North Shore Youth Football Club
(aka Cape Ann Youth Football League)
I. Organization
II. Membership
III. Administration
IV. Powers andDuties
V. Meetings
VI. LiabilityandIndemnification
VII.Codeof Conduct
VIII. Regulations
IX.Team Rules
X.Game Rules
XI. CheerleadingRules
UpdatedAugust 21,2012
(1) NAME ‐ Thisleague shall be known asthe North Shore Youth Football Club, also known as Cape Ann Youth Football League and hereafter referred to asCAYFL.
(2) OBJECTIVE oftheCAYFL ‐ Shall be to provide an organized,fullcontact football league and Cheerleading Program for the Youth ofCape Ann its surrounding communities and other youth football programs looking tobe a partofasuccessful, longstanding youth football league.
(3) MISSION ‐ Itis the intentofthe CAYFL to create a positiveenvironment for the youth ofeach participating team, througha well structuredand organized sports program, thathelps to foster notonly the building ofgood athletes butalsoofstrong character and good values. The CAYFL is committed to ensuring thatall participating teamsoperate with an emphasis on skilldevelopment, personalgrowth and enjoyment. We encourage academic excellence, respectfor others, discipline, teamworkand good sportsmanship. Our goal is to provide the largestnumber ofpre‐high school aged youth with apositiveexperience in thegame offootball.
We are committed to maintainingquality individuals to assist in the
developmentofthese young players and place asmuchemphasison the character and valuesof the coaches and volunteersaswe do on the developmentofthe youngathletes themselves.Our expectation isthat every coach,teamofficialand volunteerwill actnotonly asa teacher ofathletic
and sportskills, butalso as a role model for respect, disciplineand good sportsmanship and thatthey fully accept thisresponsibility when they have taken on their role every coach, volunteer, player and spectator will atall timesadhere to the CAYFL Code ofConduct. The CAYFL requiresall coaches to pass coaching certification administeredby USAFootball.
There will be no tolerancefor any individual thatcannotmeetthis
responsibility and thatdoesnotstrive to improve thequality of the CAYFL
programfor the youth ofour communities.
The CAYFL and itsmemberswill not discriminate on the basis ofrace, gender,
color ornationalorigin will notbe tolerated in any form.
(1) Member Programs – The current structure ofthe CAYFL ismade up ofthe followingtwelvePrograms:Amesbury, Danvers, Hamilton‐Wenham,
Ipswich, Lynnfield, Marblehead,Masconomet,Newburyport, North Andover, North Reading,PentucketandWinthrop.
Any other Programs or teamswhich request admission to theCAYFL may be admitted by a vote ofnotless than two‐thirds(8/12)affirmative vote by existing CAYFL memberteams.
(2)Dues – Each memberProgram will pay annual duesof $500.00. Dues mustbepaid in full by August1stof each calendar year.
(3)Withdrawal ‐ AnyProgramwishingto withdraw fromthe CAYFL shall be required to give awritten notice to the Board ofGovernorsatone ofits scheduledmonthly meetingsatleasttwo yearsprior to the effective date ofitswithdrawal.
(4)Forfeitof VotingPrivilege‐ Any Program withdrawing fromthe CAYFL
shall forfeitits voting privilege afterithas submitted to the CAYFL
presidentofsecretary itsformal notice ofwithdrawal.
(5)RequiredTeams ‐ EachProgram isrequired to have an Ateam and C‐ Team.All other teamsare optional to the member Programs buteach Programmustadhere to all rulespertaining to Team Levelsasfurther defined.
(6)Programsneeding additional players:
(a) No CAYFL memberprogram will accept a player fromanother CAYFL
(b) Adjoining Towns Programs on acase‐by‐case basis, with the permission ofthe CAYFL Commissioner may draw playersfromadjoining towns.
(c) AdjoiningCities‐AProgram thatdoes nothave the minimumnumber ofplayerson a teamlevelmay accept players fromadjoining cities, provided thattheyhave proven to the Commissionerthattheyhave exhaustedall means to recruit playersfromtheir programscommunity(s). Once they meet the minimum they cannotaccept any more playersfroman adjoining city.No more than10% of the playersofa programs Teamcan be froman adjoining city and no more than50% ofthoseplayer can be weight restricted.
(d) Grandfather Clause – Any playersthatplayed in a CAYFL program prior to 2010thatdoesnotfit these criteria, may continue to do so aslong as they are eligible under all other CAYFL rules.
(e) FieldingTeams and Playing Time ‐APrograms’ intentmust be to field
a competitive teamwith asmany playersaspossiblefromtheir own programs community(s) and thatthose playersfromaprograms community(s) mustbe given preference with regard toplaying time.
(1)Governing Body ‐The governing body ofthe CAYFL shall be known asthe Board ofGovernors. The Board ofGovernorsismadeup ofthefour elected officers,plus the Commissioners/Presidents fromthe memberPrograms that constitutethe CAYFL.
