The ARTS Hub Working Meeting: Notes from 4/24/2015

  • We were happy to welcome a guest at our meeting today, Carlos Delgado; he is a Professor of Music at Westchester County Community College and the external reviewer for the Preforming Arts Department Program Review. He made a few suggestions added insight to our discussion.

Agenda Items:

  • Decision Item:

-The Arts Hub Purpose Statement was finalized with the addition of “staff” to the second line:

The Arts Hub:

Facilitates innovative, creative and inclusive arts curriculum for our students;

Showcases our students, faculty and staff’s artistic work in a collaborative environment both on-campus and off-campus; and

Develops a stronger community within the college and Bergen County through the Arts.

  • Reporting:
  • Video/Web Group

- Sony Tiwari will continue his work on creating a brief video for the Arts hub web page. He suggested videotaping the next Arts Hub meeting to make a “teaser” video.

- See the BCC website home page, for Work Group: Arts Hub information. This tab needs to be better publicized.

  • Logo Group – Discussion regarding a logo was productive.

- The idea of engaging our graphic design students was well received. Tim Blunk, Andrea Jablonski, Amparo Codding and Patrice Devincentiswill set the parameters for a logo design: needed to accommodate all forms of media. Amparo Codding, Jim Bumgardner, Tim Blunk and Andrea Jablonski agreed to reach out to other faculty to present this idea and perhaps incorporate it into their Fall 2015 classes. The suggestion of a Logo Design Contest* was discussed; with the Arts Hub members to judge?

- Dr. Kim will reach out to the BCC Foundation to look into linking a scholarship to a possible contest.

  • Fall 2015 Action:
  • One thing The Arts Hub can do or sponsor in fall 2015…several items were discussed:

- Arts Hub Logo Design Contest*

- Plan an Arts Hub comingout event, to be held on campus, hosted by the Arts Hub. Perhaps pairing up with another event, (using the Theatre as a model with already scheduled events), on campus or bring the different Arts disciplines together and create an “ARTS” Festival.

- An indoor/outdoor event - site specific. Or using one site to host a variety of ARTS events, (i.e., painting, music, singing, poetry, acting.)

- A mobile feast was suggested with a free-form structure, but themed to get the students “through the door.”

- Hold an event held mid-semester for student involvement – again look for other events on campus to continue a theme or current event.

- Plan a weekend ART Hub Fair to bring in the community and local families…much planning would be needed…maybe start-off with a small event and build from that success…overlap this with another event on campus.

- Create a 2-Year Calendar of Events/Newsletter for all Arts related programs and events on campus…while looking at Student Life’s schedule, the academic calendar and public events on campus.

- Plan an Arts Hub event that will compliment other regularly scheduled events happening on campus. Look at the website for events already scheduled and work off of that calendar.

- It was suggested to speak to Professor Phil Dolce and his Suburban Studies group. He and his group are very successful and it may be a good idea to work in collaboration with his next project.

- Once planned seek out the Public Relations Department for advice and help to get the word out.

- It was mentioned the Arts Hub could work with the Staff Senate to plan an Arts event for the staff on the next Casual Monday …this could good time to introduce the Arts Hub to the College – it does not need to wait until the fall.

  • Next/Fall Meeting Dates:

- It was recommended that more accommodating meeting dates and times need to be searched out to suite all members of the Arts Hub. Please send Ruth Ann Heck an idea of the best days and times that will suite your schedule for the Fall 2015 semester and we will try to find a more agreeable time for all.

- The Arts Hub next meeting date will be Monday, June 8, 2015 @ 2pm in C-325.

- Please e-mail Ruth Ann Heck your department’s Fall 2015, Spring and Fall 2016 calendar of events prior to our next meeting. OR bring your departments Fall 2015, Spring and Fall 2016 calendar of events to the next meeting.

Submitted by:

Ruth Ann Heck
