Parent/Student Handbook


Middle/High School Co-op

Fall 2016

A Christian homeschool co-op and ministry of HomeForHisGlory, Inc.

”Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”


Table of Contents

Core Values, Mission Statement, Statement of Faith ...... 3

Preparation for the Co-op Semester

Class Schedule ...... 4

Dates for the Fall and Winter Semester ...... 4

Membership to HFHG ...... 4

Parental Involvement ...... 4-5

Refunds ...... 5

Registration ...... 5

Teacher / Student Ratio ...... 5

Tuition ...... 5-6

Getting Ready for Co-op Day

Absences ...... 6

Backpacks / Supplies ...... 6

Dress / Shoes ...... 6

Sick Policy ...... 6-7

Weather Policy ...... 7

A Day at Co-op

Check-in ...... 7

Clean-up ...... 7

Discipline...... 7

Punctuality...... 7-8

Student Responsibilities...... 8

Visitors...... 8

Behavior Policies...... 9

Parent and Student Covenant...... 10

Core Values


Love and Glorify God

Help Make Disciples

Affirm and Encourage Parents

Strengthen Family Relationships

Educate with Excellence

Reach Out to Serve Communities


Mission Statement

HFHG-EC is a parent-run home school ministry through which parents pool their resources and talents to expose children to fun and educational classes and activities.

HFHG-EC is here to provide affordable, alternative learning opportunities and unique experiences that a larger group affords.

HFHG-EC does not exist to provide complete education for home-schooled children but to enrich established home school programs through tutoring.

HFHG-EC will limit class size to ensure a small group atmosphere and to keep the instruction academically challenging.

HFHG-EC provides for small group instruction in accordance with its established annual class schedule and does not sanction individual tutoring, instruction, or lessons for fee at the cooperative site.

HFHG-EC is here to encourage and empower homeschool families to have confidence to teach their own at home, and as an opportunity for homeschool parents to network with each other for support.

HomeForHisGlory-Educational Co-op Statement of Faith

We believe that Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the verbally inspired Word of God, inerrant in the original writings, infallible, the final authority for faith and life. II Timothy 3:16, II Peter 1:21

We believe that there is one God who exists eternally as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Genesis 1:1; Matthew 28:19; John 10:30

We believe that Jesus Christ is God’s only Son. John 3:16

We believe that only Jesus Christ the Son lived a life without sin. All other people are sinners in need of salvation. Hebrews 4:15; Hebrews 7:26: Romans 3:23-24

We believe that Christ came to earth as a baby, born of a virgin, taking on the form of man without ceasing to be God, to be crucified in order to pay the penalty for our sins. Matthew 1:23;Isaiah 53:5,6; Ephesians 1:7

We believe that Christ died, was buried and then rose on the third day and ascended to Heaven. I Corinthians 15:3, 4; John 11:25: Luke 24:7

We believe that salvation is the gift of God given to men by grace and received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. John 3:16–19; John 5:24; Romans 3:23; Romans 5:8,9; Ephesians 2:8,9; Titus 3:5

We believe in the traditional family, which is constantly under attack from the world today. We believe in traditional morality — purity before marriage and mutual faithfulness in marriage. I Corinthians 7:2; Ephesians 5:3; I Thessalonians 4:3

We believe in the sanctity of life (each child is a gift from God whose life begins at conception) and the protection of our children both before and after birth. Matthew 18:5,6; Mark 9:42; Luke 17:2 7/27/07


CLASS SCHEDULE6:101st Block begins (90 minute class)

7:452ndBlock begins (90 minute class)


Fall 2016 Semester: Aug 18, 25Sept. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29,Oct 6(off Oct.13), Oct. 20, 27, Nov 3, 10, 17 (off Nov 24), Dec 1, 8, 15

Winter 2017TBA


At least 2 months prior to the start of a semester, teachers will sign up to teach a certain subject and age group. The teacher will be asked to provide a brief description of the class, and eventually a week-by-week syllabus of what the class will cover. The list of class options, with the brief description, will be available prior to Registration, for the parent’s to review. As a parent, you are allowed to ask the teacher directly for a copy of the detailed syllabus at any time in the semester. Occasionally classes will be added after registration has started, due to the need in a specific age. If additional classes are added, after registration has closed, parents will be notified of the change and ask which class they prefer.


Since this co-op is managed under HFHG (Home For His Glory), each co-op family is required to pay an annual membership fee of $25.00. This makes each family a member of HFHG for one school year (Fall 2016-Spring 2017). This membership fee helps secure our non-profit status, provides insurance for our co-op, allows us to help fellow homeschoolers, and allows you to participate in the HFHG events for free – Spelling Bee, Walk Through History, Science Fair, Geography Fair, Book Swap, etc.