(2)Officers‐There will be fourelectedCAYFL Officers - Commissioner, Vice‐ Commissioner, Treasurer, and Secretary.
(3) ElectionofOfficers‐ Officerswill be elected annually atthe firstCAYFL meeting followingthe end ofthe football season.Any past orpresent memberofthe CAYFL Board ofGovernorsis eligible for nomination to be elected asan Officer oftheCAYFL. Officerswill be elected by a simple majority ofteams present.
(1) TheCommissioner ‐ shall call all regular and special meetingsand set agenda prior to all meetings. All agendasshould be sentout, via e‐mail, forty‐eighthours prior to any meeting so memberPrograms will have ample time to prepare in advanceofany meeting.Appointcommittees and maintain liaisonwithmemberProgramsand presentawards and trophies atall league widefunctions. He shall issue forms authorizedby the Board ofGovernorsthatare deemednecessary.He will run all league meetings. He will oversee the day‐to‐day operation ofthe
CAYFL.He will oversee thatthatthememberProgramsare in compliance with the CAYFL Constitution.
(2)TheViceCommissioner ‐ Ifthe Commissionerisunavailable, the Vice Commissioner will assume the Commissioner’sduties.IfaDisciplinary Committee is formedby the Commissioner, said Vice Commissioner will be theChairperson ofsuch a committee unless in directconflictwith any complaint. The Vice Commissioner will be responsible forthe
leaguewide game schedule and compliance thatall gamesare played.
TheVice Commissioner will carry outall dutiesassigned to him by the
(a) Duties ‐Shall havecharge ofrecords, property and money ofthe CAYFL and shall make suchpayments ofbillsincurred by theCAYFL but notofany individual program. Anybillslarger than$500.00 willrequire the signature oftwo officers.The Treasurer will carry outall dutiesassigned to him by theCommissioner.
(b) Financial Review ‐ Atthe end ofeach calendar year a financial review willbe done by a CAYFL OversightCommittee appointedby the CAYFL Commissioner. At such timeafter theconclusion ofsaid
financial review the leaguewill file all necessary paper work according to both State and Federallaws.
(4)The Secretary:
(a)Willrecord all minutesatall league meetingsand distribute meeting minutesvia e‐mail nolater thanseven daysfollowing any meeting.
(b)The Secretary will be responsible for all updates to the Official CAYFL Bylaws.
(5) In the absence ofLeague Commissionerand theVice Commissioner the Treasurer and Secretary shall assumeall dutiesoftheCommissioner.
(6)Ifany of the four Officers cannotfulfill their dutiesdue to illnessand/
or death the remaining Officers will call for a special electionthirty days followingthe resignation or death ofa seatedOfficer.
(7)InterpretationofRules The Board ofGovernorsshall interpretthe rulesand regulationsofthe CAYFL, and shall exercise all powers necessary for the proper functioning and operation ofthe CAYFL. Failures to comply with the rules and regulationsof the CAYFL shall be reviewedby the Board ofGovernorsand proper action taken.
(8)Discipline & Rule Violations – Any violation ofthe Constitution, By‐Laws,Rulesand Regulationsofthe CAYFL mustbemade in writing
withinforty‐eighthoursofany alleged incident.If so, a disciplinary
committee will be appointedby the LeagueCommissioner. ALL Complaints made in writing must be submitted by the Program President ofthe complainant party. Ifsaid incidentisabout theProgramPresident the complaint mustthen be made in writing to the Program’streasurer.
If the complaintismadeaboutthe LeagueCommissioner than said complaintshouldbe made in writing to the LeagueVice Commissioner.
(9)SpecialAdvisors ‐Any Officer who retirescan be elected asaSpecial Advisor to the Board ofGovernors. The SpecialAdvisor (s) will have no voting authority butcan fill in for any oftheOfficersin case of emergencyor absence.The SpecialAdvisor (s) role is deemedasa lifetimehonor and isnot subject to annualelections.
(10)Committees – Standing Committees ‐ Annually, the President, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution shall appoint membersofthe Standing Committeesofthe League.Any Officerscan serveron any
Committee asan ex‐officio member.SuchCommittees, which shall be named asfollows:
(b)Safety and compliance
(c)Fund Raising & Special Events
(e)Technology &Web Site
(11) Special (Ad Hoc) Committees and Task Forces‐ Fromtime to time the Board and/or The presidentmay appoint ad hoc committeesor task forces for the purpose ofperforming dutiesnototherwise assignedby this Constitutionand to provide appropriate advice to the presidentand/or Board for Special situationsor unforeseencircumstances, providedthat
the duties assigned to such special Committeesdo notin any way conflict
with or duplicate or supersede the responsibilitiesofany standing committee asenumerated in this Constitution.
