Minutes of Selectboard Meeting December 20, 2006
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.
Present at Don Parrish, Selectman; Bert Potter, Selectman; Mark Skakel, Meeting: Selectman; Linda McGuire, Treasurer; Anne Haley, Town Clerk; Barry Griffith, Town Agent; and David Johnson, Clerk.
Treasurer: The Board reviewed the Year to Date financials with Linda
and discussed questions regarding special receipts. Lister education funds will be reserved, HAVA grant funds were used for the printer and accessories, the Jeffords’ donation would be reserved for Town Office improvements, the $1,281 refund from the School District is general revenue from homestead declaration changes, the unspent money for highways buildings would be left in the general fund balance and would be used to reduce taxes in 2007. Overall the highway expenses are under budget.
Minutes: The minutes of the 12/06/06 meeting were reviewed. Two typos were corrected.Bert moved to approve the minutes ofDecember 6, 2006, seconded by Mark and approved.
Bond Vote: Anne explained that the bond issue vote for the garage would need to be done over, at Town Meeting, as it was not warned in the newspaper and needed to be posted in five public places. Anne and the Board reviewed the checklist from Atty. Guilliani. The new vote would allow for a better estimate of the construction costs. Graham and Graham would be able to start the required audit at the end of January, 2007.
Town Clerk: Anne explained that tax exemptions would need to be voted at Town Meeting for various organizations. Their education taxes would then be made up by a “local agreement rate”. The fire department tax would not to be made up.
Nominating petitions are due by 1/29/07 to run for office.
Gregg Over has not responded to do the grant work at the Meeting House and Town Office.Mark moved to go ahead andhave Dan Gram do the work, seconded by Bert, and approved.
Dan would be asked to come to the next meeting to sign the contract or other arrangements could be made.
Gov. Clement
Shelter: Barry inquired about developments or solutions being looked at for the Gov. Clement Shelter. Mark explained the S.T.A.R.T. program that would pay for patrolling by Game Wardens. Game Warden George Scribbner would be invited to attend the next Board meeting. Barry would like to attend and get the information first hand. An advisory vote at Town Meeting could provide some direction for the Board.
Fire Department: Barry advised the Board that the Shrewsbury Fire Dept. would once again level fund their request for town funds. The new pumper is anticipated arriving soon and would be stationed at the Northam Station.
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Town Line: The Town Agents had met and the court has rescheduled the hearing date to January. Surveyor Courcelle has not responded at all. It is hoped the issue will be settled at the hearing (or before).
Orders: The Selectboard reviewed and signed Selectmen’s Order #12 A for $11,247.07 and Road Commissioner’s Order #12A for $440.02, both dated 12/20/06.The motion to approve wasmade by Bert and seconded by Mark.
Grand List: The State’s equalization study report was received. It shows that the C.O.D. is 19.61% and the C.L.A. is 74.44%. The grand list valuation is 100,152,989 and by factoring in the C.L.A. the equalized education grand list value becomes 134,591,000. This is also the number certified to the County and is used to set that tax.
Other Business: A request from CVPS to change a pole near the Town Office to accommodate Adelphia Cable was tabled.
The Board would need further information regarding Howard & Debra Weaver’s request for work within the highway right of way for a second curb cut. Bert would check with Herb. Conditions might be added.
Don spoke about NeighborWorks. Tinmouth, the lead town, was uncomfortable with the language and Ludie is rewriting it and a memorandum of understanding for all the involved towns.
Regulations: The Planning Commission had sent draft copies of the first three articles of the new Zoning Regulations and asked for the Board to make comments by 1/22/07. They also expect articles four and five to be in draft form by then.
Other Business
Continued: Herb would be asked to attend either the 1/3/07 meeting or 1/10/07 budget work session. The Board would study the Income and Expense Report prior to beginning development of the next budget proposal. Jan. 25th is the first opportunity to warn and Feb. the is the last date to warn Town Meeting articles. It was agreed to set 1/31/07 to do all the warnings for Town Meeting, including the bond revote.
Sharon Winnicki would again be Green Up Coordinator with Leisbeth VanderHeijdes as backup.
Mark moved to approved and sign the pasture agreement with Jeff Smith. Seconded by Bert and passed.
Mark would check with Dick to see if Casella Hydraulics had come by. Len Page will be repairing the roof.
The meeting was duly adjourned at 8:37 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
These minutes are unofficial until approved by the Selectboard at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
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Minutes of Selectboard Meeting December 6, 2006

