Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA)
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 13941, Austin, TX 78711-3941
Physical Address: 221 East 11th Street, Austin, TX 78701
This form must be submitted with any documents or payments listed below to obtain proof of delivery and/or ensure that the payment is credited properly. The contact and document description information should be competed prior to submission. Receipt of this form with valid ‘date received’ stamp and HTC Staff execution indicates that the document and/or fee has been received. However, this receipt does not attest to the sufficiency of the provided documentation to fulfill the Program’s requirements.
Development Name: / Owner Name:Contact Name: / Phone: / () - / Fax: / () -
Address: / City: / State: / Zip:
Select Funding Source for which Documents/Payment are being submitted: / TDHCA Number: (TDHCA number should be used in all future correspondence with the Department) / TDHCA Date/Time Stamp:
Housing Tax Credits – Competitive 9% (HTC)
Rural Rescue Housing Tax Credits – 9% (HTC)
Housing Trust Fund (HTF)
HOME Program (HOME)
Preservation Funds (PRES)
4% Housing Tax Credits and Tax Exempt Bond for TDHCA
4% Housing Tax Credits and Tax Exempt Bond for local issuers
Check all boxes that apply in Documentation Description, Payment Description and Applicant’s Checklist:
Documentation Description / Applicant’s Checklist for Application Submission / TDHCA UsePre-Application / Exhibits for Pre-Application
Application / 2009 Intent to Request Housing Tax Credits
Post-Application Reports / Pre-App – Competitive HTC / Pre-App – TDHCA Bond
Commitment/Determination Notice / Electronic Application
Carryover / Vol. 1–Uniform Application (HTC, HTF, HOME, 4%/BONDS, PRES)
10% Test Documentation / Vol. 2–Site Inspection (HTC, HTF, HOME, 4%/BONDS, PRES)
Construction Loan Closing / Vol. 3–Uniform App/Threshold (HTC, HTF, HOME, 4%/BONDS, PRES)
Commencement of Construction / Vol. 4–Selection Exhibits (HTC Only)
Cost Certification / Electronic Application Exhibits
Inspection Reports / Appraisal / Electronic copy on CD
LURA or LURA Amendment / Market Study / Electronic copy on CD
Extension Request / 2nd Market Study (Intergenerational*) / Electronic copy on CD
Amendment Request / Environmental Site Assessment / Electronic copy on CD
Other: / Property Condition Assessment / Electronic copy on CD
Financial Documents / Electronic copy on CD
Payment Description / Part A.2: App Unique Identifier Num / Electronic copy on CD
Check Amount: $ / Other Documentation Submissions Related to Application
Check #: / Evidence of Zoning (as necessary)
Pre-Application Fee / Evidence of Commitment of Third Party Funding (as necessary)
Application Fee / Quantifiable Community Input Letters
Commitment/Determination Fee / Elected Official Letters of Support or Opposition
Compliance Fee / Resolution regarding
Extension Fee / Resolution regarding
Copying Charges / Other:
Inspection Fees / Other:
Other: / NOTE: HTC Applicants that are CHDOs or Qualified Nonprofit organizations, and are requesting a fee reduction based on that status, must attach a copy of their CHDO certificate or evidence of 501(c)(3) or (4) status to this receipt.
Date / Applicant Signature / Staff Initials
*Some Intergenerational Applications may have separate studies for the family and age restricted Units.
Attach check here if required.