2007 AVQA Quilt Show Entry Categories

There will be 27Judged ribbons awarded.

Best of Show

Best of Classribbonstobe awarded in each of the following categories:


Hand Appliquéd Wall Hanging

Hand Appliquéd Lap – Throw – Baby

Hand Appliquéd Bed Quilt (all sizes)

Machine Appliquéd Wall Hanging

Machine Appliquéd Lap – Throw – Baby

Machine Appliquéd Bed Quilt (all sizes)

Pieced Wall Hanging

Pieced Lap – Throw – Baby

Pieced Bed Quilt (all sizes)

Mixed Techniques Wall Hanging

Mixed Techniques Lap – Throw- Baby

Mixed Techniques Bed Quilt (all sizes)

Specialty Techniques / Innovative Art


First Time Entrant


Wearable Art

Home Dec



Special ribbonsto be awarded:

Best Hand Quilting by an Entrant

Best Machine Quilting by an Entrant

Three Honorable Mentions(one awarded by each judge)

Viewers’ Choice


MINIATURE: A scaled-down version of a large quilt design using a block no larger than 4 inches with a maximum 24 inches per side.

APPLIQUÉD QUILT: A quilt is considered hand appliquéd when all the work is done by hand. A quilt is considered to be machine appliquéd if both hand and machine appliqué is used.

PIECEDQUILT: A quilt is considered to be pieced if the piecing is predominant over all other techniques.

MIXED TECHINQUES QUILTS: A combination of appliqué and piecing techniques are used to form the quilt top. Both techniques must contribute to the over all design of the quilt. The quilt must contain a noticeable and significant amount of both techniques.

SPECIALTY TECHNIQUES /INNOVATIVE ART: Machine or hand quilted entries using predominantly Specialty Techniques such as cross stitch, embroidery (red work), stenciling, painting, trapunto, whole cloth, crazy quilting, cathedral window, yo-yo and rag quilts. Pieced or appliquéd elements may be included as minor elements. This includes quilts that do not fit into to the Appliquéd, Pieced or Mixed Techniques categories. AnInnovative Art quilttakes traditional patterns and expands or changes them. An Innovative Art quiltuses color, design and/or construction techniques to create a piece, andthen expands beyond traditional patterns and sets. Some examples of this category would be pictorial, original design, abstract quilts and Snippets using innovative piecing and or appliqué.

FIRST TIME ENTRANT: First time a quilt is submitted by a member.

YOUTH: Quits and/or wearable art made by a member who is 18 and under.

PROFESSIONAL: A professional is someone who provides quilting services for hire; writes about or teaches quilting; or sells quilts on a regular basis.

GROUP: A quilt that has been constructed by and or quilted by two or more people. Examples of this type of quilt are round robins, block exchanges and quilts made by a friendship circle.


WEARABLE ART: The piece must be intended to be worn as a garment or fashion accessory, i.e., hats, belts, purses or scarves. The item must contain recognizable quilting. Novelty techniques include crazy quilting, and yo-yo embellishments, etc.

HOME DEC: All items that are not wall hangings, throws, baby and bed quilts. Examples of this would be quilted table runners, place mats, tea cozies, sewing machine cover, etc.

EXHIBITION – NOT JUDGED: This category includes entries of any size, construction or quilting technique. These quilts will be hung as space permits.