SAP CRM 7.00
September 2010
CRM Customizing Replication (B09)
Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
69190 Walldorf
Germany / Building Block Configuration Guide

SAP Best PracticesCRM Customizing Replication (B09): Configuration Guide


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Icon / Meaning
/ Caution
/ Example
/ Note
/ Recommendation
/ Syntax

Typographic Conventions

Type Style / Description
Example text / Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options.
Cross-references to other documentation.
Example text / Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables.
EXAMPLE TEXT / Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.
Example text / Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools.
EXAMPLE TEXT / Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as F2) or the ENTER key.
Example text / Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation.
<Example text> / Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries.

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SAP Best PracticesCRM Customizing Replication (B09): Configuration Guide





2.2SAP Notes


3.1Preliminary Activities for Replication

3.1.1Registering Queues

3.1.2Starting Queue Demon and Queues

3.1.3Setting Up Error Handler (SAP CRM)

3.2Configuration Replication ERP -> CRM

3.2.1Checking ISO Codes (SAP ERP)

3.2.2Defining Product Hierarchy Structure Product Hierarchy Structure in OLTP (SAP ERP) Product Hierarchy Structure (SAP CRM)

3.2.3Defining Product ID Settings (SAP CRM)

3.2.4Replicating Customizing Objects (SAP CRM) Customizing Objects from ERP OLTP to CRM System Replication Status (SAP CRM)

3.2.5Setting Up Taxes Tax Types Business Partner Tax Groups BP Tax Classification Assignment Settings Tax Customizing (SAP CRM) Replication Status (SAP CRM) Tax Type and Group Assignment of Product Tax Data from ERP to CRM Customizing of Data Transfer for Taxes (SAP CRM)

3.3Setting Up the Organization Model

3.4Replicating Master Data and Transaction Data

3.5Tips and Tricks for the Replication Process

3.5.1Object Management Block Size Filters for Objects

3.5.2Improving Performance During Replication

3.5.3Monitoring and Error Analysis for Replication Download Status Analysis Steps Outbound Queue Inbound Queue BDOC Messages Transactional RFC Requests ABAP Dumps

3.5.4Restart Replication Download of Objects Outbound Queue Inbound Queue

3.6Checking Delta Replication Events

© SAP AGPage 1 of 34

SAP Best PracticesCRM Customizing Replication (B09): Configuration Guide

Configuration Guide


This building block (Configuration Guide) describes the necessary activities to replicate customizing data from the ERP system to the CRM system.
This building block is the prerequisite for the installation of all CRM scenarios delivered by SAP Best Practices.
This building block is not required if you run the CRM in a standalone mode, that is without an OLTP back-end system.

The Configuration Guide describes how to set up the configuration of a building block manually.



Before starting with the installation of this building block, please see the document Quick Guide to Installing SAP Best Practices for CRM.

2.2SAP Notes

Before you begin the installation and configuration, read the relevant SAP Notes. These SAP Notes contain important information for installation and configuration, and also corrections concerning this building block.

Make sure that you have the most up-to-date version of SAP Notes. You can find the SAP Notes on the SAP Service Marketplace ().

SAP Note / Area / Title
ERP System
CRM System
490932 / CRM-BTX-BF-IF / Data exchange of sales transactions CRM – ERP
(see chapter “Queue processing during the upload/delta download”)
887696 / CRM-MW-ADP / No initial load possible


3.1Preliminary Activities for Replication

3.1.1Registering Queues


All replication and realignment queues for the data exchange between the ERP system and the CRM system are registered automatically when starting the replication.

The CSA queues have to be registered manually.


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

Transaction code / SMQR
SAP CRM IMG menu / CRM  CRM Middleware and Related Components  Queue Setup  Register CSA Queues

2.Choose Registration.

3.On the Queue Registration screen, make the following entries:

Field name / User action and values
Queue name / CSA*
Mode / D
Max. Runtime / 60
Logical Destination
Attempts / 30
Pause / 300
Scheduler Monitoring / 0

4.Register an additional queue:

Field name / User action and values
Queue name / R3A*
Mode / D
Max. Runtime / 60
Logical Destination
Attempts / 30
Pause / 300
Scheduler Monitoring

5.Choose Continue (Enter).


The CSA* and the R3A* queues are registered and are displayed in the queue list.

3.1.2Starting Queue Demon and Queues


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

Transaction code / SMOHQUEUE
SAP CRM GUI menu / Architecture and Technology  Middleware  Monitoring  Queues  Monitor R&R Queues

2.Choose Start Queue Demon.

3.Release all queues by choosing Release Queue and selecting the valid line in the column field Client.


