2016 October



OF Plastic Halter- Judged for both Breed and Collectibility

Breed and Collectibility Classes

1OF.British Draft

2OF.American Draft

3OF.Other Pure/Mixed Draft

4OF.British Pony

5OF.American Pony

6OF.Other Pure/Mixed Pony


Other Halter Champion

8OF.Quarter Horse



11OF.Mustang (incl. Spanish Mustang)

12OF.Other Pure/Mixed Stock Breed

Stock Halter Champion


14OF.Other Pure/Mixed Spanish Breed



17OF.Carriage Breeds

18OF.Other Pure/Mixed Sporthorse Breed

Spanish and Sport Halter Champ






24OF.Other Pure/Mixed Light and Gaited Breeds

Light and Gaited Halter Champion

25OF.Stock Foals

26OF.Light Foals

27OF.Sport Foals

28OF.Gaited Foals

29OF.Draft Foals

30OF.Pony Foals

31OF.Other Pure/Mixed Foals

Foal Halter Champion

Overall Halter Champion

OF Miscellaneous Other Runs – Collectibility Only
32OF. Factory-oops or unusual models

33OF. Chalky and Pearly Models

34OF. Porcelain or Resin Models
35OF. Lamps, Nightlights & Clocks
36OF. Horse & Sulky/Wagon Sets, Horse & Rider Sets (including Music Boxes), and Horse & Saddle/Grooming Kit Sets

37OF.Flocked Models (lone horses from JcPenneys, Riegseckers, Sears, or Wards) (includes rockers, no fantasy models allowed)

38OF. Fantasy (Pegasus, unicorn, Halloween, etc.)

OF Champ/Reserve Miscellaneous

Non-NAN Qualifying Runs

39OF. RR Wildlife / non-domestic (elk, deer, moose, buffalo, elephant, bear, wolf, etc) (non-NAN qualifying)

40OF. SR Wildlife / non-domestic (elk, deer, moose, buffalo, elephant, bear, wolf, etc) (non-NAN qualifying)

41OF. Domestic Animals (Bulls, cows, pigs, dogs, etc) (non-NAN qualifying)

42OF. SR Domestic Animals (Bulls, cows, pigs, dogs, etc) (non-NAN qualifying)

43OF. Decorator/Woodgrain/OOAK/Raffle Animals (all animals) (non-NAN qualifying)

OF Champ/Reserve Non-NAN Qualifying Runs
44OF. OF Collector Display Class – Love That Mold

45OF. OF Collector Display Class - Theme


OF China/Non-Plastic/Factory Resin Halter (All OF chinas, including marked testsBreed Classes)

1NP. Foals

2NP. Draft

3NP. Pony

4NP. Longear/Exotic

5NP.Other Pure/Mixed Foal, Draft and Pony Breeds

Other Breed Halter Champion

6NP.Quarter Horse

7NP. Paint

8NP. Appaloosa

9NP.Other Pure/Mixed Stock Breed

Stock Breed Halter Champion

10NP. Arabian

11NP. Half-Arabian/NSH

12NP. Spanish Breeds

13NP. Morgan


15NP. TB/STB/Warmblood

16NP.Other Pure/Mixed Light, Gaited, and Sport Breeds

Light, Gaited, and Sport Breeds Halter Champion

Overall Halter Champion

Collectability Classes

17NP.Non-Realistic Color / Fantasy (Pegasus/Unicorns/Pegacorns/Thestrals ONLY)

Custom Glaze China/Non-Plastic/Factory Resin Halter (custom glazed china models)

Breed Classes

1RC.Pony Breeds

2RC.Draft Breeds

3RC.Sport Breeds

4RC.Stock Breeds

5RC.Light Breeds


7RC.Other Pure/Mixed Breeds

Overall Halter Champion

Workmanship Classes

8RC.Non-Realistic Color / Fantasy (Pegasus/Unicorns/Pegacorns/Thestrals ONLY)

Custom/Artist Resin Halter(two separate divisions run concurrently, split out on the tables – see show packet)

Breed Classes

1CM/1AR. British Draft

2CM/2AR. Other Draft

3CM/3AR. British Pony

4CM/4AR. Other Pony


6CM/6AR.Other Pure/Mixed Draft and Pony Breeds

Other Breed Halter Champion

7CM/7AR.Quarter Horse



10CM/10AR.Mustang (including Spanish Mustang)

