2007 Maryland Spring Classic
Round 10
Questions by Mike Bentley, Jeremy Eaton, Jonathan Magin, Brittany Clark
1) This author created the character of Sganarelle, who impersonates a physician in order to cure the daughter of Geronte, in The Doctor in Spite of Himself. He wrote about the tension between a frivolous gambler and his father Harpagon(*), who is devastated by the theft of his strongbox, in his play The Miser. Another of his plays ends with an emissary from the prince setting everything right after Orgon is deceived by the title religious hypocrite, while yet another of his plays centers on the cynical Alceste's pursuit of Celimene. FTP, name this 17th century French dramatist of Tartuffe and Le Misanthrope.
ANSWER: Moliere (or Jean-Baptiste Poquelin)
2) This party attempted to convert its citizens into Kampuchea or New People who lived an agricultural existence without class or money. Thiounn Prasith, a friend of Deputy Prime Minster Ieng Thirith, maintained its seat (*) at the UN for over a decade after its fall during the Third Indochina War. Notable for its extensive relocation of its people from cities to communes, an action that resulted in the death of some 1.5 million people, FTP, name this Communist party led by Pol Pot that ruled Cambodia from 1975 until 1979.
ANSWER: Khmer Rouge (also accept Communist Party of Kampuchea, Party of Democratic Kampuchea, Khmer Communist Party , and National Army of Democratic Kampuchea)
3) A phoropter is used to determine the error in this quantity in the eye, and certain metamaterials have the ability to transmit light because they have a certain negative quantity of it. A law for determining the relationship between angles (*) of incidence and this quantity was developed by Snell, and the total internal type of this occurs above the critical angle. Responsible for causing rainbows and the splitting of white light in a prism, FTP, name this term that identifies the change in direction of a wave due to a change in speed.
ANSWER: Refraction
4) Victor Bayley constructed a railway rooted at Jamrud and Landi Khana through this region, and it was a key route on the Hippie Trail in the 1970s. The Afridis and the Shinwaris of the Pashtun clans (*) have traditionally exacted tolls on travelers passing through it, and Rudyard Kipling described it as “a sword cut through the mountains.” Yhe path taken by the Mughals and Alexander the Great when conquering India, FTP, identify this trade route between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
ANSWER: Khyber Pass
5) The first stanza exhorts the reader to listen to "the grating.../ of pebbles which the waves draw back," which "bring/ the eternal note of sadness in." In the next stanza, the speaker says that he hears the "melancholy, long, withdrawing roar" (*) of the "sea of faith," and mentions that "Sophocles long ago/ heard it on the Aegean". In the third and final stanza, the speaker compares the world to a "darkling plain/ Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight/ Where ignorant armies clash by night." Named for a location on the coast of England, FTP, name this poem by Matthew Arnold.
ANSWER: "Dover Beach"
6) Its first ruler, the son of Intef III, reconquered Nubia and led expeditions into Palestine that were solidified by a later ruler of this period, Senusret III. One of the most famous rulers during this period, Amenemhat III (*), had a complex tomb at Hawara that was referred to by Herodotus as the Labyrinth. Encompassing the eleventh through fourteenth dynasties and ending with the invasion of the Hyksos, FTP, name this period of Egyptian history after the First and before the Second Intermediate Period.
ANSWER: Middle Kingdom (prompt on “11th Dynasty” during the first sentence)
7) This artist's interest in realism can be seen in The Great Piece of Turf. He created a notable depiction of a rhinoceros given to Pope Leo X, and painted a Self-Portrait that portrays himself as Jesus in 1500 (*). He included depictions of a truncated rhombohedron and a magic square in Melancholia I, and created two engravings featuring Death riding a bony horse. In one of them, Death holds up an hourglass, while in another, he is joined by three figures representing Pestilence, War, and Famine. FTP, name this German artist of Death, Knight, and the Devil and The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
ANSWER: Albrecht Durer
8) Direct borohydride and metal hydride types of these are unique in that they are able to chemically bond and store hydrogen within the device itself. The general type of these are not constrained by the maximum efficiency (*) of the Carnot cycle, and reactants and products are continuously swapped within them, unlike batteries. Reacting an anode fuel with a cathode oxidant in the presence of an electrolyte, FTP, name these devices used in space ships and that are currently in development to be used in automobiles.
