2004 Booklist – Early Years (R-2) FULL LIST
Book ID / Author / Title
2274 / AARON, Moses / The Duck Catcher
893 / ADAMS, Pam / Mrs Honey's dream
895 / ADAMS, Pam / Mrs Honey's hat
896 / ADAMS, Pam / Mrs Honey's holiday
897 / ADAMS, Pam / Mrs Honey's tree
675 / AHLBERG, Allan / The adventures of Bert
723 / AHLBERG, Allan / Chicken, chips and peas
737 / AHLBERG, Allan / Each peach pear plum
774 / AHLBERG, Allan / Grandma Fox
826 / AHLBERG, Janet / The jolly postman or other peoples' letters
946 / AHLBERG, Janet / Peepo!
220 / ALBOROUGH, Jez / Captain Duck
804 / ALBOROUGH, Jez. / Hug
22 / ALLEN, Pamela / Alexander's outing
696 / ALLEN, Pamela / The bear's lunch
697 / ALLEN, Pamela / Belinda
713 / ALLEN, Pamela / Brown bread and honey
717 / ALLEN, Pamela / Can you keep a secret?
83 / ALLEN, Pamela / Cuthbert's babies
89 / ALLEN, Pamela / Daisy all-sorts
2275 / ALLEN, Pamela / Grandpa and Thomas
127 / ALLEN, Pamela / Mr Archimedes Bath
87 / ALLEN, Pamela / Mr McGee and the biting flea
21 / ALLEN, Pamela / Mr McGee and the perfect nest
2252 / ALLEN, Pamela / My Cat Maisie
945 / ALLEN, Pamela / The pear in the pear tree
141 / ALLEN, Pamela / The potato people
128 / ALLEN, Pamela / Who sank the boat?
54 / ANDREAE, Giles / Giraffes can't dance
858 / ANDREAE, Giles / The magic donkey ride
33 / ANELLO, Christine / The farmyard cat in trouble
27 / ANGELOU, Maya / My painted house, my friendly chicken and me
58 / ANHOLT, Laurence / Rumply crumply stinky pin
23 / ANTLE, Nancy / Ordinary Albert
841 / ARMITAGE, Ronda / The lighthouse keeper's Christmas
842 / ARMITAGE, Ronda / The lighthouse keeper's lunch
183 / ATKINSON, Kathie / A is for Australian animals
200 / AUSTIN, Mark / Ringle tingle tiger
26 / BAILEY, Jill / Worm
126 / BAKER, Alan / I thought I heard…….
772 / BAKER, Jeannie / Grandfather
777 / BAKER, Jeannie / Grandmother
160 / BAKER, Jeannie / One hungry spider
1828 / BAKER, Jeannie / Where the forest meets the sea
1845 / BAKER, Jeannie / Window
174 / BALDWIN, Carol / Sharks
922 / BALLIE, Allan / Old magic
2284 / BARBALET, Margaret / Reggie Queen of the Street
908 / BASE, Graeme / My grandma lived in Gooligulch
836 / BAUMGART, Klaus / Laura's star
147 / BAYNTON, Martin / Jane and the dragon
885 / BEATON, Clare (ill.) / Mother Goose remembers
130 / BENJAMIN, A.H. / A duck so small
131 / BERENSTAIN, Stan / Bears in the night
2296 / BERENSTAIN, Stan and Jan / Bears on Wheels
166 / BIRCH, Robin / Stars
719 / BIRD, Carmel / The Cassowary's quiz
724 / BLAKE, Quentin / Clown
882 / BLAKE, Quentin / Mister Magnolia
892 / BLAKE, Quentin / Mrs Armitage and the big wave
913 / BODSWORTH, Nan / Nice walk in the jungle
808 / BONNE, Rose / I know an old lady
994 / BONNING, Tony / Stone soup
66 / BOURGEOIS, Paulette / Franklin goes to school
110 / BRADMAN, Tony / Michael
34 / BRAUN, Trudi / My goose Betsy
759 / BRETT, Jan / Gingerbread baby
979 / BRIAN, Janeen / Silly galah!
68 / BRIAN, Janeen / Where does Thursday go?
