2017-2018Troy School District Outstanding Teacher of the Year

Thank you for your interest in the 2017-18 Outstanding Teacher of the Year program. We have many exemplary teachers and appreciate you taking the time to nominate an educator who has made a significant contribution in our students’ lives.


The Troy School District Outstanding Teacher of the Year Awardsare presented annually to honor and reward teachers in Troy who have achieved, through their effort and example, the highest standards of excellence in their profession. We believe that encouraging excellence in education is the shared responsibility of all who reap its benefits.

This award recognizes an elementary, middle, and high school teacher from the Troy School District. All three winners are sent on to Oakland County to compete for the county-wide Outstanding Teacher awards. In addition, one Troy School District teacher is selected as the Overall TSD Teacher of the Year, and is awarded that recognition, along with a one-year lease on a vehicle through the generosity of the Suburban Collection. The other two outstanding winners will receive $500 thanks to the support of the Troy Foundation for Educational Excellence.


We follow the Oakland County rules regarding eligibility. Nominees must be certified, full-time teachers in grades Kindergarten through twelve, who are employed by the Troy School District. Nominees must have a minimum of five (5) full years of classroom teaching experience.Ancillary district personnel, such as social workers, counselors, or media specialists (unless they are full-time, certified teachers), are not eligible for this award.


Members of the Troy Education Association will comprise the selection committee.

Nomination process

Please return this form and supporting documentation by 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, February 1, 2017. The application and all documents MUST be saved as a word document and SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY to .Please put “Teacher of the Year Nomination” in the subject line so that your nomination is not overlooked.

IMPORTANT: Incomplete applications will NOT be considered by the committee. You must answer all questions and provide a statement of support from a parent, a student/former student and a colleague. If you need ANY help with any portion of this nomination, please ask your school principal. Principals are excited to be a part of this process and are happy to help coordinate statements, find information or provide any other assistance you may need. Any other questions can be directed to Kerry Birmingham (248.823.4035) or Linda Alfonso (248.823.4029) in Communications.

We are grateful for your time and effort to nominate one of our many outstanding teachers!

2016-2017Troy School District Outstanding Teacher of the Year

Nomination Form

Name of Teacher Nominee______

Nominee’s school ______

Competing in which category

______Elementary______Middle School______High School

Grade/Subject currently teaching______

Nominator ______

Nominator’s email address______

Nominator’s phone ______

Relationship to nominee (check one):

____Fellow Teacher ____Former Student____Current Student

____Parent of Student ____Administrator____Other (please specify)

Name of Nominee:______

1)Please tell us why you are nominating this teacher for our Outstanding Teacher Award. What would you like the selection committee to know?

2)How does this teacher demonstrate citizenship and leadership in the school community?(If you are unsure, please ask the teacher you are nominating or if you would rather, the principal)

3)How does this teacher exhibit the behavior of an everyday hero in our schools?

Nominee’s Name: ______

Supporting Statement – Colleague’s Support Statement. All applications MUST include a statement from a colleague.

Please describe real world examples of what this teacher does to impact the lives of students. What anecdotes can you share that illustrate the way this teacher engages students and meets the needs of individual children? How does she/he relate to students, parents and colleagues?

Limit the statement of support to one page, no more than 500 words.Please be sure the Supporting Statements DO NOT EXCEED the 500 word limit. Any additional information beyond that cannot be considered.

Name of Colleague submitting statement:______

Phone Number of Colleague: ______

Nominee’s Name: ______

Supporting Statement – Parent’s Support Statement. All applications MUST include a statement from a parent.

Please describe real world examples of what this teacher does to impact the lives of students. What anecdotes can you share that illustrate the way this teacher engages students and meets the needs of individual children? How does this teacher go above and beyond? What is so special about him/her?

Limit the statement of support to one page, approximately 500 words.Please be sure the Supporting Statements DO NOT EXCEED the 500 word limit. Any additional information beyond that cannot be considered.

Name of Parent submitting statement: ______

Phone Number of Parent: ______

Nominee’s Name: ______

Supporting Statement – Current/Former Student(s) Support Statement (PLEASE NOTE: Use of this space to offer statements from more than one student is encouraged but not required, provided the total number of words does not exceed 500.)All applications MUST include a statement from a student/former student.

Please describe some examples of what makes this teacher so special. What will you remember about him/her? What did she/he do that had the biggest effect on you? What makes him/her different or unique?

Limit the statement of support to one page, approximately 500 words.Please be sure the Supporting Statements DO NOT EXCEED the 500 word limit. Any additional information beyond that cannot be considered.

Name of Student(s) submitting statement:______

Phone Number of Student:______

This completes the application process. Please return to by 5 p.m. on Thursday, February 1st.