March, 2017


Carol Feldman-Sparber

202 White Hall, Kent State

University, Kent, OH 44242



Ed.S., Educational Administration, In Progress

Ph.D., Special Education, Kent State University, 2015

M.Ed., Intervention Specialist, Kent State University, Gifted Education Licensure, 2003

B.F.A., Art Education, Kent State University, 1995


Kent State University, 2011 - present

Instructor: Nature & Needs of the Gifted Child, Spring, 2017

Instructor: Assessment for Individuals with Moderate to Intensive Needs, Spring, 2016

Instructor: Assessment for Individuals with Moderate to Intensive Needs, Fall, 2015

Instructor: Assessment for Individuals with Moderate to Intensive Needs, Spring, 2015

Instructor: Assessment, Career and Community Studies, Spring, 2015

Co Instructor: Kent State Transition Collaborative, Spring, 2015

Co Instructor: Evidence Based Practices seminar, Spring 2015

Guest Instructor: Math instruction for students who are deaf and hard of hearing, Fall, 2013

Co Instructor: Intro to Exceptionalities, Fall, 2012

Co Instructor: Intro to Exceptionalities, online summer intersession, 2012

Guest Instructor: Math instruction for students who are deaf and hard of hearing, Fall, 2012

Guest Instructor: Intervention in Mathematics Instruction, Summer, 2012

Guest Instructor: Intro to Exceptionalities, Fall, 2011

Guest Instructor: I Pad Workshop, Fall 2011

Guest Instructor: Seminar in Special Education, Fall 2011


Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) Training 2014

Singapore Math Training2008 - 2009


Project Coordinator, 2014 – present, Center for Innovation in Transition & Employment


  • Administrator and instructor for gifted endorsement program
  • Supervisor and Evaluator for pre-service master’s level teacher/transition coordinators
  • Conduct trainings at State Support Teams across Ohio
  • Conduct analysis of Ohio Longitudinal Transition Survey data.
  • Conduct analysis and evaluation of Transition to Work training program
  • Research focus on evidence based instructional practices.

Graduate Assistant, 2011-2014, Center for Innovation in Transition & Employment


  • Assist with teaching, training, and evaluation of master’s level Transition coordinators
  • Instruction and assessment of high school students with disabilities
  • Develop portfolio standards and portfolio evaluations for Transition Teachers/Coordinators in training
  • Instructor for Assessment courses
  • Instructor for Evidence Base Practices practicum
  • Data analysis for CCS program
  • Analysis of Ohio Longitudinal Transition Survey data

Gifted Intervention Specialist, 2003- 2014, Bedford City Schools, Bedford, OH


  • Program organizer and instructor for 4th & 5thgrade Gifted Math and Reading
  • Responsible for aligning state standards for gifted courses
  • Developed accelerated math and reading curriculum for grades 4 - 6
  • Developed science and social studies enrichment curriculum for grades 3 and 4.

Intervention Specialist, 1997- 2001, Ombudsman Educational Services, Mesa, AZ


  • Instructor for at-risk and students with disabilities in an alternative high school setting.

Art Teacher, 1995 – 1997, Gilbert Public Schools, Gilbert, AZ


  • Art instructor for grades 3 - 6



Center for Innovation in Transition & Employment, Kent State University, Kent, OH


  • Designed and implemented an inquiry-based learning project to determine the impact of inquiry-based instruction at my school
  • Organized and presented at a regional conference for school leaders, teachers, families, and community.
  • Conducted a common belief survey to collect and analyze data in order to better understand teacher attitudes and beliefs regarding teaching and instruction of all students served within the school
  • Created a digital short to demonstrate understanding of the purpose of school vision, and mission from critical dialogue, collected data, and scholarly articles
  • Conducted an equity audit to evaluate the effectiveness of a school in relationship to its ability to offer all students full and equal access to educational opportunities – especially those from marginalized groups.
  • Conducted an inquiry-based instructional leadership project focused on an instructional challenge in my school
  • Conducted a curriculum audit to provide my school with a deeper understanding of the influence of board policies, decision-making, curriculum, assessments, and productivity on improving student learning
  • Conducted interviews of school administrators to determine steps used for teacher evaluations
  • Created and conducted a staff development survey to determine teacher needs regarding implementation of a new math program
  • Conducted a school-community audit to critically assess school-community perceptions, strengths, and challenges in an effort to strengthen school-community relations
  • Analysis of evidence based practices for students with dual exceptionalities
  • Analysis of evidence based practices for students with disabilities
  • Pre/post analysis of the effects of college level coursework on the academic achievement of adolescents with cognitive disabilities
  • Analysis of Ohio Longitudinal Transition Survey on the post-school goals for students with autism
  • Secondary data analysis of NLTS2 data


