2006 - 07 Horticulture I Course Syllabus
Instructor: Mr. E. Robinson Telephone: 980-343-3600 ext.663
Email: Co-curricular Student Organization: FFA
Webpage: pages.cms.k12.nc.us/erobinson/
Horticulture students will develop basic knowledge, leadership, and skills necessary for entrance into careers in the horticultural industry following graduation or upon completion of a program of study beyond the high school level.
Expectations: Be prompt, prepared, polite, positive, and productive.
Class Materials:
One set of notebook dividers or tabs (5 tabs)
One - 1 ½ - 2” 3 ring binder divided into the following sections:
- Journals/ Calendars
- Employability & Leadership
- Plant Growth & Biotechnology
- Pest Management
- Soil
Grades: / Semester Grading Scale:
93-100 / A / Tests
85-92 / B / Plant ID
77-84 / C / Daily
70-76 / D / Greenhouse
Class Participation
Tests: Tests will be given on a regular basis. A comprehensive test will be given at the end of each unit.
Plant Identification: Students will learn 10 new plants every Monday that they have my class. Information and identification quizzes will be given on those days.
Daily Work: Daily work will include student’s journal entries, class activities, etc. Class work is designed so each student has the opportunity to complete work in class.
Projects: Projects or reports will be assigned on a regular basis. Many can be completed during class time.
Notebooks: Notebooks will be graded periodically during each quarter. Notebooks should be kept neat and organized at all times. All work should be in the appropriate section and in chronological order with each page dated.
Class Participation: Class participation is evaluated on attendance, preparedness, and contributions during class time.
Make-up Work: Students have five (5) school days to make up any missed assignments. After five (5) school days have passed, any late work will receive partial credit; any incomplete work will be recorded as a zero.
Cheating: Cheating is giving or receiving answers to any given assignment that is not designated as partner/ group work. All participants will receive a zero that will not be dropped.
Tutoring: Tutoring will take place on a need basis and at times set up by the teacher and student(s).
Parents Please Read: Please feel free to call or email me at any time regarding your child. As noted above, my email address is:
Webpage: Students are REQUIRED to join Mr. Robinson’s webpage. Parents are also encouraged to become a member of the page to receive student updates and keep informed of important information pertaining to the class and greenhouse.
Parent’s Signature: ______Student’s Signature: ______
Comments: ______