Program of Activities - 1


Table of Contents

Table of Contents...... 1

President’s Message...... 2

Chapter Officers and Advisors...... 3

Degree Recipients...... 4

Membership List...... 5

Chapter Meeting Schedule...... 6

Calendar of Events...... 7

Student Development Committees...... 8

Program of Activities...... 9

Degrees...... 9

Scholarship...... 10

Leadership...... 10

Recreation...... 11

Supervised Agricultural Experience...... 11

Career Development...... 12

PALS...... 12

Chapter Development Committees...... 13

Hospital Benefit...... 14

Communication……………………………………………………………………………………………... 14

Recruitment...... 15

Public Relations...... 15

Officer Development...... 16

Support Group...... 16

Budget and Finance...... 17

Boards and Displays...... 17

FFA Apparel...... 18

National FFA Week...... 18

Community Development Committees...... 19

Human Resources...... 20

Environment/Ag Awareness...... 20

Citizenship...... 21

Grange...... 21

Chicken BBQ...... 22

Proposed Budget...... 23

Activities Week Career Development Events...... 24

Agriculture Proficiency Areas...... 25

PA State FFA Officer Team...... 26

Greenwood HS-FFA

405 E. Sunbury St.

Millerstown, PA 17062

717-589-3116 Ext. 1209

September 17, 2014

Dear FFA Members:

The start of the 2014-2015 school year brings the promise of many opportunities to learn, serve your community and meet new people. This can be accomplished by completing Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAE’s), competing in Career Development Events (CDE’s), and attending conferences that are held throughout the year in not only the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, but other parts of the country. Our chapter organizes and participates in a wide variety of community service projects each year. As you can see the options for expanding on our leadership skills, preparing for the future, and having fun will be educational and experiential. We hope that you will take advantage of each and every opportunity that the FFA presents to you in order to make this a year to remember. Let the work and fun begin!

Carl LandisHannah Bryner

Greenwood FFA President and Vice-President


2014-2015 Officers

President...... Carl Landis

Vice President...... Hannah Bryner

Secretary...... Libby Baker-Mikesell

Treasurer...... Rachel Beaver

Assistant Treasurer...... Maggie Campbell

Reporter...... Lena Burkholder

Web Reporter...... GarronRyberg

Chaplain...... Harlie Strohm

Sentinel...... Morgan Landis

Historian...... Bethany Comp

Parliamentarian...... Kate VanHorn

Student Advisor...... Luke Gorman

PALS Coordinator...... NikiWilli

Junior Advisor...... Maddy Wise

Junior Advisor...... Sam Strong

Junior Advisor...... Wyatt Anderson


Mrs. Krista Pontius

Mr. Michael Clark

Greenhand Degree Members (69)

Luke Amrheim / Jessica Burkholder / Trevor Engle / Maddie Howell / Jacob MacDonald / Cassie Roberts
Gwen Anderson / Maggie Campbell / Miranda Fawver / Barick Hunker / Collin Mather / GarronRyberg
Sam Atkinson / Alexandra Cleavland / Seth Ferguson / HyacintheKeim / Mackenzie McCoy / Aaron Santos
Kayla Black / Bethany Comp / Emily Fisher / Ben Knellinger / Ryan McVitty / Grant Sarver
Chris Brookhart / Sierra Crockett / Mallory Fortenbaugh / Libby Korber / Hunter Miller / Zach Sassaman
Austin Brown / Lauren Dressler / Luke Gorman / Corey Losch / Austin Morder / RebekahSheaffer
Ryan Buckley / Michael Dressler / Sara Gould / Morgan Lower / CarlyOrwan / Sara Sheaffer
Morgan Burkepile / Dakota Swan / Victoria Hostler / Sam Loy / Breanna Paden / Joe Shugart
JordynSorber / Chase Stalvey / Kelsey Stemler / Fayth Stephenson / Brady Stover / Colby Stroup
Jordan Tharp / Justin Walburn / Evelyn Watkins / Nicole Willi / Hunter Wirth / Paityn Wirth
Dakoda Weiss / Madison Wise / Rachel Yourth / Brandon Zamudio / Kora Zeigler / Jane Delancey
Neil Murray / Katelyn Sowers / Anna Weger

Program of Activities - 1

Chapter Degree Members (31)

