2005 North Dakota Trapshooting Association Board of Directors Fall Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM December 4th, 2005 at the Chieftain Motel in Carrington ND by President Bill Suda, Board members present included: Vice President Jim Schumacher, Sec/Treasure Marc Cunningham, ATA Delegate Jeff Wagner, Chester Nelson Jr., Louis Kuster, Norris Olson, Scott Phelps, Bob Ralston, Jeff Zwarych and Dave Molstre. Absent was Jerry Bergeron.
Jeff Zwarych submitted the contents of the old safety deposit box, the contents were turned over to the Sec/Treasure for safe keeping in a safe to be purchased by the NDTA.
Bob Ralston motioned and Jim Schumacher 2nd that the Handicap metal be updated and displayed at all ND State Shoots, motion carried.
Chet Nelson presented blue prints for trap house and walkway lay-outs for the State Secretary to keep on file.
Gifts, Grants and Memorial report – Chet Nelson reported a balance of $282, Chet then motioned and Jeff Wagner 2nd that the report be approved, motion carried.
2006 Stipends- Chet Nelson motioned and Norris Olsen 2nd that stipends remain the same for 2006 as they were in 2005.
2006 Stipends are:
16 yd. Champ. - $250, Alternate $100
Ladies 16 yd. Champ. - $200
Vet. and Sr. Vet. Champ.- $200 ea.
Jr. and Sub Jr. Champ. - $200 ea.
ATA Delegate - $500
Sec/Treasure - $400
Jeff Wagner then gave a Delegate’s report discussing ATA rule changes and progress @ Sparta.
2004 Fall Meeting Minutes were read Louis Kuster motioned and Scott Phelps 2nd that the 2004 minutes be approved, motion carried. A motion was made by Chet nelson that all other minutes be waived from reading Louis Kuster 2nd and motion carried.
Mr. Cunningham gave the Treasure’s report of $6,802.58 in the checking account and $8,762.69 in the Piper Jaffray account, Jeff Zwarych motioned and Norris Olson 2nd that the report be approved, motion carried.
NDTA Web site: after discussion Marc C. made a motion that the Board appoint another Supervisor, Louis K. 2nd, after more discussion both motions were withdrawn. A suggestion came from the floor that Cal Schaible would be a candidate for assisting with or taking over the supervision of the site, Cal was then contacted via cell phone by Dave Molstre and expressed interest. Chet N. then motioned and Jeff W. 2nd that Cal Schaible assist with or take over the NDTA web-site. Motion carried.
Louis K. motioned and Jim Schumacher 2nd that the board authorize funding for the Web-site in 2006, motion carried.
Jeff Zwarych motioned and Louis Kuster 2nd that the 2006 State Shoot dates be July 20, 21, 22 & 23, motion carried.
NDTA State shoot added money – Jeff Wagner motioned and Louis Kuster 2nd that added money increase from $1,450 to $1,500, motion carried. Jeff Zwayrch then motioned and Louis Kuster 2nd that the additional $50 be added to the Championship Doubles, motion carried.
2006 State Shoot trophies: Louis Kuster motioned and Scott Phelps 2nd that the NDTA money increase from $5,000 to $5,150, motion carried. Jeff Zwarych motioned and Bob Ralston 2nd that the host club trophy money increase from $1,800 to $1,850, motion carried.
NDTA sponsored hors d’ oeuvres for the State shoot – Marc Cunningham motioned and Norris Olson 2nd that the amount remained $250 for 2006.
NDTA sponsored trophy money for the Telephonic shoot – Jeff Zwarych motioned and Scott Phelps 2nd that the amount remained at $300 for 2006, motion carried.
Hall of Fame and Hall of Honor Criteria – after review of the old criteria and newly suggested criteria, Chet Nelson motioned and Louis Kuster 2nd to remove the category “Other characteristics” after more discussion motions were withdrawn. Jeff Z. than motioned that “Other characteristics” be eliminated and it’s points (20) also be eliminated and “Other activities” be moved to “Character qualifications” and change the category points to (10), Norris Olson 2nd and motion carried. Jeff Zwarych then motioned and Marc Cunningham 2nd that total points required be increased from 100 up to 110, motion carried. Chet motioned and Jeff Wagner 2nd that nominees could be submitted by any individual rather than the old guidelines requiring a club, motion carried.
Hall of Fame/ Hall of Honor inductees:
Application for induction into the Hall of Fame was submitted for Marv Hanson, scores from Board Members present were counted, total required score points were satisfied.
Norris Olson motioned and Scott Phelps 2nd that Marv Hanson be inducted into the North Dakota Trapshooting Hall of Fame, motion carried.
Chet Nelson motioned that the NDTA purchase a modern radar gun for target setting Bob Ralston 2nd and motion carried.
State Shoot Classification – Jeff Zwarych motioned and Marc Cunningham 2nd that Class winners be moved up a class in the next class event, motion carried.
Scott Phelps motioned for adjournment, Norris Olson 2nd, meeting adjourned at 5:30 PM.
Respectfully Submitted
Marc Cunningham