2010 Miss Halloween Cuties

October 16, 2010

Hurst, Tx.

Age Divisions

0-23 Baby Miss

2-3 Wee Miss

4-6 Little Miss

7-9 Junior Miss

10-12 Preteen Miss

13-17 Teen Miss

Titles and Awards

Division Princess titles

(Crowned to all girls under the division queen)

~Tiara, ribbon sash, goodie bag, and prize drawing gift~

Six Division Miss Halloween Cuties

(Highest Beauty score in each age division)

~Halloweenthemed Crown, Halloween themed Majestic monogrammed banner,

nice gift, goodie bag, and prize drawing gift~

Three Supremes

(Highest overall scores of all contestants, one each in Talent, Photogenic,

and Halloween Fashion Modeling)

~Halloween themed Crown, Halloween themed Majestic monogrammed banner,

nice gift, goodie bag, and prize drawing gift~

Two Grand Supremes

0-6 and 7-up

(Highest overall combined scores of all contestants in Beauty plus one optional)

~Large Halloween themed crown, Halloween themed Majestic monogrammed banner, Scepter,

nice gift, goodie bag, and prize drawing gift~

Division optionals and mini optionals

(All the bests plus talent, model, and photogenic)

~Ribbon sash~

 All contestants will receive a goodie bag, ribbon sash or majestic monogrammed banner, a prize drawing gift, and either a crown or tiara on stage. No child will leave empty handed. 


Beauty attire - Any style or length dress is ok…Sunday’s best to glitz…dress cost is not scored, just the fit and color choice of the garment.

Talent attire – Any talent costume is acceptable, but please, no revealing garments…let’s keep it age appropriate. Talent has a 3 min. time limit. All music should be on a high quality CD with only talent music recorded and marked with contestants name and age group.

Halloween themed attire - Get as crazy or as conservative as you want. Bring on the bling or keep it totally natural. Custom outfits and off the rack are all great choices. Be creative and have fun with it!!

Attire will not be judged except for choosing the divisions best Halloween theme fashion listed under Mini Optionals.

Attire should fit properly and look good on contestant; cost of attire has no bearing on scores.


No fake rule applies to all contestants

Age appropriate makeup is ok

~Any amount of makeup in talent is ok~

~All deposits due by October 2, 2010~

 Flash and video cameras welcome 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call or email me, Carey Peddy, at:


Judges decisions are final. There are no refunds except in the event the pageant is canceled and not rescheduled. Good sportsmanship is required and those not showing such behavior may be asked to leave and contestant may be disqualified at the discretion of the director.

We are collecting non-perishable food items for the Keller Community Storehouse and are asking that everyone bring one non-perishable food item as a door entry. More than one item brought is greatly appreciated.

Liability Release

I do agree, not to hold Carey Peddy nor Hurst Recreation Facility, responsible for any accident that may result in injury to either my minor child or myself. I understand that if such injury should occur, I am to take full responsibility for any medical treatment that may be needed. I also understand that the names mentioned above are not responsible for any lost or damaged items that are in my possession or that I choose to bring to the event. I also give permission to my minor child to participate in the Miss Firecracker Pageant.


Mail with Emcee and Entry form, with entry fees, to:
Carey Peddy

4300 Stonecrest Ct

Keller, Tx. 76244


paypal entry fees to:

Please add 4% to all Paypal payments

Entry Form

Name of Contestant ______

Age ______Birthdate ______Email Address______

Circle Age Division 0-23 2-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-17

~As of October 16, 2010~

Basic Entry $ 50.00 ____

~Division Queen Title Only- Compete in Beauty Only~

Talent $ 10.00 ____

~Must be entered in Basic Entry-2 min. time limit~

Includes Talent Supreme Title

Halloween Themed Modeling $ 10.00 ____

~Must be entered in Basic Entry~

Includes Model Supreme Title

Photogenic $10.00 _____

~Must be entered in Basic Entry~

Includes Photogenic Supreme Title

Additional Photos –

Up to Two Extra _____ X $3.00 =_____

Mini Optionals $20.00 ____

~Must be entered in Basic Entry~

Best Hair, Best Smile, Best Eyes, Most Beautiful,

Best Halloween Themed Fashion

Grand Supreme Title entry $ 10.00 _____

Supreme Entry $ 90.00 _____

Includes all areas of competition (Beauty, Talent, Halloween Themed Modeling, and Photogenic-does not include additional photos), all title categories (Division Princess, Division Queen, Supreme and

Grand Supreme Queens), and all Mini-Optionals

Early Bird Supreme Entry $ 75.00 _____

If deposit is received by Sept 1, 2010

Total $______

- Deposit $_-_50.00___

- 50% Sibling Discount - $_-______

+ Late Fee $10.00 + $_+______

Amount Due at Door $______

~All deposits due by Oct. 2, 2010 ~

$10.00 late fee if deposit is paid after Oct. 2, 2010 * Cash ONLY at Registration *


Contestants Name ______

Contestants Age ______Hair Color______Eye Color______

Favorite Foods ______

Favorite Toy ______

Favorite Song ______

Favorite Color ______

Hobbies ______


Sponsors ______


Favorite Thing About Halloween 

Talent Emcee Form

Name of Contestant______

Age Group______Contestant Number______

Type of Talent______

Song Title ______

Contestant Introduction ______


$10.00 entry at the door

~Cash only~

7-12 of your best headshot, ¾, and full body shot images all placed in a photo album, binder or portfolio.

Winner receives half of all $$ received, ribbon sash, tiara, and a special gift (TBA)

Do you think you have the winning port? Enter at the door to find out!