2011 Middle School Choral UIL
Contest Guidelines
Dates –Tuesday-March 8th
Location – Denton High School, Denton ISD
1007 Fulton St.
Denton, TX 76209
Please see attached maps of travel to DHS and dining ideas
(A map of the school building will be available at the contest and signs will be posted for your convenience.)
Contest Procedures
- Buses should drop off choirs at the East entrance off of Fulton (front entrance to the school) bus parking will be to the west side of the school – please follow Fulton to Linden to Bryan around the back of the school and park along the baseball field and First Baptist Church.
- All bus drivers are asked to stay with the buses for duration of their groups contest, as we may have to move buses in a limited space quickly.
- Directors should enter through the front of the building . As you look at building auditorium is on your right. Come into the auditorium foyer. Directors take a right out of auditorium foyer pass by the Cafeteria, take another right and head straight to the check-in/out room (Choir room- 175)
- Choral groups may enter through front auditorium entrance, if they are early or have finished please sit in the auditorium and observe other choirs in concert. Other wise, choirs will meet their contest guide in the auditorium foyer. Choirs will be escorted to the Warm-up room at their appropriate time. *REMEMBER to keep quiet at all times, as other choirs are warming-up and/or performing.
- At check-in, please remember to bring your judge’s copies of music (numbered measures) and your form 1. At check-in your choir will be assigned a choir guide who will take you to the appropriate places for the duration of the contest.
- After waiting in the auditorium foyer, choirs will be called into the Band Hall for warm-up, by their choir guide. The choirs will have the allotted time for warm up as stated in UIL policy. While we do ask that groups do not bring in any unnecessary items, there will be a cart to hold any coats for your group. They may pick up these items at the finish of your contest time – Denton HS cannot be held responsible for any lost/stolen items – please encourage all students to leave unnecessary items at school or on the bus – NO CELL PHONES, MP3 PLAYERS, CD PLAYERS, etc….
- After warm-up, groups will be escorted to the stage/concert area.
- After concert, choirs will be escorted to the Orchestra Hall for Sight Reading.
- After completing your contest in the Sight reading room, you will be escorted out of the building by the choir guide. It is at this time that you may send your students back to the bus or you may re-enter through the MAIN AUDITORIUM ENTRANCE to watch other choirs in the auditorium.
- Directors will go to check out in the choir room (rm # 175.)
- Results will be posted in the Check-in/out room
General Courtesies –
- Please remind your students of correct contest behavior. Denton High School will have regular classes going on in conjunction with the UIL contest. Please be respectful of these classes and other performers by observing silence in the hallways and in your contest procedures.
- Denton High School CANNOT accommodate choirs for changing into or out of uniforms or concert attire. Please bring your groups to the contest site dressed in what they will wear for the duration of your time at DHS.
- Please observe proper concert etiquette at the contest and when listening to other choirs by observing silence during the performance and in the hallways. Also, DO NOT enter the auditorium during any part of a performance, please wait to enter between each performing group.
- Again, please try to encourage your students to leave all items on the buses or at school.
If you have any special needs students/persons that will need accommodating for the contest, please contact Patti Freeman at
- When in Denton, take the University (380) exit (Best Western & Cracker Barrel are at this exit)
- Turn left or East on University follow it to Fulton St.
- Take a right on Fulton traveling 2 blocks to Cresent St.
- Denton High School is on the corner of Fulton and Crescent - Buses are to drop off students at the front of the school on Fulton
- To park bus -take a right on Linden then a right on Bryan parking behind the school (west side) along the baseball field
- When in Denton, take the University (380) exit (Best Western & Cracker Barrel are at this exit)
- Turn right (East) on University follow it to Fulton St.
- Take a right on Fulton traveling 2 blocks to Crescent
- Denton High School is on the corner of Fulton and Crescent-
- Buses are to drop off students at the front of the school on Fulton
- To park bus -take a right on Linden then a right on Bryan parking behind the school (to the west) along the baseball field
Dining Suggestions:
- ON UNIVERSITY DRIVE – From Fulton travel North take a right onto UNIVERSITY drive.
- McDonald’s
- Jack in the Box
- Arby’s
- Grandy’s
- Double Daves
- Pizza Inn
If you take a left off of Fulton onto University:
- Subway
- Taco Bell
- Sonic
- Braum’s
- Cracker Barrel
- Chic Fil-A
- Freebird
- OFF OF I 35 – taking University and to I 35 South you can find the following restaurants:
- Johnny Carino’s & Chuck E. Cheese – take the Teasly Ln exit and double back on the feeder road
- Applebee’s – Teasly Ln
- Pizza Hut – Teasly Ln
- Black Eyed Pea, Chili’s, & Schlotsky’s – Take the Loop 288 exit at Golden Triangle Mall, all should be on the right hand side of the loop.
- On the Boarder, Olive Garden, & Texas Roadhouse – take the State School Rd exit and double back on the feeder.