FTSE/JSE Africa Index Series - Management of Shares in Issue Changes
06 June 2007
Share changes of more than 1%, shown below, which have been accumulated during the quarter will be applied across FTSE/JSE
Africa Indices after the close of business on Friday 15 June 2007
Following the application of the quarterly review changes, the next update of shares in issue greater than 1% will be effective at the
September 2007 review Changes as a result of a corporate action will continue to be applied as normal and in instances where
accumulated share changes add up to 10% or more, implementation will take place immediately between quarters Please note that this
data was cut as of 29 May 2007.
Instrument Alpha / Instrument Long Name / Country Code / ISIN / FTSE Instruments in Issue / JSE Instruments in Issue / % Difference
AGI / AG Industries / SAF / ZAE000039467 / 203,276,047 / 205,776,047 / 1.23
ALT / Allied Technologies / SAF / ZAE000015251 / 104,970,710 / 106,026,840 / 1.01
ABT / Ambit Properties / SAF / ZAE000051645 / 218,228,868 / 227,276,487 / 4.15
AMS / Anglo Platinum / SAF / ZAE000013181 / 231,719,925 / 235,656,373 / 1.7
ART / Argent Industrial / SAF / ZAE000019188 / 80,462,008 / 88,462,008 / 9.94
APN / Aspen Pharmacare Holdings / SAF / ZAE000066692 / 384,890,412 / 389,366,825 / 1.16
AVI / AVI / SAF / ZAE000049433 / 315,386,460 / 342,638,463 / 8.64
BEE / BEGET HOLDINGS / SAF / ZAE000044111 / 521,892,144 / 556,958,811 / 6.72
BVT / Bidvest Group / SAF / ZAE000050449 / 324,815,015 / 329,749,216 / 1.52
BFS / Blue Financial Services / SAF / ZAE000083655 / 352,000,000 / 362,995,340 / 3.12
CDZ / Cadiz Holdings / SAF / ZAE000017661 / 239,809,524 / 245,138,481 / 2.22
CPL / Capital Property Fund / SAF / ZAE000001731 / 401,234,900 / 428,841,876 / 6.88
DTC / Datatec / SAF / ZAE000017745 / 154,632,677 / 166,764,954 / 7.85
DIV / Diversified Property Fund / SAF / ZAE000072369 / 139,611,389 / 146,920,941 / 5.24
DRD / DRD Gold / SAF / ZAE000058723 / 348,843,129 / 370,341,981 / 6.16
ELD / Eland Platinum Holdings / SAF / ZAE000078655 / 66,381,433 / 71,667,148 / 7.96
ELL / Ellerine Hold / NAM / ZAE000022752 / 122,887,075 / 124,975,732 / 1.7
ELH / Ellerine Holdings / SAF / ZAE000022752 / 122,887,075 / 124,975,732 / 1.7
ENL / Enaleni Pharmaceuticals / SAF / ZAE000067740 / 408,490,792 / 442,265,635 / 8.27
ENV / Enviroserv Holdings / SAF / ZAE000010989 / 123,568,273 / 125,393,680 / 1.48
FBR / Famous Brands / SAF / ZAE000053328 / 87,094,244 / 94,448,096 / 8.44
GND / Grindrod / SAF / ZAE000072328 / 464,416,210 / 472,796,210 / 1.8
GRF / Group Five/South Africa / SAF / ZAE000027405 / 115,000,964 / 118,446,901 / 3
JSE / JSE / SAF / ZAE000079711 / 84,271,275 / 85,140,050 / 1.03
LGL / Liberty Group / SAF / ZAE000057360 / 276,592,907 / 288,956,191 / 4.47
LON / Lonmin PLC / SAF / GB0031192486 / 142,884,228 / 154,521,135 / 8.14
MRF / Merafe Resources / SAF / ZAE000060000 / 2,340,902,898 / 2,368,032,220 / 1.16
MML / Metmar / SAF / ZAE000078747 / 175,362,058 / 185,362,058 / 5.7
MTX / Metorex Ltd / SAF / ZAE000022745 / 296,919,989 / 324,122,585 / 9.16
MYT / Monyetla Property Fund / SAF / ZAE000093761 / 90,173,979 / 92,302,979 / 2.36
NBK / Nedbank Group NM / NAM / ZAE000004875 / 451,008,641 / 455,923,249 / 1.09
NED / Nedbank Group. / SAF / ZAE000004875 / 450,015,348 / 455,923,249 / 1.31
ORE / Orion Real Estate Ltd. / SAF / ZAE000075651 / 188,380,910 / 192,820,910 / 2.36
PAP / Pangbourne Prop Ltd / SAF / ZAE000005252 / 246,762,188 / 262,939,189 / 6.56
RBW / Rainbow Chicken / SAF / ZAE000019063 / 280,414,619 / 290,004,228 / 3.42
RES / Resilient Prop Inc Fd / SAF / ZAE000043642 / 152,689,801 / 161,139,982 / 5.53
SAC / SA Corporate Real Estate Fund / SAF / ZAE000083614 / 1,461,406,776 / 1,570,540,930 / 7.47
SBL / Sable Holdings / SAF / ZAE000006383 / 8,420,000 / 8,170,000 / -2.97
SNT / Santam / SAF / ZAE000093779 / 117,425,352 / 118,605,307 / 1
SNM / Santam Limited / NAM / ZAE000093779 / 117,425,352 / 118,605,307 / 1
SAN / Sanyati Holdings Ltd / SAF / ZAE000081055 / 227,048,193 / 243,714,860 / 7.34
SFN / Sasfin Holdings / SAF / ZAE000006565 / 26,602,591 / 27,013,374 / 1.54
SBG / Simeka Bsg Ltd / SAF / ZAE000074878 / 361,696,406 / 371,624,977 / 2.75
SBK / Standard Bank Group / SAF / ZAE000057378 / 1,352,413,467 / 1,370,104,116 / 1.31
SNB / Standard Bank Group. / NAM / ZAE000057378 / 1,352,413,467 / 1,370,104,116 / 1.31
TNT / Tongaat-Hulett Group / SAF / ZAE000007449 / 105,697,855 / 107,182,404 / 1.4
TPC / Transpaco / SAF / ZAE000007480 / 30,692,428 / 32,903,197 / 7.2
TRW / Truworths / NAM / ZAE000028296 / 487,240,507 / 448,286,569 / -7.99
TRU / Truworths International / SAF / ZAE000028296 / 487,240,507 / 448,286,569 / -7.99
VER / Vestor Investments / SAF / ZAE000089595 / 84,600,000 / 88,600,000 / 4.73
WLL / Wellco Health / SAF / ZAE000071841 / 100,241,763 / 92,083,686 / -8.14
WEZ / Wesizwe Platinum / SAF / ZAE000075859 / 427,407,524 / 457,407,524 / 7.02
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20070618-Management of Shares in Issue Changes