Hellenic Accreditation System

Annex Β4/3 to the Certificate No. 1005
of the
as a Products Certification Body
in line with E.C. Directives
Field of certification / Type of Certification /
Normative Regulations / Standards /
In-house procedures
Construction products / Factory production control certification body (System 2+) / Regulation (EU) 305/2011
Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures / Decision 98/214/ΕC
ELOT ΕΝ 1090-1:2009+A1:2011
Lifting machinery

·  Vehicle servicing lifts

·  Devices for the lifting of persons or of persons and goods involving a hazard of falling from a vertical height of more than three metres.

·  Manually loaded trucks for the collection of household refuse incorporating a compression mechanism

/ EU-type examination
(Annex ΙΧ, Module Β) / Directive 2006/42/ΕC
PD 57 (G.G 97/ A/2010)
Hot water boilers / Conformity to type
(Annex IV, module C) / Directive 92/42/EC
P.D. 335/93 (G.G. 143/Α/2-9-93)
P.D. 59/95 (G.G. 46/Α/27-2-95)
ΕΝ 267:1999
ΕΝ 303-1:1999
ΕΝ 303-2:1998
ΕΝ 304:1992,
ΕΝ 304:1992/Α1:1998
Field of certification /
Type of certification
Normative Regulations / Standards /
In-House Procedures
Lifts / EU-type examination
(Annex IVB, Module B)
Final inspection (Annex V)
Conformity based on unit verification (Annex VIII, Module G) / Directive 2014/33/EU
J.M.D. 39507/167/F.9.2/2016,
(G.G. 1047/Β/2016)
1. Electric lifts
2. Hydraulic lifts
Machinery room less lifts
Lifts persons with disability
Firefighters lifts
Vandal resistant lifts