Call to Order: / The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.
Present at Don Parrish, Selectman; Bert Potter, Selectman; Mark Skakel,
Meeting: Selectman; Linda McGuire, Treasurer; Anne Haley, Town Clerk;
Herb Carrara, Road Comm.; John Berryhill, Architect; and
David Johnson, clerk.
Minutes: / The minutes of the 11/15/06 meeting were reviewed. Don suggested headings for the three different topics Barry Griffith spoke about. Bert moved to approve the minutes ofNovember 15, 2006 with the added headings, seconded by Don, and approved.
Updates: / Bert reported that Herb had gotten VTEL to remove the tree at no cost to the Town. Bert had spoken to Casella Hydraulics and they were to have come out and submit a report; Bert would follow up with them. Bert said he’d spoken directly to Lorentsen about parking on Button Hill Road, especially during the winter. Hopefully, there won’t be any further problems. Usually it has been workers that have parked on the road.
Treasurer Issues: / Linda suggested getting a credit card for Herb to use. He has to find Linda to get her card, presently. The Board agreed for Linda to get another card.
Linda asked if the S.H.A.R.P. funds would be turned over this year. The Board was planning to discuss the issue later in the meeting.
The VLCT Health Insurance Trust will change to CIGNA Insurance from Blue Cross & Blue Shield. Linda has attended an informational meeting. She felt there would be very few coverage changes for the covered employees. The cost would still increase around $4,000 for 2007. Options to seek coverage elsewhere were discussed and it was agreed to continue with the VLCT group.
Don and Herb will work together to finish the culvert inventory values.
Budget worksheets would be prepared after the next meeting.
Linda asked for detailed salary information, so she would know what had been budgeted for a position or employee. It was agreed to schedule a budget workshop meeting for Wed. 1/10/07.
Transfer Station: / Dick has been giving two copies to the customer for electronic disposal, so that nothing has been submitted to the office. Linda suggested writing out the process for Dick, including that the forms should be used consecutively, as they are pre-numbered. Anne would like to see someone at the gate checking windshield stickers, occasionally. Bert is planning to build a cover for the electronic box which could then be locked.
Town Garage: / John Berryhill and Herb had met several times and had gone to West Rutland to view their new firehouse. It is wood frame with trusses and a fiberock interior. John’s estimator advised that a wood building would be $10 per square foot less expensive. It also could be better insulated. John and Herb were now recommending a wood building after seeing the fire station. Anne suggested locating the generator at the garage. It could be brought back to the shelter if necessary. John’s full contract, including electrical and heating engineering fees, would be $22,500.00. The Board should speak directly to Mark Youngstrom for civil engineering. Contracts would be reviewed for the services.
Linda would contact Graham & Graham for the required audit. Anne would contact Mr. Guilliani.
Meeting House/
Town Office: / Anne reviewed with the Board Dan Gram’s latest proposal for $6,120.00 and impressed to the Board the need to have the work done by Town Meeting. She’s has obtained two extensions for the grant and fears the grant would be lost if the work isn’t done on time. A bid(s) for the bathroom, lights and windows is still needed, but these aren’t in the scope of work for the grant. Don would like to give Gregg Over another chance. The Board agreed to contact Gregg and if the work can’t be done by 1/15/07 the project would be given to Dan Gram.
SHARP / Don would be willing to continue to administer the program after his term as selectman is over, if the Board wanted to reconsider their decision. It was agreed to give the matter some thought and discuss again.
S.T.A.R.T.: / Clement Shelter discussion was postponed, waiting for info.
Commission: / Laura Black had written the Board requesting that Melissa Reichert be appointed to the Planning Commission, effective 1/01/07. She is a former professional planner, now working for the Forest Service. Anne would research the formation of the Planning Commission to determine the number of members there should be. There are seven on the commission now, with no vacancies
Other Business: / The Casella recycling check was reviewed.
A tree had blown down on the transfer station roof. Herb suggested getting Len Page (or Ralph Page) to do the repair. This was agreeable and Bert would see to this.
Once again, the Board reviewed that the attendant is paid just three hours per quarter for filling out the reports and is not paid until after the reports are done.
A maintenance contract with Russell Graphics for 2007/08 was reviewed and signed.
Orders: / The Board reviewed and signed Selectman’s Order #12A for $5,496.59 and Road Commissioner’s Order #12 for $5,787.21, dated 12/06/06. The motion to approve was made by Bert andseconded by Mark.

Respectfully submitted,

Minutes of Selectboard Meeting October 18, 2006

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

Present at Don Parrish, Selectman; Bert Potter, Selectman; Mark Skakel,

Meeting: Selectman; Linda McGuire, Treasurer; Anne Haley, Town Clerk; State Senators Hull Maynard, Kevin Mullin and Wendy Wilton; and David Johnson, Clerk.

Minutes Bert moved to approve the minutes of October 4, 2006.Seconded by Mark and approved.

Transfer Station: The outlet for the scale is in a good location. Tim Hubbard has advised Bert that a new door is needed on the container. He has a welder and would also like to replace the rails. All told $2,000 +/-. Don said when Shrewsbury agreed to buy a new rolloff (four years ago) they’d agreed to have it in the mix, as long as it showed up in Shrewsbury occasionally and Hubbard’s wouldn’t bring a small 30 yard rolloff. The old one was no good then, was don’s understanding. New containers are around $6,000. Bert would speak with Tim and report back before any decision would be reached.