Wyatt Anderson / Breann Arnold / Libby Baker / Josh Beers / Hannah Bryner / KayceDettrey
Hayden Eubanks / LexiGlassel / KalvinGroce / Kyle Kauffman / Noah Lebkicher / Hattie Kuhns
Brittni Linn / Rachel Little / Travis Martin / Jaeric Miller / Cody Reisinger / Matt Roach
Hunter Roth / Brittney Schoonover / BeccaStalvey / Harlie Strohm / Trevor Suarez / Mackenzie Tharp
Kate VanHorn / Travis Wetzel / Wes Williamson / Taylor Winters / Danny Yetter / James Keefer
Sam Strong

Program of Activities - 1

Area Degree Members (7)

Program of Activities - 1

Rachel Beaver / Lena Burkholder / Adam Harrison / Hayden Eubanks / Raya Kellenberger / Carl Landis
Morgan Landis / Eric Alleman / Kora Zeigler

Program of Activities - 1

Keystone Degree Members (10)

Program of Activities - 1

Lauren Fried / Garrett Byers / Grant Carlton / Cody Cauffman / Zane Delancey / Tyler Fegley
Aaron Korber / Kristen Ryberg / Lauren Wilson

Program of Activities - 1

Membership List

Program of Activities - 1

Alleman / Eric
Allen / Chance
Amrhein / Luke
Anderson / Gwendolyn
Anderson / Wyatt
Baker-Mikesell / Elizabeth
Barner / Jordan
Barton / Jacob
Beaver / Rachael
Black / Emily
Bowersox / Thomas
Brookhart / Christopher
Brown / Austin
Bryner / Hannah
Buckley / Ryan
Bullock / Tyler
Burkepile / Morgan
Burkholder / Jessica
Burkholder / Lena
Campbell / Dylan
Campbell / Maggie
Cauffman / Caitlyn
Cleveland / Alissandra
Colyer / Cheyenne
Collins / Katrina
Comp / Bethany
Comp / Nathan
Crockett / Cody
Crockett / Sierra
Delancy / Jane
Dettrey / Kayce
Donaldson / Derek
Dressler / Michael
Engle / Jordan
Eubanks / Hayden
Farner / Autumn
Fawver / Miranda
Fegley / Alix
Ferguson / Seth
Fisher / Sarah
Fisher / Wade
Fleisher / Courtney
Fortenbaugh / Mallory
Foose / Lavone
Frey / Jordon
Garside / Kyle
George / Killian
Gish / Austin
Good / Michael
Goodling / Elias
Gorman / Luke
Gothel / Michael
Gould / Sara
Grimm / Truman
Groce / Kalvin
Harp / Emily
Heggenstaller / Amy
Hess / Brieanna
Hess / Trent
Holler / Caitlyn
Hostler / Victoria
Howell / Grace
Hunker / Zachary
Kauffman / Morgan
Keefer / James
Kellenberger / Raya
Kerlin / Danielle
Kerstetter / Brock
Kissinger / Kevin
Kline / Laiken
Knellinger / Sarah
Korber / Abby
Korber / Libby
Kuhns / Olivia
LaBant / Austin
Landis / Carl
Landis / Morgan
Linn / Brittni
Little / Rachael
Lower / Morgan
Loy / Samuel
MacDonald / Jacob
Markle / Morgan
Martin / Travis
Mather / Colin
McCoy / Mackenzie
McVitty / Ryan
Meinsler / Kirsten
Miller / Hunter
Morder / Austin
Murray / Neal
Nulton / Emma
Paden / Bryanna
Peters / Emma
Prater / Baylan
Range / Zakary
Roach / Matthew
Roberts / Cassie
Roberts / Mackenzie
Ross / Kelby
Roth / Hunter
Ryberg / Garron
Santos / Zachary
Sarver / Grant
Sassaman / Zachery
Schoonover / Brittney
Secrest / Zachary
Shaffer / Matthew
Shuman / Joshua
Smith / Cassandra
Smith / Ryan
Sorber / Jordyn
Sowers / Katelyn
Stalvey / Chase
Stemler / Kelsey
Stephenson / Fayth
Stover / Brady
Strohm / Harlie
Strong / Samantha
Stroup / Colby
Swan / Dakota
Sweigart / Daisy
Taylor / Mitchell
Taylor / Parker
Tharp / Isaiah
Van Horn / Kate
Wagner / Corissa
Weger / Anna
Willi / Nicole
Williamson / Welsey
Winters / Taylor
Wirth / Hunter
Wirth / Paityn
Wise / Dakoda
Wise / Madison
Wittle / Keira
Yetter / Daniel
Yourth / Rachael
Zeigler / Kora