Lifts with inclined path

/ ΕΝ 81-20:2014
ΕΝ 81-20:2014
ΕΝ 81-21:2009+A1:2012
ΕΝ 81-22:2014
ΕΝ 81-28:2003
ΕΝ 81-50:2014
ΕΝ 81-58:2003
ΕΝ 81-70:2003+A1:2004
ΕΝ 81-71:2005+A1:2006
ΕΝ 81-72:2003
ΕΝ 81-73:2005
ΕΝ 81-77:2013
ΕΝ 81-80:2006
ΕΝ 12015:2003
ΕΝ 12016:2003
ΕΝ 13015:2001+A1:2008
VDI 4707/1, VDI 4707/2
Lift safety components / EU-type examination
(Annex IVA, Module B)
Conformity to type with random checking
(Annex IX, Module C2) / Directive 2014/33/EU
J.M.D. 39507/167/F.9.2/2016,
(G.G. 1047/Β/2016)
Permanent joining for pressure equipment / Approval of permanent joining procedures
(Annex Ι, paragraph 3, section 3.1.2)
Approval of permanent joining personnel
(Annex Ι, paragraph 3, section 3.1.2) / Directive 2014/68/EU
M.D. Ar. Oik. 74124/DTBN 131/2016 (C.G. 2278/Β/2016)
ΕΝ ΙSΟ 15614-1, 2
ΕΝ ΙSΟ 15607:2003
ΕΝ ΙSΟ 15609-1:2004
ΕΝ ΙSΟ 15609-2:2001
EN ISO 9606-1:2013
ΕΝ 287-1, 2
EN ISO 3834:2005
ΕΝ 1418:1997
Field of certification /
Type of certification
Normative Regulations / Standards /
In-House Procedures
Pressure equipment
Groups – Subgroups **
/ Internal Production Control plus Supervised Pressure Equipment Checks at Random Intervals
(Annex ΙΙΙ, § 2, Module Α2)
EU-Type Examination - production type
(Annex ΙΙΙ, paragraph 3.1, Module Β)
EU-Type Examination- design type
(Annex ΙΙΙ, paragraph 3.2, Module Β)
Conformity to Type based on Internal Production Control plus Supervised Pressure Equipment Checks at Random Intervals
(Annex ΙΙΙ, paragraph 4, Module C2)
Conformity to Type based on Pressure Equipment Verification
(Annex ΙΙΙ, paragraph 9, Module F)
Conformity based on Unit Verification
(Annex ΙΙΙ, paragraph 10, Module G) / Directive 2014/68/EU
M.D. oik. 74124/DTVN 1431/2016
(G.G. 2278/Β/2016)
Category 1,
Group: 1.1
Unfired pressure vessels
Subgroups: 1.1.1,1.1.2, 1.1.3,1.1.4
Unfired pressure vessels
LPG tanks /
/ ELOT EN 13445-1:2014+A1:2014
ELOT EN 13445-2:2014
ELOT EN 13445-3:2014+ Α1:2015 +A2: 2016
ELOT EN 13445-4:2014+Α1:2016
ELOT EN 13445-5:2014
ELOT EN 13445-6:2014+A1:2015
CEN/CR 13445-7:2002*
AD Merkblätter*, series A, B, HP, G, N, S,W
ΕΛΟΤ ΕΝ 12542:2010
ΕΛΟΤ ΕΝ 12817:2013
ΕΛΟΤ ΕΝ 12818:2015
ΕΛΟΤ ΕΝ 13799:2012
EΛΟΤ ΕΝ 14075:2003
Field of certification /
Type of certification
Normative Regulations / Standards /
In-House Procedures
Pressure equipment (cont.)
Category 1, Group 1.2
Vessels under pressure exposed to flame
Subgroups: 1.2.1, 1.2.2
Shell boilers
Water-tube boilers / Directive 2014/68/EU
M.D. oik. 74124/DTVN 1431/2016
(G.G. 2278/Β/2016)
ELOT EN 12953-1: 2012,
ELOT EN 12953-2: 2012,
ELOT EN 12953-3:2016,
ELOT EN 12953-4: 2002,
ELOT EN 12953-5: 2002,
ELOT EN 12953-6: 2011,
ELOT EN 12953-7: 2002,
ELOT EN 12953-8: 2001,
ELOT EN 12953-9: 2007,
ELOT EN 12953-10: 2003*,
ELOT EN 12953-11: 2003*,
ELOT EN 12953-12: 2003,
ELOT EN 12953-13: 2012
ELOT EN 12952-1: 2015,
ELOT EN 12952-2: 2011,
ELOT EN 12952-3: 2011,
ELOT EN 12952-5: 2011,
ELOT EN 12952-6: 2011,
ELOT EN 12952-7: 2012,
ELOT EN 12952-8: 2002,
ELOT EN 12952-9: 2002,
ELOT EN 12952-10: 2002,
ELOT EN 12952-11: 2007,
ELOT EN 12952-12: 2003*,
ELOT EN 12952-13:2003 +A1:2003*,
ELOT EN 12952-14: 2004,
ELOT EN 12952-16: 2002,
ELOT CR 12952-17:2004*,
ELOT EN 12952-18:2012
Category 1, Group: 1.3
Subgroups: 1.3.1, 1.3.2
Metallic Industrial piping / ELOT EN 13480-1:2012 ,
ELOT EN 13480-2:2012+A1:2013 +A2:2016,
ELOT EN 13480-3:2012,
ELOT EN 13480-4:2012+A1:2013+A2:2015,
ELOT EN 13480-5:2012+A1:2013,
ELOT EN 13480-6:2012+A1:2016,
CEN/TR 13480-7:2002*
ASME B31.1:2016*,
ASME B31.3:2014*,
ASME B31.4:2016*
Field of certification /
Type of certification
Normative Regulations / Standards /
In-House Procedures
Simple pressure vessels
/ EU-Type Examination
(Annex II, Paragraph 1, Module Β)
Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised vessel testing
(Annex II, Paragraph 2, Module C1)
Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised vessel checks at random intervals
(Annex II, Paragraph 3, Module C2)
Conformity to type based on internal production control
(Annex II, Paragraph 4, Module C) / Directive 2014/29/EU
M.D. Oik. 46248/DTVN 1008/2016
(G.G. 1339/B/2016)
ELOT EN 286- 1:1998+A1:2002+Α2: 2005*

* The reference to non-harmonized European Standards, Regulations or Normative Documents with the star mark (*) indicates that only a specific part of the requirements of the above European Standards, Regulations Normative Documents, complements, to the extent that is necessary for the assessment of the compliance of the product, either the harmonized European Standards EN which fulfil essential requirements of European Directives , or the provision of European Directives.

** Grouping according to ESYD_ KO-PED/01/01/21-07-2016.

Address of the Body : 5, Prophiti Elia, 61100 Kilkis,

Approved signatories : I. Chourseidou, C. Papakostas, Α. Topalidou, E. Tsolaki

This Scope of Accreditation replaces the previous one dated 19.09.2017.

The Accreditation Certificate No 1005, according to ELOT EN ISO/IEC 17065:2012, is valid until 24.07.2019.

Athens, 22.02.2018

Konstantinos Voutsinas

Managing Director, ESYD

Page 2 of 5 / Annex B4/3 to the Certificate ESYD No 1005 / 22.02.2018