5.Perform steps 3 and 4 also for Client 000 by deselecting the checkbox Display current client (XXX) only and choosing Refresh.

3.1.3Setting Up Error Handler (SAP CRM)


In this step, you define an ERP e-mail recipient for each BDoc type. Recipients automatically receive messages in the Business Workplace Inbox if errors occur in the related BDoc.


  1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:

Transaction code / SPRO
SAP CRM IMG menu / Customer Relationship Management  CRM Middleware and Related Components  Message Flow Setup  Assign Error Actions to Messages
  1. Select Default Error Action.
  2. Choose Execute (F8).
  3. Select Maintain Configuration (F9)
  4. Select Mail as Error Action.
  5. Enter the following data as Mail Parameters.

Field name / Value
E-Mail Address of Receivers / <USER ID> of the user that is logged on
E-Mail Type / B (SAP User)
  1. Choose Save Configuration (Ctrl + F1).
  2. Choose Execute (F8).

For other Error Handler settings please see the documentation of the IMG activity.


An ERP e-mail recipient for each BDoc type is determined. This recipient automatically receives messages in his/her Business Workplace Inbox if errors occur in the related BDoc. The e-mail recipient is specified as the user (the installation user) that is currently logged on to the system.

3.2Configuration Replication ERP -> CRM

3.2.1Checking ISO Codes (SAP ERP)


Before starting the Customizing replication, verify that entries for the ISO codes are unique in the following ERP tables:

  • Language keys (table T002 field LAISO)
  • Currency codes (table TCURC field ISOCD)
  • Countries (table T005 field INTCA).

Although SAP delivers these tables in a consistent state, duplicate ISO entries can occur because this is not a key field in those tables (especially if own entries have been set up with copy functions).


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

Transaction code / SE16
SAP ERP GUI menu / Tools  ABAP Workbench  Overview Data Browser

2.In the table name field enter T002.

3.Choose Table Contents (Enter).

4.Choose Execute (F8).

5.Check the column LAISO for duplicate entries.

6.Repeat these steps for the other tables.

If duplicate ISO codes are detected, they have to be replaced by new ISO codes. The final result has to be that all tables mentioned hold unique ISO code entries. Multiple entries with empty ISO codes are possible.

In order to make ISO codes unique access these tables via the following CRM IMG activities:

  • Table TCURC:
    SAP Netweaver  General Settings  Currencies  Check Currency Codes.
  • Table T005:
    SAP Netweaver  General Settings  Set Countries  Specify Countries in mySAP Systems (CRM, SRM, SCM, …)
3.2.2Defining Product Hierarchy Structure

Please check the Delta Guide. Product Hierarchy Structure in OLTP (SAP ERP)


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

Transaction code / SE11
SAP ERP GUI menu / Tools  ABAP Workbench  Development  ABAP Dictionary

2.In the ABAP Dictionary: Initial Screen, enter PRODHS in the field View.

3.Choose Display.

4.In the Dictionary: Display Structure screen the number of components corresponds to the number of levels in the CRM system. The field Length defines the number of digits for each level. Product Hierarchy Structure (SAP CRM)


1.Access the activity using the following navigation options:

Transaction code / SPRO
SAP CRM IMG menu / Cross Application Components  SAP Product  Product Category  Define Category Numbering Schemes

2.Choose New entries.

3.Make the following entries:

Field name / Entry
Number Scheme / R3PRODHIER
Scheme Description (EN) / Numbering Scheme ERP
Scheme Description (DE) / ERP Nummerierungsschema

Choose Enter twice and ignore the warning message after the first Enter.

4.Mark number scheme R3PRODHIER and double-click on folder Define Numbering Scheme Levels.

5.Choose New entries and enter the matching levels and number of digits for each level.
They need to be exactly the same as in the OLTP system.

Example (SAP standard delivery):

Level / Number of Digits
1 / 5
2 / 5
3 / 8

6.Choose Enter for all entries that have been made and ignore the warning message.

7.Save (Ctrl + S) the entries.

3.2.3Defining Product ID Settings (SAP CRM)


The output format and storage form of product IDs have to be defined.

If you intend to replicate product data to an ERP system, the number of characters you specify will determine whether you can use the product ID as the material number.

This activity describes how to synchronize the product IDs in the CRM system and the ERP system.


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

Transaction code / COMCPRFORMAT
SAP CRM IMG menu / Cross-Application Components SAP ProductBasic Settings  Define Output Format and Storage Format of Product Ids

2.Check the product ID settings in the ERP system by calling transaction OMSL in the ERP system.