The compactor piston has been getting stuck and tripping the breaker. Bert would contact a repairman. Bert would also acquire baling wire from Hubbard’s.

Mark reported that the scales and tickets are being used, as of 10/15/06. The Board was told were the key is located and Mark will have more spare keys made and distributed.

The attendant’s time sheet was reviewed. 17 hours for two persons with two bales made. The Board discussed considering the extra time is to get caught up, but the real problem is that Dick did not get prior approval for the extra help. Dick still needs to designate an assistant or two with the Selectboard’s approval. Dick wouldn’t need to get approval for the assistant to fill in, just if the assistant is working with Dick and two persons are being paid for one person’s duties. After reading “Information Station #11”, Bert suggested sending a certified letter that Dick must provide a doctor’s note or not to come in to work. The Board agreed to send the letter.

Meeting House/

Town Office: Gregg Over hasn’t contacted anyone to start construction. The contract is ready. It is a standard contract with a penalty clause. A concern was raised that the grant could be lost if the work wasn’t done on time. Don would call Gregg. Mark did get the basement closed in. Randy Page is credited for removing the squirrels. Anne And Linda expressed their appreciation.

Other Business: Linda had filled out the VLCT PACIF insurance renewal package. Don had already reviewed it and the Board agreed to it after a quick review.

Gill Gaines had asked to be on agenda fir a zoning issue, but did not make the meeting.

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NeighborWorks has asked for a letter of support to continue a loan program. Mark was authorized to issue the letter for the Board.

The Selectboard reviewed a copy of a letter to Judge Candon that the McGuinesses want the “Shippey” cemetery moved from Charles Marchant of the Vermont Cemetery Assoc. He referenced a Charlotte case in Superior Court where the landowner won to have a small cemetery moved.

Don would review the VPIRG suggested resolution on mercury.

Orders: The Selectboard reviewed and signed Selectman’s Order #10A for $1,689,188.81 and Road Commissioner’s Order #10A for $13,217.59, dated 10/18/06.The motion to approve was made by Mark and seconded by Bert.

The three State Senators were present to hear concerns from Town officials before the election. They spoke about H880 prebate checks and the privacy issues that have been raised. Hull would look further into Lincoln Hill Route 103 issues and said the culvert project is three years off and would have $600,000 federal funding. The Selectboard members had favorable comments of the light at the Route 103 Route 7 intersection. Hull would also look into the Smith Brook culvert.

Mark would check on boxboard going in with the cardboard.

The meeting was duly adjourned at 9:08 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

David H. Johnson, Clerk

These minutes are unofficial until approved by the Selectboard at their next regularly scheduled meeting.

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Minutes of Selectboard Meeting October 4, 2006

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

Present at Don Parrish, Selectman; Bert Potter, Selectman; Mark Skakel,

Meeting: Selectman; Linda McGuire, Treasurer; Anne Haley, Town Clerk;

citizen Steve Nicholsen; and David Johnson, Clerk.

Minutes: The minutes of the meetings on 9/13/06 and 9/20/06 were reviewed.Bert moved to approve the minutes of Sept. 13,2006 and of Sept. 20, 2006, with two typo corrections.Seconded by Mark and so voted.

Don reported that $335.20 was received from Casella Waste Mgmt. for recycled cardboard and aluminum. Other correspondence was reviewed, no action necessary.

Transfer Station: Dick Adams has returned to work at the Transfer Station. Mark has asked him for a doctor’s note, but hasn’t followed up on it, yet. Dick and Jody have baled some plastic, perhaps 3 bales. Final details for electronic collection were reviewed.

Town Office /

Meeting House: A contract for the work to be done isn’t ready. A generic version will be used as a base. The scope of work was reviewed for the 11/07/06 deadline.

Mark moved, seconded by Bert, to authorize Don to sign thecontract with Gregg Over. Passed.

Garage Vote: Mark suggested holding an open house at the present garage to talk up support for a new facility and the bond vote.

Steve Nicholsen addressed the Board stating that he was not sure that all options have been looked at and described one different scenario. He also wished that the public had been involved in the process sooner so the project would reflect their wishes.

Don would write something for “The Times of Shrewsbury” explaining the need for a new garage. Mark would make a flier for the open house. It was agreed that the open house would be Wednesday October 18th from 5:00 to 7:00 PM.

Orders: The Selectboard reviewed and signed Selectman’s Order #10 for $14,330.92 and Road Commissioner’s Order #10 for $4,990.34, dated 10/04/06.The motion to approve was madeby Bert and seconded by Mark.

The Board agreed to remit the Selectboard compensation, issue checks and have them included on the next orders.