2004 Adequate Yearly Progress
Reconsideration Criteria

Schools or districts may request that their preliminary Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) determination be reconsidered. Requests for reconsideration must be related to one of the following issues:

1.  Test Participation:

Recent guidance from the U.S. Department of Education allows a school or district to excuse a student from the test participation requirement if that student had a medical emergency that made it impossible for the student to be tested during the designated testing window. Documentation must be provided to DPI that shows:

  1. one or more “not tested” students met this requirement

A copy of the school record sheet showing that the student was listed and not tested, absence records showing that this student missed the testing window + records indicating a medical excuse related to all such absences.

  1. a recalculation of the related student subgroups with the student(s) removed from the denominator results in meeting the 95% test participation objective

Ex. #1: a subgroup of 40 missed Test Participation objective;
when the designated student is removed, the subgroup is now 39 – which is below
the required cell size for accountability purposes.

Ex. #2: 41 students are in the subgroup and 38 were tested resulting in 38/41= 92.6%;
By removing the designated student, now the test participation results in 38/40 = 95%.

2.  Data Errors:

Opportunities for correction of data errors with the testing vendor occurred during Phase I and Phase II of local review of test results. Evidence of additional data errors may be submitted to DPI, providing those errors will result in a change of preliminary AYP status. Examples of possible data errors and required evidence include, but are not limited to:

  1. Test booklet returned for a student who was no longer enrolled in the school at the time of testing, resulting in the student being counted as “not tested.”

a) copy of the school record sheet showing that the student was listed and not tested, and
b) a screenshot of the student’s record showing date the student transferred or withdrew

b. Incorrect coding of a student as Full Academic Year (FAY), when the student was not
continuously enrolled since the 3rd Friday of September count in 2002, resulting in the
student’s scores being calculated into the Reading or Mathematics FAY proficiency

a) copy of the school record sheet showing the student was either not tested, or scored minimal or basic on either the WKCE, WAA-LEP, or WAA-SwD,
b) a screenshot of the student’s record showing date of enrollment is after September 20, 2002, or that the student was not continuously enrolled between that date and the November 2003 testing window, and
c) evidence that a recalculation of the AYP determination results in the subgroup(s) meeting AYP.

c. Incorrect coding of a student’s demographic information, resulting in the related
subgroup(s) missing either the test participation, reading, or mathematics proficiency
objectives. Examples include:

i.  Economically disadvantaged: evidence that a student should have been either included or removed from this subgroup as a result of a change in their free/reduced lunch eligibility status between the pre-ID label creation and the actual testing window.

a) a copy of the original pre-ID coding information indicating that the student was
(or was not) counted as Economically Disadvantaged, and
b) a copy of free/reduced lunch status after that date showing that the student’s status
changed prior to the testing window, and
c) a copy of the school record sheet showing the student was either not tested, or
scored minimal or basic on either the WKCE, WAA-LEP, or WAA-SwD, and
d) evidence that a recalculation of the subgroup(s) with the student deleted (or added)
results in meeting AYP for that objective.

ii. Incorrect coding of a student’s ethnic group, or their status as Limited English Proficient or as a Student with Disabilities.

a) a copy of the school record sheet showing the student was either not tested, or
scored minimal or basic on either the WKCE, WAA-LEP, or WAA-SwD, and
b) a copy of the original pre-ID coding information indicating the ethnic group for
this student at the time of testing, and
c) a screenshot of the student’s official record indicating a different ethnic designation, and
d) evidence that a recalculation of both ethnic groups results in meeting AYP for
that objective.

iii.  A student that took the WAA-LEP or WAA-SwD did not have their results coded into the WKCE test booklet.

a) a copy of the school record sheet showing no test results for that student, and
b) a copy of the pre-ID coding information for the student, and
c) a copy of the score results of the WAA-LEP or WAA-SwD for that student.

c. Other data errors. Evidence of other data errors may be submitted. Please contact DPI prior to submitting other data error evidence, to clarify the types of evidence that would be required around the potential issue.

Questions about requests for AYP reconsideration may be directed to the following DPI staff:

Lynette Russell, Asst. Director, School Support: 608-267-3163,

Susan Ketchum, Accountability Consultant: 608-267-0425,

Mary Kleusch, School Support Consultant: 608-261-6324,

Requests for reconsideration must be received by DPI
no later than 4:00 p.m. on June 30, 2004.

Mail to: Patty Murray,
Successful Schools Team,
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction,
125 S. Webster St., P.O. Box 7841,
Madison, WI 53707-7841.

FAX: (608)267-9142

April 26, 2004 2004 AYP Reconsideration Criteria.doc