The Radio Amateur Society of Norfolk
VHF/UHF Net Script
Listen for a period of 60 seconds to ensure the repeater is not in use
Good evening and welcome to the Radio Amateur Society of Norfolk VHF/UHF Net. Your net control for this evening is ______, my name is ______and I am located in ______
This is a directed net that meets Monday andWednesday at 7:30PM local time on the W4VB Repeater System. The purpose of this net is to share information among radio amateurs. All amateurs are welcome to check in. The net may be interrupted at any time for emergency or priority traffic. Any stations with emergency or priority traffic please call. (Drop the repeater and pause)
Hearing none, I will proceed with checkins. Please give your callsign, name, and location.
All Mobile or portable stations (Drop the repeater and pause)
(Acknowledge checkins by repeating their callsigns and record to the list)
All Fixed stations please call now. (Drop the repeater and pause)
(Acknowledge checkins by repeating their callsigns and record to the list)
Are there any stations with announcements, bulletins, or queries? (Drop the repeater and pause)(Acknowledge checkins by repeating their callsigns and record to the list)
Open Net to comments and roundtable discussions
(Start at the top of the list of checkins beginning with the people with announcements and ask if they have any comments for the net) (Be sure to identify yourself with the RASON VHF/UHF Net in progress every 10 minutes)
Any additional checkins for the net at this time? (Drop the repeater and pause)
Any stations with business for the benefit of the net? (Drop the repeater and pause)
Hearing none, this concludes the net. The Radio Amateur Society of Norfolk VHF/UHF net meets every Monday and Wednesday @ 7:30PM local time. Thanks to all who have checked in this evening. RASON would also like to thank Tidewater Wireless for the use of these repeaters. Don’t forget about the:
- Tuesday = Skywarn information and practice net @ 7:30 PM, on this same repeater system.
- Thursday = Norfolk ARES Net at 7:30PM on the 145.330, 442.950 and 224.400 repeaters.
- Tue = Portsmouth Net at 8PM on 146.700 repeater. ARES Net @ 8PM on Fri.
I am now returning the repeater to regular amateur use. This is ______and I am clear.