DHN Budget Narrative
2009 Projected and 2010 Proposed Budgets
2009 Projected Final Budget Revenue AssumptionsHousing Corporation and County Boards = $55,597. These numbers represent membership dues and county support paid in 2009.
Conference revenue = $990. DHN expects fall conference revenue to be $0 because the benefit to DHN was the reduced price for members.
Foundations = $42,500. Efforts to raise private foundation dollars in 2009 have yielded the O’Neill Foundation grant for capacity building. Most of these funds will be expended in 2010.
2009 Projected Final Budget Expense Assumptions
Administration = $18,388. The calculation for this line item at the beginning of the year was done incorrectly.
Consulting = $8502. $2000 for Ellen Ticktin; $3912 for marketing (including $1800 for first housing case study; and $1400 for digital recording at Fall 2009 conference for DHN organizational profile); $1090 for Housing Retreat facilitation; $1500 for O’Neill Foundation recording of conference
Internet and Web Hosting = $1000. The estimate for this line item at the beginning of the year was inaccurate.
2009 Proposed Budget Revenue Assumptions
Budget A / Budget BCounty Boards of MRDD / Assuming slight retraction in support. / Assuming relative constant support.
Housing Corporations / Assuming slight retraction in membership. / Assuming relative constant membership.
Conference Revenue / Assuming no income from future conferences done in cooperation with OPRA and OACBDD
Other / Assumes continuing support from OACBDD
Capacity Building through Technology / Assumes O’Neill Foundation grant is full spent down. This grant is 100% restricted.
Other Foundations / Assumes no additional fundraising from private foundations / Assumes moderate level of fundraising from other foundations for capacity building and support for state contract work
State Contract / Assumes the full amount of the state contract to be signed in December 2009
2009 Proposed Budget Expense Assumptions
Budget A / Budget BAdministration / Assumes 15% of the budgeted income
Conference Training / Assumes no additional costs for 2010 conferences,
Consultant – Fundraising / Assumes two additional contracts with Ellen Ticktin
Consultant – Marketing / Assumes about 10 hours of marketing consulting and four or five case studies. / Assumes about 15 hours of marketing consulting and five or six case studies.
Insurance / Assumes no significant change over 2009 actual budget
Internet and Web Hosting / Assumes no significant change over 2009 actual budget
Legal / Assumes no significant change over 2009 actual budget
Miscellaneous / Assumes slightly greater need for miscellaneous
Office Supplies / Assumes slight increase over 2009
Printing / Assumes moderate level of printing of marketing materials / Assumes greater level of printing of marketing materials
Staff / Assumes monthly retainer of $5000 per month
Travel / Assumes 15 trips per year at about 250 miles per trip (roundtrip) at $0.585 per mile / Assumes 30 trips per year at about 250 miles per trip (roundtrip) at $0.585 per mile
Website Design / Assuming minimal changes to website / Assuming moderate changes to website