(1) AnnualMeetings‐ An AnnualMeeting will take placeon the first meeting ofthe calendar year. At the Annual Meeting the electionof officers will takeplace and no further businessor league matterswill be discussed until the LeagueOfficers are electedand empanelled.The Annual meeting will be published 30daysin advance ofthe first Wednesday ofFebruary.The Annualmeeting isopen to all.Any candidate seeking electionneeds to notify all membersatleast forty‐eighthours in advanceofsaid election.
(2) RegularMeetings‐ Regular meetingsshall be held each month starting
in February and ending in December.All meetingsshall be held on the second Wednesday ofeachmonth starting at7:00pm except August, September and October,which will be held at7:30pm.
(3)In addition to the three league officers, the Director ofOfficialsand the Director ofCheerleading are invited to all regularly scheduledand special meetings.
(4) Voting ‐ EachProgram and officermustbepresentand ifunable to
attend must send a delegate, which will be defined hereinafter as:if the
ProgramPresident/Commissioner is unable to attend a regularly
scheduledor special meeting eachProgrammustpresentin writing bythe firstmeeting ofeach calendar yearthe list of two alternateswho could attend in place ofeach Program’sPresident/Commissioner.For each meeting only one Programdelegatecan be presentand each Program will receive only one vote.In the event ofa tie vote the League Commissioner will castthe deciding vote.Ifa program isnot present for any meeting the League Commissionerwill impose a fine ofno more than$250.00for each missed meeting.The Commissioner, athisdiscretionmay waive the fine.
(5) Quorum‐ All meetingsmust have quorumof2/3 ofthe member
Commissioner Programs.
(6) MeetingAgenda ‐ An agenda is to be preparedby the League and sent by e‐mail forty‐eighthours in advance ofany meeting.
(7) Roster Meeting ‐Prior to the start ofeach seasonthe electedofficers ofthe CAYFL will hold a “roster meeting” to review the identificationof each participantcertifying the participationofeach participant.
(8)Rules ofOrder ‐ In anydecisionsnotspecified with this documentthe Robert’sRulesof Order shall prevail. In any rule notin effect by this document will be referred to the MIAAhandbook to aid in anydiscrepancy.
No governor, officer, committee chair or committee memberofthis League
shall bepersonally Liable to the League for monetarydamagesfor breach of
fiduciary duty asagovernor, officer,committee chair or committee member notwithstanding any provision oflaw imposing suchliability;provided, However,thatthisprovision shall not eliminate or limitany liability of a governor,officer, committee chair or committee member(i) for any breach ofthe governor’s,officer’s, committee chair’sor committee member’sduty ofloyalty to the League, (ii)for actsor omissionsthatare notdone in good faith or thatinvolve intentionalmisconduct or a knowing violation oflaw, or (iii) withrespect to any transactionfromwhich the governor,officer, committee chair or committee memberderivedan improperpersonal benefit. The provisions ofthis Sectionshall apply asifin effectasof the date oforiginalincorporation ofthe League.No amendment or repealofthis provision shall adversely affectthe rights and protectionafforded to a governor,officer, and committee chair or committee memberofthis League under thisprovision for actsor omissionsoccurring while thisprovision isin effect.
The League shall, to the extent legally permissible, indemnify each person,
who mayserve or
Who hasservedatany time asa governor, officer, committee chair or
committee memberofthe League, or whoatthe request of the League may serve oratany time hasserved asa fiduciary (collectively, “Indemnified Parties”),againstall expensesand liabilities,including, withoutlimitation, counselfees, judgments, fines, excise taxes, penalties, and settlement payments, reasonably incurred by or imposed upon such personin connection with any threatened, pending, orcompleted action, suit, or proceeding whether civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative (a “proceeding”)in which he or she may become involved by reason ofhisor her serving or having served in such capacity (other thana proceeding voluntarily initiated by such personunlessheor she is successful on the merits and the proceedingwasauthorizedby a majority ofthefullBoard of
Governors), providedthat no indemnificationshall be providedfor any such personwith respect to any matter as to which he or she shall have been adjudicatedin any proceeding not to have actedin good faith in the reasonable beliefthathisorher action asin the best interests of the League; and further providedthatany compromise or settlementpaymentshall be approved by theLeague in the same manner asprovided below for the authorization ofindemnification. Consistently with the limitations ofthis Article IX, butotherwise in suchmanner and to such extent asitmay determine, the Board ofGovernorsmay indemnify agents and employeesof the League.Suchindemnificationmay, to the extent authorizedby the Board ofGovernorsofthe League, include paymentby theLeagueofexpenses incurred in defending a civil or criminalaction or proceeding in advanceof the final dispositionofsuchaction or proceeding, upon receiptofan undertaking by the personindemnified to repay suchpaymentifhe or she shall not be entitled to indemnificationunder this provision, which undertaking may be acceptedwithoutregard to the financialability of such person to make repayment. The payment ofany indemnificationor advance shall be conclusively deemed authorizedby the Leagueunder this provision, and eachGovernor and Officer ofthe Leagueapproving suchpaymentshall be wholly protected, if:
