Directions: Research your assigned topic and then each member of the group record the answers to the questions below on a separate sheet of paper. When you all are finished, check your responses with the rest of the group members to make sure everyonehas the correct and complete information. When you are finished comparing the research, ask the teacher for the additional resources about your topic. Review these resources or figure out how they work so that you can use them during your upcoming presentation. Collect poster paper from the teacher and use the provided art supplies to create anattractive and informative poster featuring the most important information on your topic. Lastly, plan out your group presentation. Decide which group member will talk about each topic on the poster during the presentation. Decide which members of the group will use/demonstrate the additional resources (like the doll). All members of the group must have completed the research questions and helped verbally present the important information during the presentation in order for the groupto receive full credit.

Group members’ ______

Assigned Topic ______Date ______Block ____

  1. Define your topic and how or why it happens.
  2. Describe how children are affected?
  3. List all the ways to prevent this from occurring.
  4. List all the ways to treat this if possible.
  5. List 10 interesting and/or important facts about this topic that have not been covered.
  6. How can this issue affect the rest of the family? Such as parents and siblings?
  7. Each group member should find a different current,reliable article about this topic and write a short summary. (approximately 4-5 sentences).
  8. Cite your research and your article.

Grading Criteria:

Complete the research questions and review the additional resources on your topic = 15 pts

  • Works equally with group, questions answered correctly and research/article cited

Helped to create an eye-catching and informative group poster = 15 pts

  • The most important information is displayed
  • Colorful and neat, includes pictures and words, not paragraphs

Presentedfactual information to the class on your topic = 15 pts

  • Demonstrated or used the additional resources correctly and effectively
  • Loud & clear, all group members participated
  • Each member explained the article they read