11CM/11AR.Other Pure/Mixed Stock Breed

Stock Breed Halter Champion


13CM/13AR.Other Pure/Mixed Spanish Breed



16CM/16AR. Carriage Breeds

17CM/17AR.Other Pure/Mixed Sport Breed

Spanish and Sport Breeds Halter Champion






23CM/23AR.Other Pure/Mixed Light and Gaited Breeds

Light and Gaited Breeds Halter Champion

24CM/24AR.Stock foals

25CM/25AR.Light foals

26CM/26AR.Sport foals

27CM/27AR.Gaited foals

28CM/28AR.Draft and Pony foals

29CM/29AR.Other Pure/Mixed foals

Foal Breed Halter Champion

Overall Halter Champion

Workmanship/Other Classes

30CM/30AR.Non-Realistic Color / Fantasy (Pegasus/Unicorns/Pegacorns/Thestrals ONLY)

31CM/31AR. Vintage customs (produced in 1995 and earlier) *This is a breed class*

32CM/31AR Customized by Owner, 18 years and younger *Not a NAN Qualifier


Open Performance – NAN Qualifying

1P.Harness (Including draft, pleasure, fine & harness racing)

2P.Showmanship - Halter and handler required

3P.Realistic Costume (Arabian, Native American, Mongol, etc)


5P.Other Misc. Performance (Flat Racing, Historical Reenactment, Bullfighting, Coon Jumping, etc)

Miscellaneous Performance Champion

Miscellaneous Performance Reserve

6P.Western Cow Work – Cow/Cattle Required (Includes cutting, roping, bulldogging, headin’ & heelin’, team penning, ranch work)

7P.Western Games (Including barrels, poles, flag race, speed & action, etc)

8P.Arena Western Pleasure (Including Western sidesaddle)

9P.Western Trail – Arena or Natural

10P. Reining/Western Riding/Western Pattern Classes (any Western riding class that involves riding to a pattern)

11P.Other Western Not listed above (Cowboy Mounted Shooting, Saddle/Bareback Bronc, etc)

Western Performance Champion

Western Performance Reserve

12P.Hunter/Jumper (Including XCountry)

13P.Arena English Pleasure (Hunt Seat)

14P.Arena English Pleasure (Park Seat, Saddleseat & Eng sidesaddle)

15P.English Trail – Arena or Natural


17P.English Gymkhana (Pony Club Games)

18P.Any Other English Not Listed above (Fox Hunting, etc)

English Performance Champion

English Performance Reserve

Overall Performance Champion

Overall Performance Reserve

19P. Anything Goes (scenes, animals other than horses, non-realistic) NOT NAN Qualified

Novice Performance – NOT NAN Qualifying

*This division is for those new to showing Performance and are younger than 18 years old

1NoP. Harness (Including draft, pleasure, fine & harness racing)

2NoP. Showmanship - Halter and handler required

3NoP. Realistic Costume

4NoP. Parade

5NoP. Other Misc. Performance (Flat Racing, Historical Reenactment, Bullfighting, Coon Jumping, etc)

Miscellaneous Performance Champion

Miscellaneous Performance Reserve

6NoP. Western Cow Work – Cow/Cattle Required (Includes cutting, roping, bulldogging, headin’ & heelin’,team penning, ranch work)

7NoP. Western Games (Including barrels, poles, flag race, speed & action, etc)

8NoP. Arena Western Pleasure (Including Western sidesaddle)

9NoP. Western Trail – Arena or Natural

10NoP. Reining/Western Riding/Western Pattern Classes (any Western riding class that involves riding to a pattern)

11NoP. Other Western Not listed above (Cowboy Mounted Shooting, Saddle/Bareback Bronc, etc)

Western Performance Champion

Western Performance Reserve

12NoP. Hunter/Jumper (Including XCountry)

13NoP. Arena English Pleasure (Hunt Seat)

14NoP. Arena English Pleasure (Park Seat, Saddleseat & Eng sidesaddle)

15NoP. English Trail – Arena or Natural

16NoP. Dressage

17NoP. English Gymkhana (Pony Club Games)

18NoP. Any Other English Not Listed above (Fox Hunting, etc)

English Performance Champion

English Performance Reserve

Overall Performance Champion

Overall Performance Reserve

19NoP. Anything Goes (scenes, animals other than horses, non-realistic)