President……………..………………………...…Chris Hersl

National Activity:

Attended SHAPE National Convention

Attended SHAPE Briefings in Reston VA

Attended SPEAK OUT Day and Briefing in Washington D.C.

District Activity:

Attended EDA Convention

State/Local Activity:

Coordinated and attended Executive Committee and Board Meetings

Conducted Leadership Development Day

Attended MAHPERD Summer symposium

Served as a member of a visitation team for the Demo Schools project

Met with exhibits manager and web consultant


Executive Board action requested:


Representative Assembly Action Requested:


President-Elect..…………………………...... …Amy Wiley

National Activity:

Attended SHAPE America Conference in St. Louis, MS

Attended LDC/SAM in St. Charles, MS

District Activity:

Attended EDA Convention

State/Local Activity:

Attended MAHPERD Executive Committee meetings, Board meetings, Convention Planning meetings, LDC in Annapolis, MD

Developed and Implemented Spring Fling at Salisbury University, Frostburg University (cancelled) and Prince George’s County, MD



Executive Board action requested:


Representative Assembly Action Requested:


Past President/Convention Planner……Sally Nazelrod

National Activity:

Attended National SHAPE Conference in St. Louis

Served as a Maryland delegate

District Activity:

Attended ED conference in Newport, R.I.

Served as a Maryland delegate

Accepted the chair position for the Margaret Paulding lecture

Attended Spring ED planning (May) for 2015 conference in Springfield, Mass

State/Local Activity:

Attended scheduled Executive Committee meetings

Attended scheduled Executive Board meetings

Planned the October 2014 convention with a convention planning committee

Coordinated proposals with support from VP’s of content areas.

Met with Eric Bishop to discuss convention

Met at Hunt Valley to clarify site issues

Discussed convention details with committee chairs and other Presidents, ED, and office coordinator


Brainstorm ways to increase attendance at scheduled meetings

Find ways to increase involvement of convention planning committee in planning and duties of the convention

Executive Board Action Requested:


Representative Assembly Action Requested:

(Annual Report only)

Executive Director………………………….Elaine Lindsay

National Activity:

•Attended Speak Out Day in DC and visited 2 senators and 3 representatives

•Attended the SHAPE Conference in St. Louis and attended SAM meetings, AHA meetings, LMAS meetings, Coordinators Meetings, and the Delegate Assembly

•Presented session on BE Active under direction of Cathy Ennis

•Attended the SAM Conference in St. Louis

•Participated in several webinars on LMAS and conference calls with EDA SAM group

District Activity:

*Attended EDA Conference in Newport Rhode Island

•Applied for and granted an EDA grant for $1500.00

State/Local Activity:

•Attended all meetings of Executive Board and Executive Committee and most meetings of Convention Planning Committee

•Attended the meeting of AHA representative and MAHPERD leadership

•Attended several PD’s when invited by superviors

•Attended Spring Flings in 2 locations. The other location was cancelled.

•Attended 2 CPR Rally days in Annapolis and visited local delegate. Took former AAHPERD ED to visit her elected delegates.


•I feel that a thorough review of bylaws would result in a leaner document that could be better utilized. Committee and duties need updating or eliminating. Job descriptions need to be reviewed and changed where necessary.

Executive Board action requested:

•Convene a committee of past board members and especially past presidents to discuss a name change and a revision of the board structure with the intent of possibly changing the structure of the board’s mamagement and duties.

Representative Assembly Action Requested:

•Under New Business at the General Assembly, ask for permission to form a new committee for the purpose of investigating a name change and Constitution and Bylaws changes to the membership.

It is moved that the President appoint a committee including former MAHPERD presidents to advise the board on the change of the MAHPERD name and revision of the Executive Board to make the organization’s bylaws and constitution better reflect its vision and mission.

It is moved that one of the requirements of an incoming president-elect is that the nominee must have been a member of the Executive Board or a participating committee member within the past 3 of the P-E years of serving as P-E.

Rationale: The responsibilities of the PE in terms of meeting commitments, bylaws and constitutional requirements would be best served by an individual who had recently (within 3 years) been a member of the Executive Board or a member of one of the organization committees.