3.Enter the following values on the Material Number Format screen in the CRM system.
Choose New Entries (F5) if no number format exists.

Field / Value
Prod. ID Length / Value of field Material No. Length in the ERP system (Transaction OMSL)
Template for ID / Value of field Material Number Template in the ERP system
Display Leading Zeros / Value of field Leading Zeros in the ERP system
Save Lexicographically / Value of field Lexicographical in the ERP system

4. Save (Ctrl + S) your entries.

For more information, see SAP Note 545824.

3.2.4Replicating Customizing Objects (SAP CRM) Customizing Objects from ERP OLTP to CRM System


The following objects are relevant to the download from ERP OLTP to the CRM system.

Object Name / Description
DNL_CUST_ACGRPB / Accounting Group Business Partner
DNL_CUST_ACGRPP / Account Group Product
DNL_CUST_ADDR / Regional structure
DNL_CUST_BASIS / Basis CRM online
DNL_CUST_BASIS2 / Basis CRM online
DNL_CUST_BASIS3 / Basis CRM online
DNL_CUST_BASIS5 / Basis CRM online
DNL_CUST_BASIS6 / Basis CRM online
DNL_CUST_BNKA / Banking Master
DNL_CUST_KTOKD / Business Partner: Acc. Group
DNL_CUST_PRICE / Sales pricing and pricing item
DNL_CUST_PROD0 / Material number conversions
DNL_CUST_PROD1 / Product: categories
DNL_CUST_PROD3 / Material: ERP sales status
DNL_CUST_SCE / SCE varcond
DNL_CUST_SHIP / Sales shipping
DNL_CUST_SPROD / Sales product item
DNL_CUST_T502T / Business Partner: T502T
DNL_CUST_TBRC / Business Partner: Industries
DNL_CUST_TNLS / Business Partner: TNLS, TNLST
DNL_CUST_TPFK / Business Partner: TPFK, TPFKT
DNL_CUST_TSAB / Business Partner: TSAB, TSABT
DNL_CUST_TVAST / Sales Document Blocking Reason
DNL_CUST_TVFS / Sales Document Billing: Block
DNL_CUST_TVGF / Business Partner: TVGF, TVGFT
DNL_CUST_TVIP / Business Partner: TVIP, TVIPT
DNL_CUST_TVKN / Business Partner: Attributes
DNL_CUST_TVLS / Deliveries: Blocking Reasons/C
DNL_CUST_TVPV / Business Partner: TVPV, TVPVT


  1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

Transaction code / R3AS
SAP CRM GUI menu / Architecture and Technology  Middleware  Data Exchange  Initial Load  Start
  1. In the Load Object field, enter an object from the table above.
  2. In the Source Site (Sender) field enter OLTP and in the Destination Site (Receiver) field, enter CRM.
  3. To run the replication, choose Execute.
  4. Repeat this step for all other objects listed above. Replication Status (SAP CRM)


1.Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

Transaction code / R3AM1
SAP CRM GUI menu / Architecture and Technology  Middleware  Data Exchange  Initial Load  Monitor Objects

2.Enter the replicated object in the Object Name field to get the download status of this object.
To get the status of all replicated objects, leave the field empty.

3.Choose Execute.


The replication is complete if all objects have the status Done.

Choose Refresh to update the object status.

In case of problems during replication refer to section Tips and Tricks for Replication of this guide.

3.2.5Setting Up Taxes

Please check the Delta Guide.

In CRM standard, there is no automatic generating and transferring function for all of the configuration about taxes from OLTP to CRM yet. To transfer it from OLTP to CRM, it is necessary to maintain a mapping table in the CRM system.

The new mapping allows you to have more complex tax determination combined with easier setup. The determination is based on the combinations of: country + region + tax type + tax group. The tax group of a certain tax type determines, for example, if a product is fully or partly taxed or exempted from this tax.

This information is also used by a third party program that finally determines the applicable tax rate.

How does the transfer logic from ERP OLTP to CRM work?

  • Products: All existing tax data which is material based (table MLAN) is transferred.
    To function correctly the mapping of tax setup needs to be consistent on both sides. Otherwise the data transfer stops.
  • Business Partners: The mapping of the tax classification is already done in ERP. The new configuration objects also have to be maintained in the ERP system since the business partner mapping is done in ERP system. The Configuration load imports data from the following tables of the ERP system into the following tables of the CRM system:

ERP System / CRM System
Tax Types / TSTL / TB070
BP Tax Groups / TB071_CM / TB071
Mapping of business partner relevant information of Condition records / TB072_CM / CRMC_TAX_MAP_BP

The new configuration objects are: