration forms received (as entered in A5a) into the following sources: Other 5 SPECIFY
Type: Text
QA6oDivide the total number of all registration forms received (as entered in A5a) into the following sources: Other 6
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 62,391
-999999 / Data Not Available / 1,682 / 20.63%
Blank / No Response Provided / 5,852 / 71.77%
QA6o_OtherDivide the total number of all registration forms received (as entered in A5a) into the following sources: Other 6 SPECIFY
Type: Text
QA6_TotalDivide the total number of all registration forms received (as entered in A5a) into the following sources: Total
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 1,310,562
Blank / No Response Provided / 254 / 3.12%
QA6_CommentComments for QA6
Type: Text
QA7aDivide the total number of new registration forms received (as entered in A5b) into the following sources: Individual voters submitting applications by mail, fax, or email
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 147,867
-999999 / Data Not Available / 492 / 6.03%
Blank / No Response Provided / 259 / 3.18%
QA7bDivide the total number of new registration forms received (as entered in A5b) into the following sources: Individual voters registering in person at the election/registrar's office
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 234,520
-999999 / Data Not Available / 493 / 6.05%
Blank / No Response Provided / 650 / 7.97%
QA7cDivide the total number of new registration forms received (as entered in A5b) into the following sources: Individual voters submitting registration forms via the Internet
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 267,534
-999999 / Data Not Available / 6,573 / 80.61%
Blank / No Response Provided / 352 / 4.32%
QA7dDivide the total number of new registration forms received (as entered in A5b) into the following sources: Motor vehicle offices or other offices that issue drivers licenses
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 222,183
-999999 / Data Not Available / 4,073 / 49.95%
Blank / No Response Provided / 218 / 2.67%
QA7eDivide the total number of new registration forms received (as entered in A5b) into the following sources: Public assistance offices mandated as registration sites under NVRA
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 26,135
-999999 / Data Not Available / 4,925 / 60.40%
Blank / No Response Provided / 289 / 3.54%
QA7fDivide the total number of new registration forms received (as entered in A5b) into the following sources: State funded agencies primarily serving persons with disabilities
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 25,447
-999999 / Data Not Available / 4,928 / 60.44%
Blank / No Response Provided / 314 / 3.85%
QA7gDivide the total number of new registration forms received (as entered in A5b) into the following sources: Armed forces recruitment offices
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 3,167
-999999 / Data Not Available / 1,609 / 19.73%
Blank / No Response Provided / 252 / 3.09%
QA7hDivide the total number of new registration forms received (as entered in A5b) into the following sources: Other agencies designated by the State not mandated by NVRA
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 47,333
-999999 / Data Not Available / 4,979 / 61.06%
Blank / No Response Provided / 399 / 4.89%
QA7iDivide the total number of new registration forms received (as entered in A5b) into the following sources: Registration drives from advocacy groups or political parties
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 69,018
-999999 / Data Not Available / 1,678 / 20.58%
Blank / No Response Provided / 907 / 11.12%
QA7jDivide the total number of new registration forms received (as entered in A5b) into the following sources: Other 1
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 43,802
-999999 / Data Not Available / 659 / 8.08%
Blank / No Response Provided / 1,293 / 15.86%
QA7j_OtherDivide the total number of new registration forms received (as entered in A5b) into the following sources: Other 1 SPECIFY
Type: Text
QA7kDivide the total number of new registration forms received (as entered in A5b) into the following sources: Other 2
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 25,450
-888888 / Not Applicable / 254 / 3.12%
-999999 / Data Not Available / 757 / 9.28%
Blank / No Response Provided / 1,634 / 20.04%
QA7k_OtherDivide the total number of new registration forms received (as entered in A5b) into the following sources: Other 2 SPECIFY
Type: Text
QA7lDivide the total number of new registration forms received (as entered in A5b) into the following sources: Other 3
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 17,740
-888888 / Not Applicable / 254 / 3.12%
-999999 / Data Not Available / 1,423 / 17.45%
Blank / No Response Provided / 1,903 / 23.34%
QA7l_OtherDivide the total number of new registration forms received (as entered in A5b) into the following sources: Other 3 SPECIFY
Type: Text
QA7mDivide the total number of new registration forms received (as entered in A5b) into the following sources: Other 4
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 1,953
-888888 / Not Applicable / 254 / 3.12%
-999999 / Data Not Available / 1,703 / 20.89%
Blank / No Response Provided / 1,915 / 23.49%
QA7m_OtherDivide the total number of new registration forms received (as entered in A5b) into the following sources: Other 4 SPECIFY
Type: Text
QA7nDivide the total number of new registration forms received (as entered in A5b) into the following sources: Other 5
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 503
-888888 / Not Applicable / 254 / 3.12%
-999999 / Data Not Available / 1,738 / 21.31%
Blank / No Response Provided / 5,592 / 68.58%
QA7n_Other Divide the total number of new registration forms received (as entered in A5b) into the following sources: Other 5 SPECIFY
Type: Text
QA7oDivide the total number of new registration forms received (as entered in A5b) into the following sources: Other 6
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 2,422
-888888 / Not Applicable / 254 / 3.12%
-999999 / Data Not Available / 1,738 / 21.31%
Blank / No Response Provided / 5,614 / 68.85%
QA7o_OtherDivide the total number of new registration forms received (as entered in A5b) into the following sources: Other 6 SPECIFY
Type: Text
QA7_Total Divide the total number of new registration forms received (as entered in A5b) into the following sources: Total
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 561,046
Blank / No Response Provided / 325 / 3.99%
QA7_CommentComments for QA7
Type: Text
QA8aDivide the total number of duplicate registration forms received (as entered in A5d) into the following sources: Individual voters submitting applications by mail, fax, or email
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 47,851
-999999 / Data Not Available / 1,049 / 12.86%
Blank / No Response Provided / 432 / 5.30%
QA8bDivide the total number of duplicate registration forms received (as entered in A5d) into the following sources: Individual voters registering in person at the election/registrar's office
Type: Numeric
Value / Label / Frequency / PercentMinimum / 0
Maximum / 50,683
-999999 / Data Not Available / 1,056 / 12.95%
Blank / No Response Provided / 830 / 10.18%
QA8cDivide the total number of duplicate registration forms received (as entered in A5d) into the following sources: Individual voters submitting registration forms via the Internet