2012 HGHS Listing of In-House Scholarships

(Please understand the following scholarships have been offered in the past,

but this list does not in any way guarantee they will continue to be funded.)

  1. Allen Green Memorial / Harmony Grove Alumni Scholarship(See Mrs. Sorrells)
  2. Bill Manning Athletic Scholarship (Turn in to Coach Beasley)
  3. Clyde O’Dell Memorial Scholarship (Turn in to Coach Beasley)
  4. Dan Cook Business Scholarship (See Mrs. Sorrells)
  5. Daughters of the American Legion Book Scholarship(School nominated)
  6. Dr. Rocconi Scholarship (See Mr. Richard)
  7. Harmony Grove Band Booster Club Scholarship (See Mr. Landers)
  8. Harmony Grove FFA (See Mr. Richard)
  9. Harmony Grove United Methodist Scholarship(See Mrs. Sorrells)
  10. Harmony Grove Student Council (See Ms. Bever)
  11. Hartwell & Esther Mae Smith Memorial Scholarship(See Mrs. Sorrells)
  12. Melanie Greer Memorial Scholarship(See Mrs. Sorrells)
  13. National Honor Society Scholarship(See Mrs. Sorrells)
  14. Russell Horton Memorial Scholarship (See Mrs. Sorrells)
  15. Senior Beta Scholarship & Non-Beta Scholarship (See Ms. Stinnett)
  16. St. Paul Christian Church Scholarship(See Mrs. Sorrells)
  17. Sue Russell Memorial Scholarship(See Mrs. Sorrells)
  18. Willia Mae Temple Scholarship (See Ms. Bever)

Ouachita County Listing of Scholarships

(Mrs. Sorrells has these applications-deadlines are subject to change??)

  1. Aero Jet Scholarship(Due March 20th)
  2. Alpha Kappa Alpha Scholarship

(Due March 31st for minority seniors with a 2.5 GPA and minimum ACT of 16)

  1. AR Rehabilitation Scholarship- (Sign up with Mrs. Sorrells)- $2,000 per semester

(For medical conditions requiring daily medications: asthma, ADHD, or serious physical issues)

  1. Camden Area Jaycees
  2. Camden Junior Auxiliary(Due April 30th???)
  3. Helen Berg Memorial Scholarship (strong leadership/civic awareness)
  4. Junior Auxiliary of Camden Scholarship (interested in a child related field)
  5. Camden Business & Professional Women Scholarship(Due March 15th)

(Any senior with at least a 2.75 GPA, no grade lower than a “C” on transcript)

  1. Camden Rotary Scholarship
  2. Governor’s Scholarship-(Due Feb.1st, one per county, $16,000 over 4 years)
  3. Governor’s Distinguished Scholars- (Due Feb. 1st, must make a 32 on ACT-$40,000)
  4. John Thomas Curb II Scholarship - (Due May 1st, minority seniors with a 2.5 GPA)
  5. Single Parent Scholarships($500 per semester, due August 1st for Fall Semester,

due December 1st for Spring semester)

  1. Ouachita County Farm Bureau

(Due April 30th, parents must use Farm Bureau Insurance)

  1. Ouachita County Extension Home Scholarship ($500, due April 15th, student does

not have to major in home economics, but must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA)

  1. Ouachita County Medical Society Scholarship

(Due April 1st for anyone pursuing some type of career in the medical profession)

  1. Outstanding Women of Distinction Scholarship

(Due April 15th –for Minority females)

  1. Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship (Due February 18th – one per county -$1,500)
  2. W.P. Sturgis Foundation Scholarships

(Students must call 870-246-6514 for an application,due June 1st for Fall Semester, due December 1st for Spring Semester)