(i)The paymenthas beenapproved or ratified (1) by a majority vote ofa
quorumofthe Governorswho arenotatthattime parties tothe proceeding or (2) by a majority vote ofa Committee oftwo or more Governorswho are notatthattime parties tothe proceeding and are selectedfor this purpose by a majority ofthe fullBoard ofGovernors (in which selection Governors who arepartiesmay participate);or
(ii)The action istakenin reliance upon the opinion ofindependentlegal counsel(who
may be counsel to the League) appointedforthe purpose by vote ofthe Governorsin the manner specified in clauses(1) or (2) ofsubparagraph (i) or, ifthat manner is notpossible, appointedbya majority ofthe full Board of Governorsthenin office;or
(iii)The Governorshave otherwise actedin accordancewith thestandard ofconductapplied to directorsofa corporationunder Chapter 180 of the Massachusetts GeneralLaws;or
(iv)Acourthaving jurisdictionshall haveapproved the payment. The indemnificationprovidedhereunder shall inure to the benefitofthe heirs, executors, and administratorsofa Governor or other Indemnified Party entitledto indemnification hereunder.The rightofindemnificationunder thisprovision shall be in addition toand not exclusiveofall other rights to which any personmay be entitled. Nothing containedin this provision shall affectany rights to indemnification to which Leagueemployees, agents, Governors, Officers, and other personsmay be entitledby contractor otherwise under law.This provision, asamended, constitutes a contract betweenthe League and the Indemnified Parties. No amendmentor repeal ofthe provisions ofthisSectionwhich adversely affectsthe rights ofan Indemnified Party under thisprovision shall apply to him or her with respect to hisorher actsoromissions, which occurredatany time prior to suchamendment or repeal without hisor her written consent. Consistent withthe requirements oflaw, the League shall procure insurance againstthe indemnitiesaccorded pursuant to this Article.
In promoting the ethics, safety, and spirit ofyouth football, Cape Ann Youth Football League (CAYFL) hasadoptedthisCode ofConduct. This Codeof Conductisbinding upon all its participants: CAYFL Officers, Team/Program Commissioners/Presidents, Team/Program Board ofDirectors(BOD), Coaches,Players,Cheerleaders, Parentsand Spectators. Violations ofthis Code ofConductmay resultin disciplinary action againstanyoffender. UnsportsmanlikeConduct
Unsportsmanlike conductshall include the following:fighting, verbalabuse,
bullying ofany teammemberor dissenttoward an officialor opponent, racialor ethnic slurs, inappropriate commentsor actions that may be construed assexualharassment, profanity, obscene gestures,flagrant and violentfouls, taunting, “trash talk”, baiting, cheating,throwing or abusing equipment, physicalintimidation or abuse ofan officialor opponent, and unauthorizedleaving ofa teambench area.Additionally, any cyber bullying or use of socialnetworking internet sites to insult, harass, tauntor bullyin any kind will resultin disciplinary action by the CAYFL Disciplinary Committee.
ALL THOSE ASSOCIATEDWITHCAYFL (including parents andspectators)
(1) Show the proper respect to all participants and spectatorsboth on and off
the field.
(2) NOT atany time push, shove, punch, kick, fightor be guilty ofphysical
contactasan aggressorupon any official, player, cheerleader, coach, parent or spectator.
(3) NOT verbally abuse or threatenany CAYFL officer, official, player, cheerleader, coach, parent or spectator or other(s).
(4) NOT harass or baitanyofficial, player, cheerleader, coach,parentsor spectator or other(s).
(5) NOT use tobacco, alcohol or illegalnarcoticsin frontofanycoaches, players, cheerleadersduring practices, gamesor teamsponsoredeventsor be presentduringpractices, games, teamsponsored events under the influence ofalcohol or illegalnarcotics. Thisrule appliesany time a CAYFL Officer or CAYFL ProgramOfficer in representing theCAYFL.
(6) CAYFL will be informedofany rule violation by the Team/Program Commissioner. CAYFL officerswill document any observedviolationalong with date and time ofthe incident.
(7)Any player or coach knowingly in any violation ofthese rules will be subjectto disciplinary action.
As defined in ARTICLEIV, Section 6.The CAYFL officer shall have the power to createa Disciplinary Committee asthey deemnecessary and appropriate for those who fail to abide by the CAYFL Constitution. Disciplinary action can range from a verbal or written reprimand to being barredfromparticipation or associationwith CAYFL and itsmembers. The severity ofthe penalties imposed will be at the discretionofthe CAYFL officers and Commissioners.