Secretary……………..…………………………Kay Lambert

No report submitted

Vice President Athletics……..………....Marianne Shultz

National Activity:

·  -Attended NIAAA ( National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association) Conference

District Activity:

·  -Attended NIAAA section 2 summer and winter meeting

State Activity:

·  -Attended MSADA Athletic Directors Conference

·  -Attended MSADA Executive Committee and Board meetings

·  -Attended and presented at the MPSSAA Board of Control meeting in December & April

·  -Ran the MPSSAA State Soccer Tournament

·  -Worked the State Softball Tournament

·  -Attended MAHPERD Executive Board meetings and Convention Planning

·  -Attended MSADA Scholarship Committee meetings and Nominations

·  -Attended AAMC Sports Injury conference

·  -Attended SAIL workshop on Sports Medicine

·  -Attended AACO Performance Matters workshop

·  -Attended AACO Athletic Legislative Committee

·  -Taught Leadership Training Courses at the MSADA conference & the Summer Institute

·  -Hosted MPSSAA Student Leadership conference

·  -Hosted County, Regional, and State Cheerleading competitions

Recommendation: I believe the mission statement should include Athletics.

MAHPERD Mission Statement

To enhance and promote the health and wellness of all the citizens of Maryland, the MAHPERD organization provides advocacy and professional development opportunities designed to advance and unify the professions of health education, physical education, recreation, and dance education.

Vice President-Elect Athletics…...... …Kat Donaldson

No report submitted

Vice President Health………………...... …Lisa Simpson

No report submitted

Vice President-Elect Health……………...... …..Vacant
Vice President Physical Education…...... …Amy Mueller

No report submitted

Vice Pres-Elect Physical Education…...... John Code

No report submitted

Adapted Physical Education Section Chair
Shannon Whalen

No report submitted

Elementary School Physical Education Section Chairs
Chrstine Gillard-Arthur

No report submitted

Middle School Physical Education Section Chair
Mike Draminski

No report submitted

High School Physical Education Section Chair
Gina Pucci and Carly Middlemiss

No report submitted

Vice President Recreation……..…………...…Jody Zinn

National Activity:


District Activity:


State/Local Activity:

Attended MAHPERD Board meetings, Nominations, and Convention Planning meetings

Secured Dan Ashe to provide a double session presentation at the State 2014 convention

Helped develop MAHPERD convention logo

Presented at the PE Summer Institute



Executive Board action requested:


Representative Assembly Action Requested:


Vice President-Elect Recreation………………..…Vacant

No report submitted

Vice President Dance………………...... Glenna Blessing

No report submitted

Vice President-Elect Dance…………..Sonia Synkowski

National Activity:

·  Attended the NDEO Special Topics Conference on Teacher Evaluation for Dance Educators – May 2014

District Activity:

·  Co-planned and co-presented the 7th Annual Dance Educator’s Training Institute at UMBC – August 2014

State/Local Activity:

·  Attended MAHPERD board meetings, nominations, and convention planning meetings

·  Assisted the VP with planning sessions for the 2014 convention

·  Attending plenary meetings for the Maryland Dance Alliance 2015

·  Presented at the MAHPERD Convention 2014

·  Served as subcommittee chair for the Governor’s P-20 Task Force on Arts Education in Maryland Public Schools

·  Prepared an article for the MAHPERD e-newsletter reporting on the Maryland Dance Alliance


·  None

Executive Board action requested:

·  None

Representative Assembly Action Requested:

·  None

Member-at-Large…..………….…Martha James-Hassan

No report submitted

Member-at-Large …………………….…Michael Charlton

No report submitted

Member-at-Large………………………...... Kim Whitney

National Activity: None to report

District Activity: None to report

State/Local Activity: Unfortunately the Summer Sessions (Dance) did not take place, which was the main goal and vision of this years Member at Large Project assignment. Securing an available location was the main problem though I am hopeful such an event can occur in future years.

Recommendations: Keep Summer Sessions for Professional Development

Executive Board action requested: N/A

Representative Assembly Action Requested: N/A

MSDE Health………..……………………...…….Jan Arnold

No report submitted

MSDE Physical Education………………….…Mike Mason

No report submitted

Student Advisor……………...... …Martha James-Hassan

No report submitted

EDA Council for Conventions……...... …Vacant
EDA Council for Services……………..…...Eric Carpenter

No report submitted

Office Coordinator…………………….…..Melba Williams

National Activity:

Answered inquiries when sought

District Activity:

Answered inquiries when sought

State/Local Activity:

Ø  Maintained and updated directory and calendar

Ø  Maintained files concerning MAHPERD business; attended Executive Committee and Executive Board meetings

Ø  Worked 11-15 hours per week handling phone, mail, emails, supplies, office organization, insurance; correspondence and anything else that came up.

*Summer time as per contract: worked fewer hours but made them up and also checked

emails and phone messages while away.