Program of Activities -1

2014-2015 FFA Meeting Schedule

Program of Activities -1

October 24

November 12

December 22

January 21

February 11

April 11

Program of Activities -1

*Jr. High FFA club members will meet in the Ag Room

*Senior High FFA club members will meet in the Auditorium



AugustMillerstown Carnival Ice Cream StandMillerstown

AugustPerry County FairNewport

AugustSafety Quiz BowlRock Springs

AugustCDP Area MeetingCV

SeptemberEastern States ExpositionSpringfield, MA

SeptemberAg OlympicsGW

SeptemberCDP Tractor DrivingPCFG


SeptemberGrange DinnerPVG

OctoberClub DayGW

OctoberFall Leadership ConferenceAltoona

OctoberFarm Bureau BanquetTBA

OctoberState Officer VisitGW

OctoberCDP Area MeetingBS

OctoberCDP Pizza PartyWP

OctoberNational FFA ConventionLouisville, Kentucky

NovemberClub DayGW

NovemberFruit Orders DueGW

NovemberQuality Assurance WorkshopExtension Office

NovemberCDP Roller SkatingTBA

NovemberCDP Fall CDEsFSC

NovemberClub DayGW

NovemberPerry County Land JudgingTBA

NovemberMillerstown RecyclingMillerstown

NovemberPerry Co. Fair Steer Weigh-InPCFG

DecemberFruit DeliveryGW

DecemberClub Day – Christmas PartyCafe

DecemberAdvisory Board MeetingGW

DecemberPALS Christmas PartyGW

JanuaryFarm ShowFSC

JanuaryFFA Mid-Winter ConventionFSC

JanuaryPerry County Extension BanquetNewport

JanuaryClub DayGW

FebruaryPerry County SAE ContestGW

FebruaryCDP Area MeetingCV

FebruaryClub DayGW

FebruaryState SAE ContestState College

FebruaryACES Leadership ConferenceHarrisburg

FebruaryNational FFA WeekGW

FebruaryState Officer Night @ Hoss’sTBA

MarchCDP Area MeetingNP

MarchCDP Area Spring CDE’sFSC

MarchClub DayGW

MarchSLLC-Leadership ConferenceGrantville

AprilClub DayGW

AprilArea Fun-NightTBA

AprilSouth Central Regional CDE’sTBA

MayPerry County EnvirothonTBA

MayGreenwood & Neighboring FFA BanquetsVaries

MayCDP Area Officer TrainingDoubling Gap

JunePA FFA Activities WeekPenn State





II. Committee

Chairperson – Carl Landis

Hannah Bryner

Libby Baker-Mikesell

III. Goals

  1. The Program of Activities Committee has planned to set up a program for the 2014-2015 school years by selecting a chairman for each of the activities that our chapter has in the Program of Activities booklet. A copy of the program will be given to each chapter officer, each FFA chapter in the county, the State FFA Association, the administrators, and to each school board member.
  2. Student Activities Calendar
  3. Activity/Committee Notifications


II. Committee

Chairmen – Nikki Willi

Kate Van Horn

Maddy Wise

Ali Cleveland

III. Goals

  1. Greenhand Degree Ceremony – February
  2. Greenhand initiation T-shirts by January
  3. Keystone 1+3 membership paid
  4. Teach meaning of degrees

*Applications—Early January


II. Committee

Chairmen – Sam Strong

Hannah Bryner

Harlie Strohm

Ali Cleveland

III. Goals

  1. Encourage and reward members to receive good grades in all subjects.
  2. Determine scholarship pins for banquet


II. Committee

Chairmen– Maggie


Caitlyn Cauffman

Ali Cleveland

III. Goals

  1. Attend the ACES Leadership Conference.
  2. Attend the SLLC Leadership Conference.
  3. Attend the Area Leadership Conference.
  4. Participate in Area Leadership CDEs.
  5. Attend Chapter Officer Training.
  6. Encourage attendance
  7. Post sign-up sheets
  8. Training Night


II. Committee

Chairmen –Rachel Beaver

Wyatt Anderson

Chase Stalvey

Libby Korber

Hayden Eubanks

Trent Hess

Sam Loy

III. Goals

A. Organize and host anathletic tournament.

  1. Ag Olympics
  2. Fruit Incentive


II. Committee

Chairmen – Libby Baker-Mikesell

Morgan Landis

Morgan Burkepile

III. Goals

  1. Encourage students to complete SAE books
  2. Assist students during homeroom with their SAE books.
  3. Encourage students to develop an agriscience project.
  4. Encourage and assist students in completing a proficiency award.
  5. SAE Work Night
  6. SAE Student List (Who has SAE’s and what are they?)