  • Analysis of pre/post assessment data of students with intellectual disabilities in a college and community studies program.
  • Analysis of Evidence-Based Course of Study predictors for Improving the Post-School Outcome of Post-secondary Education and Employment for Students with Autism
  • Collaboration with UNC at Charlotte and San Diego State University, compiling a data base of evidence based interventions across disability categories
  • Single subject research using video modeling to teach vocationally-based social skills to young adults with intellectual disabilities
  • Meta-analysis of video modeling interventions for improving socially appropriate vocational skills
  • Examining the efficacy of video modeling techniques using nonparametric measures
  • Meta-Analysis of Video Modeling Interventions That Teach Employment Related Skills to Individuals with Autism.
  • Analysis of Ohio Longitudinal Transition Study data for promoting positive outcomes for students with moderate/intensive disabilities
  • Meta-analysis of Social Story Interventions for students with autism
  • Meta-analysis on the Effects of Video Modeling, Created by the Researcher, on the Social Skills of Children with Autism.
  • Evaluate nonparametric measures (e.g., PND, PEM, IRD) to determine the effect of computer assisted instruction as an evidence based intervention for students with autism
  • Conducted single subject research pilot study using video modeling to teach vocationally-based social skills to young adults with intellectual disabilities
  • Analysis of Pre/Post Survey to measure changes in typical student's attitudes toward peers with intellectual disabilities in college classes.
  • Developed an online math survey to establish content validity for an early childhood math assessment for children ages birth to six.
  • Established content validity methods for developing a math assessment for children ages birth to six.
  • Developed portfolio criteria for master’s level Transition Coordinators and evaluation methods (e.g., rubrics) to assess the portfolio.
  • Developed evaluation rubric and criteria for master's level Transition Coordinators based on National competencies endorsed by the Council for Exceptional Children.
  • Administered the Woodcock Johnson Achievement III, Tests of Achievement to young adults with disabilities to establish academic achievement baseline levels prior to commencing a four year college experience.


Baer, R.,McMahan-Queen, R., Sparber, C. (2016).A transition planning instructional

coaching model for secondary special education teachers and rehabilitation

counselors.NIDILRR Grant # (84.133G), Kent State University, Kent, OH.

Sparber, C., McMahan-Queen, R.,Sansosti, F. (2015). Use of Video Modeling to

Increase Socially-based Employment Skills for Students with Intellectual Disabilities IES Grant # (R324A1502), Kent State University, Kent, OH.

Baer, R., McMahan-Queen, R.,Flexer, R., Sparber, C.,(2015).Development of an

Evidence-Based Backward Planning Professional Development Model for Special Educators in Transition Coordination Roles Vocationally-Based Social Skills for Students with Intellectual Disabilities IES Grant # (R324A1502), Kent State University, Kent, OH.

Sparber, C., McMahan-Queen, R., (2014). The use of Peer Video Modeling to Increase

Vocationally-Based Social Skills for Students with Intellectual Disabilities IES Grant # (R324A1502), Kent State University, Kent, OH.

McMahan-Queen, R., Baer, R.,Sparber, C. (2013).Evidenced-Based Preparation of

Transition Specialists for Students with Significant Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities (84.325K [Focus b]), Kent State University, Kent, OH.

McMahan-Queen, R., Sparber, C. (2013).Preparation in Evidence-Based Secondary

Transition for Teachers and Coordinators of Students with Low-Incidence Disabilities (84.325K [Focus b]), Kent State University, Kent, OH.

Sparber, C., & Avallone, L. (2013). A Social Skills Training Project for Students with

Intellectual Disabilities, Kent State University, Kent, OH.



Flexer, R.W., Baer, R. M., McMahan Queen, R., & Feldman-Sparber, C. (2016).A

description and evaluation of a university-based transition endorsement program.

Submitted to Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals.

Cimera, R., Avellone, L., & Feldman-Sparber, C. (2015).An Investigation of the

Outcomes Achieved by Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities and Mental Illnesses.Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 43, 129-135.doi: 10.3233/JVR-150762

Sansosti, F.,Sparber, C. (in progress).Computer-assisted interventions for students

with autism spectrum disorders within school-based contexts: A quantitative synthesis of single-subject research.Submitting for publication to the Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions.

Sparber, C. Avalone, L. (in progress).Video Modeling Interventions to Teach

Employment Related Skills to Adolescents with Autism.Submitting for

publication to the Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions.

Sparber, C.Harjusola-Webb, S. (in progress).Meta-analysis of video modeling

interventions on the social skills of children with autism.Submitting for publication to the Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders.

Sparber, C., & Sansosti, F. (in progress). A meta-analysis of social story™

interventionson the social skills for children with autism. Submitting for

publication to the Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions.