ANSWER: Fuel Cell
9) In 1993, this man won the so called Thrift Drug Triple Crown by taking first in competitions in Pittsburgh, West Virginia and Philadelphia. He has worked with Johan Bruyneel and coach Chris Carmichael, and has employed a high cadence by maintaining a higher RPM (*) at lower gears than his competitors. He recently finished the New York City marathon in under three hours after retiring from the Discovery Channel Team in the sport that made him famous. FTP, name this testicular cancer survivor and seven time Tour de France champion.
ANSWER: Lance Armstrong (also accept Lance Edward Gunderson)
10) In a work by Ulrich von Zatzikhoven, a character by this name is responsible for raising the infant son of Ban. Another figure of this name demanded that Arthur put Sir Balin to death. This person has also been Merlin's scribe (*) after meeting him at the Fountain of Barenton, and she was said to have gained her powers after becoming romantically involved with him. FTP, identify this woman from Arthurian myth who raised Lancelot, escorted Arthur to Avalon, and gave Arthur his sword Excalibur.
ANSWER: Lady of the Lake (also accept Nimue, Viviane, Niniane, and Nyneve)
11) This poem’s final section describes “the torchlight red on sweaty faces”, before noting “these fragments I have stored against my ruins.” People mentioned in it include Mr. Eugenides and Madame Sosostris, while Tiresias (*) narrates a loveless sexual encounter in its third section, “The Fire Sermon”. Its last section, “What the Thunder Said”, ends with the possibility of rain renewing the title environment and the line “shantih shantih shantih.” Beginning “April is the cruelest month”, FTP, name this five-part poem by T. S. Eliot.
ANSWER: “The Waste Land”
12) The latest release of this language, codenamed Mustang, improved its Collections framework, while version 5.0 added support for autoboxing of primitives and allowed generics. Unlike (*) C++, this language contains automatic garbage collection, and its virtual machine interprets its byte code on a bevy of platforms and web browsers. FTP, identify this object oriented language developed by Sun Microsystems that also identifies a name for a cup of coffee.
ANSWER: Java (do not accept “JavaScript”)
13) Its namesake was the losing running mate of George McClellan’s 1864 presidential bid. Theodore Roosevelt served as the chairman of the commission created by it from 1889 to 1895, and it was written by Dorman Eaton, a lawyer who was once attacked (*) by a follower of Boss Tweed. Presidential appointees were covered in a later revision, and its original passage was spurred by Charles Guiteau. FTP, name this 1883 act passed in the wake of Garfield's assassination that placed federal employees on the merit system.
ANSWER: Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act
14) His accomplice in a plan to escape his father's hate of intellectuals, Hans Hermann von Katte, was executed early in his life. This future monarch later served in active duty under Eugene of Savoy against France in the 1730s (*). During his reign, he secured control of Silesia by the 1745 Treaty of Dresden but his entry into the Seven Years War proved disastrous until the miracle of the House of Brandenburg saw the death of Elizabeth of Russia. FTP, identify this Prussian king, the rival of Joseph II and Maria Theresa.
ANSWER: Frederick II (also accept Frederick the Great and Frederick IV; accept “Friedrich” for “Frederick” in any of the answers)
15) He argued that society did not meet the real needs of people, offering them "conditions of worth" instead. Believing that neurosis was caused by an incongruity between a person's "real self" and "ideal self," (*) this psychologist presented that idea in his 1962 book On Becoming a Person. Better known is his idea that therapists should feel congruence, empathy, and respect for their patients, which he termed "unconditional positive regard". FTP, name this humanistic psychologist who developed client-centered therapy.
ANSWER: Carl Ransom Rogers
16) This figure is given a tour of Heaven and Hell in his namesake apocryphal testament, while in the Hebrew Bible he has the distinction of being the only patriarch never to leave Canaan. Named for his mother's laughter upon being told she would give birth to him, he lives the longest (*) of any of the patriarchs. He gave the divine blessing to only one of his twin sons, and a famous account of him took place on Mount Moria. The only son of Sarah and the father of Esau and Jacob, FTP, name this man that God saved from being sacrificed by Abraham.