II. Committee

Chairmen –Libby Baker-Mikesell

Hannah Bryner

Hayden Eubanks

Sam Loy

Jacob McDonald

Chase Stalvey

Luke Gorman

III. Goals

  1. Promote and advertise CDE Opportunities
  2. CDE Sign-up sheet
  3. CDE Promotional Video
  4. Retreat/Training
  1. PALS
  1. Committee

Chairmen – Nikki Willi

Maddy Wise

Kate Van Horn

Bethany Comp

Brittany Schoonover

Eli Goodling

Jordan Fry

Morgan Burkepile

Eric Alleman

III. Goals

  1. Organize two events
  2. Match Big and Little PALS
  3. Reminder of Activities
  4. Big PALS Training Session
  5. Kickball Tee-Shirts
  6. Sport Activity
  7. Big brother little sister PALS



  1. Communication
  2. Committee

Chairman – Maggie Campbell

Wyatt Anderson

Harlie Strohm

Lena Burkholder

  1. Goals
  1. Happy Grams
  2. Flat Stanley
  3. FFA Say
  4. Freshman Night
  5. Social Media


II. Committee

Chairmen – Rachel Beaver

Carl Landis

Kate Van Horn

Rachael Little

III. Goals

  1. To remember and recognize any student or faculty member who is hospitalized.
  2. Any member hospitalized will receive a gift and a get-well card.
  3. If member remains in hospital for a long time, members may try and help pay hospital bills by contributing their credit, if no insurance.


II. Committee

Chairmen – KateVan Horn

Hannah Bryner

Nikki Willi

Morgan Burkepile

III. Goals

  1. Work W/ Rec. Committee
  2. Speak to 6th graders
  3. More people involved
  4. 7th and 8th Grade Recruitment
  5. Elementary Activities
  6. Elementary Carnival


Co-Chairmen–Lena Burkholder

Rachel Beaver


III. Goals

  1. To keep the community informed about the individual accomplishments of members and their activities.
  2. Submit newspaper articles.
  3. Help in the organization of the chapter banquet.
  4. Monitor the Greenwood FFA Web Page.
  5. Chapter calendar/planner
  6. Relationship with Alumni


II. Committee

Chairmen– Libby Baker-Mikesell

Hannah Bryner

Carl Landis

III. Goals

  1. Organize all chapter officer-training activities.
  2. Attend CDP Area FFA meetings.
  3. Marking period retreat
  4. Weekly Meetings


II. Committee

Chairmen – Mr. Clark and Mrs. Pontius

Carl Landis

Rachel Beaver

Morgan Landis

Lena Burkholder

Wyatt Anderson

III. Goals

A. Plan and organize department advisory committee meetings.


II. Committee

Chairmen – Rachel Beaver

Maggie Campbell

III. Goals

  1. Organize Fundraiser receipts and expenses
  2. Bi-Weekly Report


II. Committee

Chairmen – Bethany Comp

Maddy Wise

Sam Strong

Maggie Campbell

Rachael Little

Brooke Rumberger

Brie Hess

III. Goals

  1. Attend the bulletin boards in Ag Rooms and the display case.
  2. Help with Agriscience boards.


II. Committee

Chairmen – GarronRyberg

Kate Van Horn

Carl Landis

Hannah Bryner

Ali Cleveland

Morgan Burkepile

III. Goals

  1. Design chapter shirts
  2. Monitor official dress
  3. Encourage Jacket Program participation
  4. Officer apparel


II. Committee

Chairmen – Nikki Willi and Lena Burkholder

Bethany Comp

Ali Cleveland

Morgan Burkepile

III. Goals

  1. Teacher Appreciation Breakfast
  2. Appreciation gifts
  3. Public Service Announcement at WJUN
  4. Meet State Officer Night at Hoss’s
  5. Promotional activities
  6. Drive your tractor to school day




II. Committee

Chairmen –GarronRyberg

Carl Landis

Sam Strong

Caitlyn Cauffman

Brooke Rumberger

Rachel Yourth

Eli Goodling

Jordon Fry

Grant Sarver

Chance Allen

Austin Morder

Brie Hess

III. Goals

  1. Assist advisors in preparing students for the Envirothon.
  2. “Putting the ‘Green’ Back in Greenwood”
  3. Adopt-A-Highway with school
  4. Land Judging
  5. Earth Day
  6. Ag Days


II. Committee

Chairmen – Maggie Campbell

Maddy Wise

Rachael Beaver

Kate Van Horn

Caitlyn Cauffman

III. Goals

  1. Organize the gathering of items for the Farm Bureau Ronald McDonald House.
  2. Assist in the purchasing of items for the Ronald McDonald House.
  3. Assist the Perry CountyFood Bank.
  4. Open Arms
  5. Hunger Banquet
  6. Ronald McDonald House Christmas visit