Instructional Materials

Baer, R., Daviso, A., Feldman-Sparber, C., & Bastock, T. (2016).Universal design

strategies for mixed-ability classrooms. Developed for the Office for Exceptional

Children and the Division of Career-Technical Education, Columbus, OH.

Sparber, C. (2013). Special educator portfolio evaluation rubric. Developed for

Center for Innovation in Transition and Employment, Kent State University,

Kent, OH.

Sparber, C. (2012). Transition Coordinator Evaluation Rubric. Developed for

Center for Innovation in Transition and Employment, Kent State University,

Kent, OH.

Sparber, C. (2008). Math unit lesson plans:Fractions. Developed for ODE Website,

Columbus, OH.

Sparber, C. (2005). Grades 4-6: Standards based accelerated gifted curriculum for math

and reading. Developed for Bedford City Schools, Bedford, OH.

Sparber, C. (2005). Grade 3: Standards based resource room enrichment lessons.

Developed for Bedford City Schools, Bedford, OH.

Other Publications

Sparber, C. (2011). KSU Program focuses on Transition Opportunities for Students with

Disabilities.Career and Community Studies Transition Program, Kent State University.


Sparber, C. Thinking Outside the box to meet the diverse needs of school communities.

Presentation at the Aspiring school Leaders Regional Education Conference, May, 2017.

Sparber, C., Daviso, A., & McMahan, R. (2017).Evidence-based predictors and

practices for promoting positive transition employment outcomes. Presentation at the Council for Exceptional Children Conference (CEC) Boston, MA. April, 2017.

Sparber, C. (2017). Instructional strategies for improving learning outcomes in mixed

ability classrooms. Ohio Association for Gifted Children, OAGC Teacher

Academy,Columbus, Oh.

Flexer, R., McMahan Queen, R., & Sparber, C. (2016). Capacity building through

personnel development: The changing roles of transition specialists. Division on Career Development and Transition 20th International Conference,Myrtle Beach, SC.

Daviso, A., & Sparber, C. (2016). Apps to improve transition to employment and post-

secondary education.Division on Career Development and Transition 20th

International Conference,Myrtle Beach, SC.

Sparber, C. & McMahan Queen, R. (2016). Evidence-based predictors and practices for

promoting positive outcomes for students with moderate/intensive needs. Division

on Career Development and Transition 20th International Conference,Myrtle Beach, SC.

Baer, R., & Sparber, C. (2016). Instructional strategies for improving learning in mixed

ability classrooms. Division on Career Development and Transition 20th International Conference,Myrtle Beach, SC.

Sparber, C. & McMahan Queen, R., (2016). Evidence-Based Predictors and Practices

for Promoting Positive Outcomes. OCALICON 2016,Columbus, OH.

Sparber, C. & McMahan Queen, R., (2016). Video modeling as an intervention: A pilot

study. The 2016 Northeast Ohio Transition Symposium, Kent, OH.

Sparber, C. (2016). Instructional strategies for improving learning outcomes for twice-

exceptional students.Ohio Association for Gifted Children, OAGC Fall Conference, Columbus, OH.

Sparber, C. & McMahan Queen, R., (2015). Video modeling as an intervention: A pilot

study. The 2015 Northeast Ohio Transition Symposium, Kent, OH.

Sparber, C. (2015). Evidence-based predictors and practices for promoting positive

outcomes for transition age youth with disabilities. Division on Career Development and Transition 19th International Conference,Portland, OR.

Sparber, C. & McMahan Queen, R., (2015). Using video modeling to teach employment

related social skills to individuals with moderate/intensive needs. OCALICON 2015,Columbus, OH. November, 2015

Sparber, C. & Daviso, A. (2015).Predictors for promoting positive outcomes for students

withautism. OCALICON 2015,Columbus, OH.

November, 2015

Sparber, C. (2014). Meta-analysis of social story™ interventions on the social

skills for children with autism. Educational Research Exchange, 11th Annual ERE

Conference, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH. April, 2014.

Sparber, C. & Daviso, A. (2014).Using Predictors to promote positive outcomes for

students with disabilities. Council for Exceptional Children 2014

Convention and Expo, Philadelphia, PA. April, 2014

Baer, R., McMahan, R.,Daviso, A.Sparber, C., (2014).Predictors of successful

postschool employment for students with disabilities.Council for Exceptional Children 2014 Convention and Expo, Philadelphia, PA. April, 2014

Sparber, C., Baer, R., & McMahan, R. (2014).Predictors of successful

postsecondary education entrance for students with disabilities.Council for Exceptional Children 2014 Convention and Expo, Philadelphia, PA. April, 2014