Ø  Continued to update the Honor Awards recipients’ database

Ø  Emailed meeting reminders

Ø  Set the Agenda for meetings and emailed to all Board members

Ø  Chaired Finance Committee,

Ø  Received bills and sent bills to bookkeeper for processing

Ø  Handled the Professional Development requests

Ø  Handled name badges and registration for convention

Ø  Continued to work with updating the Current Operating Code

Ø  Assisted all Board members when needed.

Ø  Served as a non-voting member of the Executive Committee

Ø  Maintained files of association and am saving such to CD when applicable.

Ø  Sent notificaton letters.

Ø  Any other duties assigned.

Recommendations: None

Executive Board Action Requested: None

Representative Assembly Action Requested: None


Advocacy, Legislative…...... …Elaine Lindsay

No report submitted

Constitution and By-Laws……………..…………...... Amy Wiley

No report submitted

Finance…………………………………….…Melba Williams

Committee Charge: Prepare annual budget in April and present budget to Executive Board in April for approval in May.

Summary of Accomplishments: Budget presented and approved by Executive Board.


Require two signatures on all checks written.

Executive Committee Action Requested: none

Representative Assembly Action Requested:

Approve 2014-2015 budget.

On behalf of Finance Committee

Glenna Blessing – VP Dance Lisa Simpson – VP Health

Jody Zinn – VP Recreation Amy Mueller – VP Physical Education

Kat Donaldson – VP Athletics

Membership………………………………..…Elaine Lindsay

Committee Charge:

A.  To process memberships.

B.  To keep a current file of all members on a database program that can tract membership and set mailing labels.

C.  To keep a file of former members for the past two years.

Summary of Accomplishments:

The above accomplishments were accomplished by the membership chair. There is no committee.


It is recommended that several people understand the database program and be able to input membership and look up information.

Executive Committee Action Requested

See above

Representative Assembly Action Requested: none

Necrology………………...………………….Melba Williams

National Activity: None

District Activity:

Sent Report to EDA Necrology Chair. The deceased members are then remembered during the EDA Representative Assembly.

State/Local Activity:

Ø  Continue to update necrology database when necessary.

Ø  Contact Supervisors in all local school systems for necrology information.

Ø  Notify MAHPERD Board Members and others when indicated.

Ø  Remember those who have served our association with a moment of silence at the General Assembly.



Executive Board Action Requested:


Representative Assembly Action Requested:


Nominations…………...... …Amy Wiley/Melba Williams

Committee Charge: To find professionals willing to serve as officers in the Association.

Summary of Accomplishments: The 2014-2015 ballot has been completed. However, a Vice-President-Elect for athletics is needed.


Continue to find other professionals willing to serve MAHPERD. Use the entire Executive Board members and supervisors for input.

Demonstration Schools...Mike Mason/James Hitchner

Committee Charge:

Recognize and promote exemplary physical education programs in the state of Maryland. The committee will coordinate the process for selecting demonstration schools for the required three year terms.

Summary of Accomplishments:

·  Nine schools were chosen as new demonstration and honor roll schools for the 2014-2017 term.

·  Convention planning committee was provided names of the demonstration schools and the committee was encouraged to contact those individual to serve as presenters at the 2014 convention.

·  The feedback solicited from applicants for demonstration school will be used to improve the program going forward.

·  The nine new demonstration schools have been listed on the MAHPERD website. http://www.mahperd.org/Awards.aspx

·  All demonstration schools will be recognized for their accomplishment at the 2014 MAHPERD Awards Banquet.


·  Continue to encourage teachers in selected demonstration schools to be presenters at the MAHPERD convention.

·  Encourage section chairs for the state convention to contact demonstration school teachers to present at the state convention.

·  Encourage Physical Education Supervisors in each district to use demonstration school teachers as presenters during their local professional development days and encourage and promote visits to the Demonstration Schools by their teachers.

·  Continue to ask local school system coordinators of Physical Education to encourage schools to apply for demonstration school status.

Executive Committee Action Requested:


Representative Assembly Action Requested:


Honors, Awards & Scholarship…..Linda Kephart & Dawn Rathgeber

Committee Charge:

To seek qualified persons, according to the procedures outlined, from the membership of MAHPERD who are qualified to receive specific MAHPERD honors and awards.

Summary of Accomplishments:

·  Notified supervisors and membership of MAHPERD Awards

·  Monitored and organized award nominations and applications

·  Committee met and decided awards

·  Award nominees notified

·  Requested pictures, brief bio, and banquet attendance from award recipients

·  Complied award winner pictures for banquet presentation

·  Organized/modified bios for award presentation

·  Awards are to be given at MAHPERD Convention Awards Banquet


Continue to work on this as early as possible in the school year.

Executive Committee Action Requested:


Representative Assembly Action Requested:

Vote for elected positions.