Information (operative) about executionof the state budget for the 1st quarter of 2012

The income of the state budget for the first quarter of 2012 was 3487,7 million manats, the expenditures were 2843,2 million mantas, e.g. there has been occurred budget profit in amount of 644,5 million manats.


The incomes of the state budget were executed for 98,5 percent during the first quarter of 2012 which is 719,3 million manats of for 26,0 percent more in comparison to the same period of the previous year.

The Ministry of Taxes transferred 1390,4 million manats to the state budget executing the income forecast for 112,6 percent which is 156,1 million manats higher in comparison to the forecast, 229,5 million manats or 19,8 percent more in comparison to the same period of 2011.

The State Customs Committee has executed the forecast for 100,3 percent during the first quarter of 2012 and transferred 251,7 million manats.

4,5 million manats was transferred to the budget in the first quarter of 2012 in comparison to previous year which is 5,8 million manats or 28,9 percent more.

1839,8 million manats transferred to the budget from the State Oil Fund.


The expenditures of the state budget for the first quarter of 2012 was executed for 79,0 percent which is 755,8 million manats or 36,2 percent more in comparison to the corresponding period of 2011.

In accordance to economic classification 41,4 percent or 1178,3 million manats was allocated from the state budget to funding social costs during the 1st quarter of current year which is 178,3 million manats or 17,8 percent more in comparison to the same period of 2011.

In comparison with the same period of 2011 there was allocated 437,6 million manats or 80,1 percent more for industrial, construction and natural fossils costs, 152,2 million manats or 37,3 percent more for social security and social care costs, 38,2 million manats or 29,0 percent more for court, law enforcement and prosecution costs, 37,9 million manats or 22,9 percent more for general government services, 16,1 million manats or 58,3 percent more for economic activity costs, 10,4 million manats or 32,5 percent more for culture, art, information, sport costs and costs for activities in the fields out of other categories, 9,0 million manats or 12,3 percent more for healthcare costs, 5,5 million manats or 19,4 percent more for housing and utilities services costs, 2,1 million manats or 19,6 percent more for transportation and communication costs from the state budget for the first quarter of 2012 in accordance to functional classification.

There was allocated 138,6 million manats for construction and refurbishment of facilities on social projects, 845,4 million manats for construction and renovation of energy, water supply, gas, transportation, utilities, melioration infrastructure and other this kind of facilities in the first quarter of 2012 from the state investment costs spent in amount of 984,0 million manats considered for social projects (education, healthcare, culture, sport and other socio – cultural and domestic projects).