Sparber, C. & Daviso, A. (2013).Promoting positive outcomes for students with

moderate/intensive disabilities. OCALICON 2013,Columbus, OH. November, 2013

Sparber, C. (2013). Meta-analysis of video modeling interventions that teach employment

related skills to individuals with autism. Division on Career Development and

Transition 17th International Conference, Williamsburg, VA. November, 2013

Sparber, C. & Daviso, A. (2013).Promoting positive outcomes for students with

moderate/intensive disabilities. Division on Career Development and

transition 17th International Conference, Williamsburg, VA. November, 2013

Sparber, C., Elwood, P., & Pretti-Frontczak, K. Examining the content validity for a

preschool mathematics assessment. 29th Annual International Conference for

Young Children with special Needs and Their Families, San Francisco, CA. October, 2013

Sparber, C. (2013). An examination of the efficacy of social story™ interventions for

increasing social and communication skills for children with autism. Milestone 11th Annual Autism/Asperger’s Conference, Cleveland, OH. June, 2013 .

Sparber C. & Daviso, A. (2013).Promoting positive outcomes for students with

autism.Milestone 11th Annual Autism/Asperger’s Conference, Cleveland, OH. June, 2013

Sparber, C. (2013). Meta-analysis of social story™ interventions on the social

skills for children with autism. Presentation at the Council for Exceptional

Children Conference (CEC) San Antonio, TX. April, 2013.

Sparber, C. (2013). Video modeling research to practice:Using non-

parametric measures in single case research to support video modeling

as an evidence-based intervention.International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability & Developmental Disabilities, (DADD) Kona, HA. January, 2013.

Sparber C. & Daviso, A. (2012).Post-school outcomes for students with high-

incidence disabilities. Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence, (OCALI), Columbus, OH. November, 2012.

Sparber, C. (2012). Meta-analysis of video modeling interventions on the social

skills of children with autism. Educational Research Exchange, 9th Annual ERE Conference, Kent State University, Kent, OH. March, 2012.

Sparber, C. (2010). Differentiating curriculum for inclusive classrooms.Professional

Development, Bedford City Schools, Bedford, OH

Sparber, C. (2010). Using singapore math to improve problem solving skills: grades 4-6.

Professional Development, Bedford City Schools, Bedford, OH

Sparber, C. (2009). Developing curriculum to meet the needs of advanced learners.

Professional Development, Bedford City Schools, Bedford, OH

Sparber, C. (2008). Strategies for differentiating curriculum.Professional Development,

Bedford City Schools, Bedford, OH

Sparber, C. (2006). Using Dr. Seuss to teach figurative language. Ohio Association of

Gifted Children Conference, (OAGC) Teacher Workshop, Columbus, OH

Sparber, C. (2005). Nurturing the social & emotional needs of gifted students.Ohio

Association of Gifted Children Conference, (OAGC), 2005. Teacher Workshop, Columbus, OH


Ohio Association for Gifted Children (OAGC), 2003 – present

Greater Cleveland Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2003 – present

Talented and Gifted (TAG), 2003 – present

Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), 2011 – present

Division for Research (CEC-DR), 2011 – present

Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities (DADD), 2011 – present

Division on Career Development and Transition (DCDT), 2011 – present

Teacher Education Division (TED), 2011 – present

Division for Early Childhood (DEC), 2011 – present


Pat Sitlington Emerging Researcher Award (DCDT), Williamsburg, VA, 2014.

Recipient of the Pat Sitlington Emerging Researcher Award for exemplary graduate research for Individuals with Disabilities, anational award presented to an individual who has contributed to more positive outcomes for transition-aged youth and to the field of transition through a body of research in transition. A Meta-analysis of Video Modeling Interventions that Teach Employment Related Skills to Individuals with Autism, at the 17th annual CEC Division of Career Development and Transition conference in Williamsburg, VA, November, 2014.

Herbert J. Prehm Student Presentation Award (CEC),SanAntonio, TX, 2013.

Awarded the Herbert J. Prehm Student Presentation Award for 2013. Anational award presented from professional associations dedicated to advancing educational standards and opportunities for students with disabilities and exceptional needs. AMeta-Analysis of Social Story™ Interventions on the Social Skills for Children with Autism, at the Council for Exceptional Children Conference (CEC) 2013.

Ninth Annual Educational Research Exchange (ERE), Kent, OH 2012.

Award Winner for the 2012 Educational Research Exchange conference. The ERE is an annual conference that provides an opportunity for students to present their research endeavors in a collegial atmosphere. The conference features research presentations by faculty and students from the Colleges of Education at: Cleveland State University, Kent State University, The University of Akron, and Youngstown State University. Carol was recognized for her presentation ofAMeta-Analysis of Video Modeling Interventions on the Social Skills of Children with Autism.