LACCD District Planning Committee

Framework for Program Review


The Purposes of Program Review

  1. To assure that the program aligns with the mission of the college
  2. To assure that the program is in compliance with Title V and accreditation requirements
  3. To assess the effectiveness of the current educational program
  4. To assure that program scheduling meets student needs
  5. To provide a framework for the on-going assessment and improvement of student learning
  6. To provide a forum for serious reflection on the challenges & opportunities programs will face
  7. To spur curricular and pedagogical innovation
  8. To provide a set of clear goals to guide future departmental efforts
  9. To align departmental goals and efforts with the goals of the college’s Educational Master Plan and the District’s Strategic Plan

Outline for theContent of Program Review

  1. Executive Summary of Program Effectiveness
  1. Program Achievements
  2. Awards & Recognitions
  3. Special Activities, Events, & Collaborations
  4. Programs & Courses Developed
  1. Student Profile (for department and college)
  2. Ethnicity
  3. Gender
  4. Age
  5. Primary Language
  1. Faculty & Staff Profile(by department/program & college-wide)
  2. Fulltime/Adjunct Faculty Ratio (3-6 years)
  3. Ethnicity
  4. Gender
  5. Age
  6. Classified Staff Positions/Hours
  7. Unclassified Staff Positions/Hours
  8. Faculty Service on Departmental, College, and District Committees
  1. Program Compliance
  2. Program Level SLO Implementation (date of implementation, expected implementation, or revision)
  3. Program Level SLO Assessment Results
  1. Program Effectiveness & Equity
  2. Program EFTES(WSCH)/FTEF (Fall and Spring terms for past 3-6 years)
  3. Average Course Size (Fall and Spring terms for past 3-6 years)
  4. Degrees Awarded (past 3-6 years)
  5. Certificates Awarded (past 3-6 years)
  6. Evidence of equitable achievement (by ethnicity and gender)
  7. Student Satisfaction Survey Results
  1. Course Compliance (per program)
  2. Title V Update for all courses in program (date of last revision)
  3. SLO Implementation (date of implementation, expected implementation, or revision)
  4. SLO Assessment results
  1. Course Effectiveness& Equity
  2. # Sections offered per term by time of day, with notation of cancellations for last 3-6 years, identified as “GE, Transfer, Occupational, Basic Skills, etc.
  3. Average section size per course by time of day (am, afternoon, evening)
  4. FTES(WSCH)/FTEF per course
  5. Demand/Waitlist measure
  6. FTEF Fulltime/FTEF Adjunct per course
  7. Within-class success rate by ethnicity and gender
  8. Persistence rate (for course sequences)
  9. Evidence of equitable achievement (by ethnicity and gender)
  1. Vocational Program Effectiveness
  2. Job Placement Numbers and Rates for Vocational Programs (3-6 years)
  3. State/National Board Test & Accreditation Results
  4. State/National Certificates Awarded
  5. Labor Market Demand
  6. Other Accreditation Information/Data
  7. Advisory Board
  8. Board Membership
  9. Board Analysis and Recommendations
  1. Satellite Program Effectiveness
  2. # Sections offered per term by time of day, with notation of cancellations for last 3-6 years, identified as “GE, Transfer, Occupational, Basic Skills, etc.
  3. Average section size per course by time of day (am, afternoon, evening)
  4. FTES(WSCH)/FTEF per course
  5. FTEF Fulltime/FTEF Adjunct per course
  6. Demand/Waitlist
  7. Within-class success rate by ethnicity and gender & compared to main campus
  1. Distance Education Effectiveness
  2. # Sections offered per term by time of day, with notation of cancellations for last 3-6 years, identified as “GE, Transfer, Occupational, Basic Skills, etc.
  3. Average section size per course by time of day (am, afternoon, evening)
  4. FTES(WSCH)/FTEF per course
  5. FTEF Fulltime/FTEF Adjunct per course
  6. Demand/Waitlist
  7. Within-class success rate by ethnicity and gender & compared to regular classes
  1. Summary of Progress Made Toward Past Departmental/Discipline Goals
  2. Goal # 1: Expected outcomes & measures
  3. Goal # 2, etc.
  1. Trend Analyses/Outlook
  2. Professional/Curricular Challenges & Opportunities
  3. Pedagogical Challenges & Opportunities
  4. Technology Challenges & Opportunities
  1. New Department/Discipline Goals & Action Plans(Aligned with College Ed Master Plan & with timelines, costs, responsible agents, & projected personnel, equipment, and facilities costs)
  2. Development of New Courses and Programs
  3. Student Success Enhancements
  4. Projected Professional Development Activities
  5. Scheduling Changes
  6. Planned Responses to SLO Assessments
  7. Etc.
  1. Dean’s Analysis/Response