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2004 State Fair Stockmens Contest

Senior Quiz

Put the letter of the most correct answer in the space provided.

____1. A heifer is in heat this morning. When should she be bred?

a. This morningb. This eveningc. Tomorrow morningd. 21 days from now

____2. Which of the following is a problem related to pork quality?

a. EPDb. PSEc. ESPd. SPI

____3. For which species is urea NOT successfully used as a protein supplement?

a. Cattleb. Pigsc. Sheepd. It works with all three species

____4. On average, when a black cow that carries the red gene is mated to a black bull that also has the red gene, a black calf will be produced how often?

a. All the timeb. 75% of the timec. Half of the time

d. 25% of the timed. None of the time

____5. If the carcass price of lamb is $1.40 per pound, which is closest to the equivalent live price per pound?

a. 50 centsb.60 centsc. 70 cents d. 85 cents

____6. How many cases of BSE (mad cow disease) have been found in the United States?

a. Noneb. Onec. 100d. more than 1000

____7. Which market animal now sells for the lowest live price per pound?

a. hogb. steerc. lambd. hog and lamb are the same

____8. What is a problem that can happen when cows have just calved and they are consuming nothing but young, lush pasture in the early spring?

  1. Magnesium deficiencyb. Protein Deficiency
  2. Low Energy contentd. Selenium deficiency

____9. What is a prolapse?

a. A feed Additiveb. A medicinec. An animal born backwards

d. When the vagina or rectum becomes inverted and sticks out

____10. When bull calves are desexed, that process is referred to as castration. The term used to describe the corresponding process in heifers is called:

a. Neuteredb. Parturition c. Spayedd. Caponized

____11. Which nutrient is most closely associated with changing the Body Condition Score of a cow?

a. Calcium b. Proteinc. Energy d. Phosphorous

____12. We want to feed a steer one pound of protein daily. Soybean meal contains 50% protein. How much soybean meal should be fed to the steer.

a. 1 poundb. 2 poundsc. 50 poundsd. 1/2 pound

____13. In which part of the reproductive tract of a female is it recommended to deposit semen when using artificial insemination?

a. Ovaryb. Placentac. Cervixd. Uterus

____14. How much feed would you expect a 200-pound barrow to eat each day?

a. 2 poundsb. 6 poundsc. 10 poundsd. 14 pounds

____15. A steer carcass is 980 pounds with 0.45 inch of backfat, a 16.0 square inch ribeye, and a Quality Grade of average Choice? This carcass is …

a. Too bigb. Too fatc. Light muscledd. Just right

____16. Which ewe should have a higher level of milk production?

a. Ewe nursing a single lambb. Ewe nursing twin lambs

c. Both ewes will produce the same amount of milk.

____17. Which feed has the highest level of energy?

a. shelled cornb. alfalfa hayc. trace mineral saltd. corn gluten feed

____18. Which hormone can be given to cattle and sheep to synchronize estrous?

a. Progesteroneb. Prolactinc. Prostaglandind. Estrogene. both a & c

____19. How does the EPD of a bull for maternal milk become a more accurate prediction of his true genetic merit?

a. Sire more calvesb. Get weaning weights from his daughters’ calves

c. Breed him to cows of different breedsd. Weigh him more often

____20. Which view is best to determine if an animal is post legged?

a. Rear Viewb. Side Viewc. Front Viewd. Looking down from above

____21. Beef cattle cannot legally be imported to the United States from Canada.

a. This is Trueb. This is False

____22. . The average EPD for Yearling Weight is

a. 0b. different for each breed

c. higher for European breedsd. stays the same over time

____23. Which of the following does not cause an infectious disease?

a. Virusb. Bacteriac. Antibody d. Fungus

____24. Which type of internal parasite is not controlled with dewormers?

a. Roundwormsb. Coccidiac. Lungwormsd. Tapeworms

25.Match the product name with its use. (1 point each)

_____Cydectina. estrous synchronization

_____ LA-200b. antibiotic

_____ 7-Wayc. dewormer

_____ CIDRd. vaccine