2010 Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units (CESU) Network National Meeting

22-24 June 2010 • Washington DC

Please use this template to submit your poster abstract, and include the following information.

(See example below from 2008 meeting for reference – delete before submitting).

Poster Abstract information:

+ Title of poster

+ Author name(s) – indicate primary presenter and student presenter: * = primary presenter; [s] = student presenter

+ Author(s) affiliation

+ Abstract (<250 words) describing project

Save file as: CESU2010NatMtg_PosterAbstract_YourName.doc

Submit as attachment via email to . Subject line: 2010 CESU National Meeting Poster Abstract

Submission deadline: 28 May 2010

POSTER ABSTRACT TEMPLATE 2010 CESU Network National Meeting


First Author1, Second Author2[s]*, and Third Author3

1 Affiliation of First Author

2 Affiliation of Second Author

3 Affiliation of Third Author

Abstract (<250 words) describing project. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam eu felis nec lorem tempor vehicula at ultrices nibh. Duis sit amet tortor dictum libero dapibus condimentum. Quisque in lacus in urna dignissim bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse volutpat elementum feugiat.


Example Poster Abstract from 2008 CESU Network National Meeting

calibration and Modelding of temperature and fire Frequency

Richard P. Guyette1*, Michael C. Stambaugh1, Gary Willson2, and Daniel C. Dey3

1 University of Missouri, School of Natural Resources

2 National Park Service, Great Plains CESU, University of Nebraska

3 U.S. Forest Service

The modeling of surface fire intervals in North America using temperature and human population density shows promise in estimating mean fire intervals and exploring the dynamics of fire regimes at broad temporal and spatial scales. Thousands of fire scars from 130 sites in North America were used to empirically derive and test a regression equation for predicting mean fire intervals. The model was developed using three predictor variables: a proxy of annual mean maximum temperature, annual precipitation, and human population density. Fifty five percent of the variance in mean fire intervals was explained by annual mean maximum temperature, 10 percent by annual precipitation, and an additional 11 percent by human population density. The model was calibrated using mean fire intervals that document the presence of fire in a 1 to 3 km2 area during the two centuries before Euro-American settlement. The model is used to map mean fire intervals at a coarse scale (256 km2 cells) in vegetated regions of the United States. The model predicted regional mean fire intervals ranging from 2 to over 200 years with 95 percent confidence intervals of +11 yr (prediction). The model and maps did not predict or include stand replacement fires (the data is based on survivor trees) or extend to regions where fire intervals are longer than the lives of recorder trees.