Because of the nature of this co-op, parents will not have to remain at the co-op and serve during co-op. Although there will be times that we will need help with clean up and set up and the like.


After Registration has taken place, if a family decides that they will not be attending co-op, they can receive a 100% refund if the Director is notified 6 weeks prior to the start of the semester. Anytime from 2-6 weeks prior to the start of the semester, the family will receive a refund minus any funds spent in preparation for them to attend the classes in which they registered. If a family decides not to attend co-op, and the Director receives notification later than 2 weeks prior to the start of the semester, then the family will not receive a refund. Any exceptions to this refund policy must be approved by the Leadership Committee.


Returning Family Registration will take place first and then HFHG members second. This is the time that families may register if they participated in this co-op the previous semester or have been HFHG members. Open Registration will follow. This will be the time any new families can register for classes. We will number the registration forms in the order they are received. After Registration is closed, we will maintain a waiting list for any families that cancel their registration, or are unable to attend. If registration is closed, then you are encouraged to stay in touch for the following semester. Information about all co-ops can be found at


We like to have a small student to teacher ratio with around 15 students in a class, with one teacher and one teacher assistant. Typically, we leave the class size up to the teacher. Some teachers might limit the class to less than 10, depending on the subject. Occasionally teachers will allow more than 10 students per class. If the class size is limited, it will be noted on the class option list.


For our 16-week semester the registration fee will be $100 per student for one class, $180 per student for 2 classes with a $10 discount for siblings. Occasionally there will be additional class fees associated to specific classes. Often the science classes will require an additional lab fee for experiments, or a cooking class might need additional funds for ingredients, etc. See the Class Options List for a complete listing of the classes offered for the current semester and any additional fees associated with the class.



In the event you will be absent, please e-mail Suellen or text at 502-645-9748 so the teachers should we know if we should be expecting you.


Please be sure that your child is dressed modestly. If girls wear dresses, they should be fingertip length. Short should be at least fingertip length when hands are at sides. No spaghetti strap shirts or those showing midriffs, belly buttons or pants showing hipbones are allowed. Please be sure that if your daughter wears undergarments, the straps are not showing, hence the term "under."


We understand that all families want to do everything they can to participate in co-op each week, please make a wise choice about your student’s physical condition to attend co-op. Obviously, you want to make every effort for your student to be in class, but if he/she is either contagious or feeling too ill to concentrate, please keep him/her home!


If there is a question as to whether or not co-op will be meeting on any given day due to the weather, we will post it on the large HFHG Yahoo loop as well as email it out to all the participants.



Sign-in at the front desk as you arrive. All families should sign in their students (yes, students are allowed to sign in themselves). This is VERY important because we will need to know how many people are in the building for emergency purposes as well as for teachers to know if students are in the building. Someone will be at the front desk if you need assistance.


Because this is a co-op, we will all need to work together to keep the facility clean and looking better than when we arrived. Please alert your student to the fact that he/she will be asked to help clean up after the last class of the evening. As a parent, please consider helping to clean up or set up on co-op days.


Each student is expected to adhere to basic standards of classroom behavior. The teacher will give one warning to any student misbehaving or being disruptive. A second warning to the same child will send them to the hallway for 3 minutes. A third outburst will send the student to the front desk for the remained of the class time and the parent will be called. If a student cannot behave, he/she may be asked to leave permanently. There are no refunds given in this circumstance. If you ever have any concerns, please speak with the teacher IMMEDIATELY to address issues that may arise.


If your student would like to, he/she may bring some food to snack on during the evening. We eat in the Fellowship Hall or in the study hall room. Students are responsible to clean up after themselves and if he/shecontinually leave a mess, he/she will not be allowed to bring food to co-op. Please empty all liquids into the kitchen sink before disposing of containers. Do not pour liquids into the trashcans.


Each child and adult will have a nametag with his/her name and schedule for the first couple of weeks. The Leadership Committee will have nametags in a different color so that they are recognizable. Each Leadership Committee Member will be able to answer questions for you, or assist with any situation that may arise.


Please make every effort to arrive at co-op in time to check in and get settled in class. We understand traffic concerns and unavoidable delays, but if you are late more than three times, with the exception of circumstances beyond your control, your 1st hour class will be dropped. You will not be scheduled until the next hour for the rest of the semester. No refunds will be given in the event that this is your only class. It isinconsiderate and unfair to the teachers and children in the class when students arrive late and the class has to be interrupted and started allover again. Please be responsible in this matter so we do not have to be the "bad guys".

Teaching children the importance of punctuality is something that will benefit them in the future. We cannot offer refunds in the case of absences simply because this gets too complicated. Once you sign up for a class, the teacher is prepared for you to be there.


