2011 Census - Sherington Parish
- The 'Usual Resident Population' is 954, a reduction of 9 from 963 in 2001.
- There are 40 more Females than Males, a difference which has doubled.
- The number of students studying away from Sherington has increased by 9 from 21 to 30.
- Of the 779 people aged over 16:
- 473 are married (61%)
- 172 have never married (22%)
- 134 are separated/divorced/widowed (17%)
- 65% of the 308 families do not have dependent children.
- There are 205 dependent children (21%).
- The number of dwellings is 394, an increase of 11 from 383 in 2001.
- There are 387 households. The other 7 are not occupied.
- 306 (79%) are owner occupied
- 49 are social rented, 43 of which are Council properties
- 32 are privately rented or rent free
- 374 are whole houses/bungalows, 13 are flats/apartments.
- Only 5 do not have central heating.
- 44 people have a second home elsewhere, half of which are abroad.
- 108 households (27%) contain dependent children.
- There 22 lone parent households with dependent children
- There are 79 single person households.
Cars and Travel
- The number of cars/vans is 695, an increase of 43 .
- The number of persons aged 17 and over (i.e. old enough to drive) is 766.
- Equivalent to 90% ownership
- 21 households have no car/van (down from 29), the same number as have 4 or more.
- 6 people go to work by bus, while 4 use a bicycle.
- Despite being 8 miles from a railway station, 28 use the train, indicatingthey do not work in the Milton Keynes area.
Age Profile
- The population has got older.
- There are 62 more people over the age of 60, an increase of 27%.
- The number of people aged between 20 and 39 has decreased by 36 (i.e. 20%).
- There has been a decrease of 51(i.e. 40%) in the number of people in their 30's.
- This is offset slightly by an increase of 15 in the number in their 20's.
- There are 2.5 times as many people in their 50's (or 40's or 60's) as in their 20's.
- There are 50% more people in their 70's than in their 20's.
- The number of '65 and over' is greater than the 'under 18s'.
- Children have shown a corresponding age increase:
- There has been a 25% decrease in the number of 'under 10s'
- There has been a 25% increase in the number of '10 and over'
- The number of '10 and over' is 50% greater than the number of 'under 10s'
- There are only 6 children aged 1, and 6 aged 5, with 7 aged 2 and 7 aged 6
- Note: the School has 15 places per annum.
- 314 people (45% of the 691 between 16 and 74) work full time, 132 work part time.
- 245 people (35%) are not in employment.
- 26 of these have never worked.
- 21 (3%) are unemployed.
- 50 work at or from home.
- 297 (i.e. 41% of the 721 people over 16) are qualified to degree level or equivalent or higher.
- This is an increase of 92 on 2001.
- 49 people work more than 48 hours per week.
- 85 people (12%of those between 16 and 74) are self-employed
- 50% of students are now 'economically active' compared with 10% in 2001.
- 31 people have 'Bad' or 'Very Bad' health.
- 130 people are 'Limited a Little' or 'Limited a Lot' by a disability or long-term health problem.
- 100 people provide unpaid care.
- The number admitting to being 'Christian' has dropped by 153 (i.e. 20%) from 760 to 607.
- The number with no religion has increased by 103 (i.e. 69%) from 149 to 252.
- This question was voluntary: 89 did not specify.
Ethnic Diversity
- Ethnic diversity has increased slightly since 2001.
- 81 people (8%) were born outside the UK, an increase of 17.
- 50 of these have been in the UK for more than 10 years.
- 42 people have a National Identity which does not include at least one of British/English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish.
- 61 people hold a non-UK passport.
- 27 class themselves as other than 'White' - compared with 3 in 2001.
- 14 people over the age of 3 do not have English as their first language.
Census Day was 27 March 2011.
Note: Census data is Crown Copyright