ANSWER: Isaac (also accept Yitzchak)
17) This work borrowed so heavily from the works of Francois Villon that royalties were paid to a German translator of the French poet. Its Kanonen Song, a piece sung by its criminal protagonist with chief of police Tiger (*) Brown, earned an encore on its opening night, while Jonathan Peachum controls Soho's seedy population in this work of musical theatre. Beginning with the song “Mack the Knife” describing the exploits of Macheath, FTP, name this Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht adaptation of John Gay's The Beggar's Opera.
ANSWER: The Threepenny Opera (also accept Die Dreigroschenoper)
18) Its orchestrator originally intended this operation to land in Urbanna, but the plan was changed to land at Fort Monroe after Joseph E. Johnston moved his troops from Centreville (*) to Culpepper. McClellan’s troops did not attack Yorktown due to the damage dealt by CSS Virginia to Union ships at Hampton Roads. FTP, name this 1862 Union plan to capture Richmond by sailing around the Confederate army, whose name comes from a land feature that is surrounded by water on three sides.
ANSWER: Peninsular Campaign
19) A minor character in this novel is Owl-Eyes, who is excited that a volume of the Stoddard Lectures is real. In chapter 8, Michaelis attempts to soothe an agitated auto mechanic, who says "God sees everything" (*) while looking into the eyes of Dr. T. J. Eckleberg. After the wife of that mechanic is run over by a yellow coupe, the title character is shot by George Wilson, who mistakes him for Tom Buchanan. At the end of chapter 1, the title character reaches out to a green light, symbolizing his love for Daisy. Narrated by Nick Carraway, FTP, name this novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
ANSWER: The Great Gatsby
20) Molecular and fossil evidence shows that they evolved as a separate branch from arboreal shrew-like mammals about 60 million years ago. Some extinct members of this group include the megaladapis and the gigantopithecus.(*) Characteristic traits of this order include the location of the foramen magnum at the back of the skull, fingernails instead of claws and the opposable thumb. FTP, name this taxonomic order of mammals that includes chimpanzees and, hopefully, you.
ANSWER: Primates
1) Identify these things relating to different states of matter, FTPE.
[10] Consisting of ninety nine percent of the visible matter in the universe, this state of matter is composed of ionized gas and can be found in both the sun and some televisions.
ANSWER: Plasma
[10] This effect occurs when a solid is transformed directly into a gas without becoming a liquid. An example of this is carbon dioxide gas being formed from dry ice.
ANSWER: Sublimation
[10] Named for two twentieth century scientists, this state of matter occurs when its namesake particles are cooled to very near absolute zero.
ANSWER: Bose-Einstein Condensate
2) Demosthenes and Nicias team up with a sausage-seller to oust the “Paphlagonian,” a satirical portrayal of Cleon, in his play The Knights. FTPE:
[10] Name this Greek playwright, whose other plays include Peace and The Wasps.
ANSWER: Aristophanes
[10] In this Aristophanes play, Dionysius goes down to Hades to bring back Euripides, who loses a contest to Aeschylus over which of them is the best tragic poet. Also, a chorus of the title animals constantly repeats over the main dialogue.
ANSWER: The Frogs
[10] In order to defraud his creditors, Strepsiades enters the Thinkery in this Aristophanes play. Upon entering it, he learns that a lizard had defecated into the open mouth of its leader, who turns out to be Socrates, who says a whole bunch of ridiculous things until he dies in a fire.
ANSWER: The Clouds
3) Identify the following about a certain bloody conflict, FTPE.
[10] The defeat of the Spanish at the Battle of Rocroi in 1643 led to the Peace of Westphalia that finally ended this European war.
ANSWER: Thirty Years' War
[10] The Thirty Years' War was partially triggered by a revolt in Bohemia that occurred due to this event which saw a scribe and two Catholic governors landing in a pile of manure next to a namesake castle.
ANSWER: Second Defenestration of Prague
[10] In order to support the financial burden of France's entry into the war, this chief minister to Louis the Thirteenth replaced tax collectors with intendants who were loyal to the crown.
ANSWER: Cardinal-Duc de Richelieu (also accept Armand Jean du Plessis de Richelieu)