At the end of each class, children will be expected to clean up their own work area and be responsible for their belongings. We are not responsible for lost items.

Students are expected to be on time for class and be ready to learn. Please take care of bathroom trips, drinks, etc. prior to the start of class. Most classes will have weekly homework. Students are expected to complete extra assignments by the given deadlines. This may be a book to read or a project to work on over a semester's time. The teachers put in a lot of time planning and working to provide students with relevant resources. It is disrespectful of their time and effort to not complete these tasks on time. Teachers will be grading each student in each class. If a class has outside work, it will be designated in the class description. If your student has a conflict with an assignment, speak to the teacher right away. Do not wait until the project is due. Your student must understand that a good effort and a good attitude are mandatory. Food and drink are not allowed in the classrooms. If you make a mess, clean it up!


Visitors are permitted to attend classes (when prospective members visit we call itshadowing), as long as the leadership is made aware of the visitor in advance of the co-op day. Visitors might be grandparents, or friends wanting to checkout co-op.


As Christians, our goal is to obey Scripture and, whether in word or deed, to do all to the glory of God. Since the ultimate end of all Bible-centered education is to grow in wisdom and virtue, we require all our students to exhibit the following minimal personal virtues at any and all HFHG-EC events and activities.

  1. Do to others as you would have them to you.
  2. Honor the Lord in all you do which includes but is not limited to:
  3. Be kind.
  4. Be truthful.
  5. Be courteous toward others and respect their property.
  6. Be punctual in attendance and work.
  7. Show respect for and be obedient to those in authority.
  8. Be diligent in effort and attention.

In addition the above personal virtues, we also expect there to be:

No excessive horseplay - No bad language - No hurting others

No defacing property - No inappropriate contact


  1. Warning will be given to the student, as well as notification to the parent.
  2. Student will stay with parent for the rest of the class, activity or event.
  3. Parent meets with Leadership committee, with a possible suspension from that activity.

Behavior that demonstrates a blatant disregard for a person and/or property will result in immediate suspension.

Our goal is to work with parents to maintain high standards of Biblical behavior, e.g., to love God with our whole heart, soul, strength, and mind, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. If you are unsure of the meaning of any rule please feel free to ask.

Acceptance: the terms that are included in this contract shall become binding upon written acceptance. The agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties, and modifications shall be made only in writing and with prior agreement. The failure of either party to enforce any of its rights shall not constitute a waiver of such rights.

Disputes: Any claim or dispute concerning question of fact or law arising out of or relating to this contract or breach thereof, shall be settled by one of the following methods. The parties agree that the order to be followed will be 1,2,3.

The result shall be binding upon the parties.

  1. An (executive leadership member) shall arrange a prompt meeting (without legal representation) to make an honest effort to resolve the differences.
  2. In the event the prior remedy is unsuccessful, then the parties shall enlist the services of a private organization recognized by the courts of the state of Kentucky to resolve the differences (referred to as rent-a-judge or mini-court). The parties may engage legal representation.
  3. If a resolution is still unable to be resolved then the matter will be handed over for arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. Cost for arbitration will be split 50/50 by the parties involved.


Recognizing that our appearance and our behavior reflect on God as much as on ourselves, we, as parents, covenant together with HomeForHisGlory-Enrichment Co-op to the following:

As a parent, my responsibilities relating to my child’s participation in HFHG-EC classes:

  • I will try to ensure my student will be on time for class.
  • I will help my student (but do the work for my student) to come prepared for class and turn in homework assignments on time.
  • I will encourage my student to have a cooperative spirit and an attitude of respectfulness towards leaders, property and others, as well as an attitude of attentiveness in all classroom situations.
  • I will encourage my student to take care of any bathroom needs before class.
  • My child understands that there is absolutely no food inside the classrooms except for study hall.
  • Realizing that younger students watch and emulate those older than themselves, I will encourage my student to be a desirable role model for the younger students.
  • I will make sure that my student understands that any offenses will first be addressed to him or her and then to me and that repeated offenses may result in his expulsion from HFHG-EC.

As a parent, my responsibilities relating to my child’s appearance at HFHG-EC:

  • My student’s appearance is to be neat, clean and modest. My child will adhere to the co-op dress code guidelines, showing respect toward other students and teachers.

As a parent, my responsibilities relating to HFHG-EC:

  • I understand that I will be responsible for any property damage done by my student, whether intentional or otherwise.
  • I understand that any offenses on the part of my student will be brought to my attention if they are not otherwise successfully resolved. I realize that my student’s attitude behavior problems are my responsibility.
  • I understand that only the students taking the course are welcome in the classroom.

As a student, my responsibilities relating to classes: