2009 Preacher Selection Committee (PSC) Process

  1. Resume received from prospective preacher.
  1. Resume sent to entire committee via email for review.
  1. Each committee member sends their rating of the candidate’s resume back to the committee chair for compilation. Rating sent only to the chairmen so that each committee member is not swayed by the other member’s ratings. Rating system uses a rating from 0 to 5 (0-not interested to 5-must see). The ratings will be averaged as soon as a quorum of ratings is reached.
  1. Each prospect will be discussed by the committee at the next meeting after at least 12 ratings (75%) are received. PSC members not able to attend the meeting may send their ratings and/or comments concerning the candidate to the chairman. The elevation of the prospect will be discussed by the committee. The candidate will either be elevated to the next level (second level) of review or will be sent a letter thanking them for their interest but that they are no longer under consideration.
  1. Second level candidates will be sent a request for at least two sermons on a CD or internet link and to complete a questionnaire. Candidates will be asked to supply the requested material within two weeks.
  1. When the information from the candidate is received each committee member is sent a link to access the sermons on the internet (secured media storage website) or emailed the audio sermons based on the file size. The completed questionnaires will also be emailed for evaluation.
  1. Each committee member will evaluate the sermons and the candidate’s answers to the questionnaire. The second level candidates will be discussed at a PSC meeting. At the meeting each committee member will provide a second rating based upon all the new information that has been gathered and the discussions. The rating will be recorded at the PSC meeting by secret ballot and then an average rating will be tabulated. PSC members not able to attend the meeting may send their ratings and/or comments concerning the candidate to the chairman. (See note 1)
  1. On highly rated second level candidates, committee member(s) may be asked to visit the candidate’s congregation to listen and observe a sermon being delivered by the candidate. Committee members are also asked to search for additional information such as internet searches, review references both cited in resumes and from PSC member contacts (if available) and if needed request additional recorded sermons. Highly rated second level candidates will be elevated to the third level based on approval by 75% of the committee. Lower rated second level candidates will be sent a letter informing them that they are no longer being considered.
  1. Third level candidate information will be forwarded by the Search Committee to the Elders for consideration of a possible Church tryout. Elders will determine if the candidate will be extended an invitation to try out in front of the congregation.

Note 1: Votes and ratings require a quorum of members (75% or 12 committee members)