II. Committee

Chairmen– Maddy Wise

Harlie Strohm

Wyatt Anderson

III. Goals

  1. Organize a visit to a local hospital.
  2. Organize a way to help a local animal shelter.
  3. Organize and distribute holiday foods.
  4. Park Committee
  5. Sr. Citizens
  6. Christmas in Millerstown


II. Committee

Chairmen – Carl Landis

Morgan Landis

Hannah Bryner

III. Goals

  1. Organize sign-up sheets for dinners.
  2. Recruit members to help with grange functions.


II. Committee

Chairperson – Lena Burkholder

Carl Landis


Harlie Strohm

III. Goals

  1. Develop and distribute ticket sales information.
  2. Keep inventory of supplies.
  3. Assist with splitting the chickens.
  4. Assist with barbequing chicken.


Current Balance as of October 31, 2014:...... 2,200.00


Citrus...... 29,000.00

Flower/Bulb Sales...... 1,500.00

Donations...... 500.00

Banquet Sponsors...... 500.00

Greenhouse Sales...... 300.00

Chicken BBQ...... 1500.00

Ice Cream Stand...... 6,000.00

National FFA Convention...... 8,000.00

ACES...... 1,000.00

SLLC...... 700.00

Activities Week...... 2,500.00

Award Money...... 700.00

Total Income...... 52,200.00

Balance Plus Receipts...... 54,400.00


National FFA Convention...... 7,000.00

ACES...... 1,000.00

SLLC...... 700.00

Activities Week...... 2,500.00

Citrus...... 22,000.00

Flower/Bulb Sales...... 700.00

Banquet...... 3,500.00

Student Scholarship...... 1,500.00

Miscellaneous Expenses...... 900.00

National FFA Week...... 900.00

National/State Dues...... 3,200.00

Greenhouse Supplies...... 300.00

Chicken-BBQ...... 1000.00

Ice Cream Stand...... 3,500.00

Recycling Roll-Off...... 1,350.00

Total Expenses...... 50,050.00
Balance on hand as of October 31, 2015:...... 4,350.00


  1. Agricultural Mechanics
  2. Agricultural Salesmanship
  3. Agronomy
  4. Aquatic Resources
  5. Chapter Procedure
  6. Chorus
  7. Dairy Cattle Judging
  8. Dairy Foods
  9. Dairy Cattle Showmanship
  10. Delegate
  11. Agri Business Management
  12. Floriculture
  13. Forestry
  14. Horse Evaluation and Selection
  15. Interview
  16. Land Judging
  17. Livestock
  18. Meats
  19. Nursery/Landscape
  20. Officer Candidate
  21. Poultry
  22. Public Speaking- Conservation
  23. Public Speaking- Creed
  24. Public Speaking - Extemporaneous
  25. Public Speaking- FFA
  26. Public Speaking- Junior
  27. Small Gas Engines
  28. Tractor Driving
  29. Wildlife
  30. Agriscience Fair
  31. Agriscience Student Recognition


  1. Agricultural Communications- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  2. Agricultural Mechanical Technical Systems- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  3. Agricultural Processing- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  4. Agricultural Sales and/or Service- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  5. Beef Production- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  6. Cereal Grain Production- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  7. Dairy Production- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  8. Diversified Crop Production- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  9. Diversified Livestock Production- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  10. Emerging Agricultural Technology- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  11. Environmental Science- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  12. Equine Science- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  13. Feed Grain Production- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  14. Fiber Crop Production- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  15. Floriculture- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  16. Food Science and Technology- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  17. Forage Production- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  18. Forest Management- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  19. Fruit and/or Vegetable Production- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  20. Home and/or Community Development- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  21. Landscape Management- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  22. Nursery Operations- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  23. Oil Crop Production- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  24. Outdoor Recreation- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  25. Poultry Production- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  26. Sheep Production- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  27. Small Animal Care- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  28. Soil and Water Management- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  29. Specialty Animal Production- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  30. Specialty Crop Production- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  31. Swine Production- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  32. Turf Grass Management- Entrepreneurship/Placement
  33. Wildlife Management- Entrepreneurship/Placement

Program of Activities -1

Pennsylvania FFA 2014-2015

State Officer Team

Program of Activities -1

Program of Activities -1

PresidentKatie McLaughlin

Vice-PresidentTony Rice

SecretaryVictoria Herr

TreasurerLisa Boltz

ReporterMatt Brake

SentinelMara Tate

ChaplainGrant Carlton