1039 / BRIAN, Janeen / Wishbone
685 / BROWN, Marc / Arthur lost and found
686 / BROWN, Marc / Arthur writes a story
727 / BROWN, Ruth / Dark, dark tale
695 / BROWNE, Anthony / Bear hunt
769 / BROWNE, Anthony / Gorilla
56 / BROWNE, Anthony / Hansel & Gretel
809 / BROWNE, Anthony / I like books
124 / BROWNE, Anthony / My dad
1004 / BROWNE, Anthony / Through the magic mirror
1033 / BROWNE, Anthony / Willy and Hugh
1034 / BROWNE, Anthony / Willy the champ
1035 / BROWNE, Anthony / Willy the dreamer
1036 / BROWNE, Anthony / Willy the wimp
2304 / BROWNE, Anthony / Willy the Wizard
1047 / BROWNE, Anthony / Zoo
135 / BROWNE, Eileen / Handa's hen
791 / BROWNE, Eileen / Handa's surprise
136 / BROWNE, Eileen / Handa's suspense
912 / BRUCE, Lisa / New shoes
2 / BRUCE, Lisa / Staying the night
164 / BRYANT-MOLE, Karen / Hot and cold (science all around me)
688 / BURNINGHAM, John / Avocado baby
725 / BURNINGHAM, John / Come away from the water, Shirley
782 / BURNINGHAM, John / Granpa
805 / BURNINGHAM, John / Husherbye
25 / BURNINGHAM, John / Mr Gumpy's motor car
888 / BURNINGHAM, John / Mr Gumpy's outing
921 / BURNINGHAM, John / Oi! Get off our train
977 / BURNINGHAM, John / Seasons
1007 / BURNINGHAM, John / Time to get out of the bath, Shirley
1028 / BURNINGHAM, John / Where's Julius?
872 / BURTON, Virginia Lee / Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel
760 / BUSH, John / The giraffe who got in a knot
2306 / CABRERA, Jane / If You're Happy and You Know It!
729 / CAMPBELL, Rod / Dear zoo
102 / CANNON, Janell / Stellaluna
940 / CARLE, Eric / Papa, please get the moon for me
1014 / CARLE, Eric / The very hungry caterpillar
150 / CASTLE, Caroline / For every child
88 / CATTERWELL, Thelma / Sebastian lives in a hat
77 / CAVE, Kathryn / One child one seed: a South African counting book
117 / CHAPMAN, Jane / Old Macdonald had a farm
679 / CHASE, Diana / Angel in a gum tree
137 / CHENG, Christopher / One child
81 / CHILD, Lauren / I am not sleepy and I will not go to bed
101 / CHILD, Lauren / I am too absolutely small for school
82 / CHILD, Lauren / I will not ever never eat a tomato
143 / CHILD, Lauren / That pesky rat
687 / CHURCH, Diana / At the seaside
707 / CHURCH, Diana / Birthday party
764 / CHURCH, Diana / Going shopping
1025 / CLARK, Emma Chichester / Where are you, Blue Kangaroo?
36 / CLARK, Margaret / Galumpher
950 / CLAYBOURNE, Anna / Plants
743 / CLEMENT, Rod / Eyes in disguise
771 / CLEMENT, Rod / Grandad's teeth
107 / CLEMENT, Rod / Olga the brolga
204 / COHEN, Bernard / Paul needs specs
2249 / COLE, Babette / Prince Cinders
2251 / COLE, Babette / The Trouble with Grandad
2250 / COLE, Babette / The Trouble with Mum
881 / CONDON, Bill / Miss Wolf and the porkers
692 / COOPER, Helen / The baby who wouldn't got to bed
959 / COOPER, Helen / Pumpkin soup
2276 / COSTAIN, Meredith / Oliver's Egg
28 / COX, David / Ayu and the perfect moon
2270 / COX, David / Hello Puppy!
2278 / COX, Tania / Baby
2279 / COX, Tania / Little Bat
205 / COX, Tania / Scary bear
2309 / COX, Tania / Snap!
2553 / COX, Tania / Snap! Went Chester
2282 / COX, Tania / Wolf's Sunday Dinner
44 / CRUSE, Beryl / Bittangabee tribe: an Aboriginal story from coastal New South Wales
70 / CUMMINGS, Phil / Basketball Ben
32 / CUMMINGS, Phil / The big match
65 / CUMMINGS, Phil / I bet you don't
93 / CUMMINGS, Phil / Marty and Mei-Ling
80 / CUMMINGS, Phil / Midge, mum and the neighbours
998 / DALE, Penny / Ten in the bed
2248 / DALE, Penny / Ten Out of Bed
2310 / DALES, Kim / Bush Babies
744 / DALY, Jude / Fair, brown and trembling: an Irish Cinderella story
2303 / DAVIES, Nicola / One Tiny Turtle
2277 / DAWE, Bruce / Show and Tell
112 / DEMAREST, Chris L. / My little red car
193 / DENNIS, C.J. / The ant explorer
52 / DITERLIZZI, Tony / The spider and the fly
788 / DODD, Lynley / Hairy MacLary from Donaldson's dairy
789 / DODD, Lynley / Hairy Maclary's bone
790 / DODD, Lynley / Hairy Maclary's caterwaul caper
975 / DODD, Lynley / Scarface claw
984 / DODD, Lynley / Slinky Malinki
113 / DOHERTY, Berlie / The magical bicycle
971 / DONALDSON, Julia / Room on the broom
783 / DOYLE, Malachy / The great castle of Marshmangle
2287 / DOYLE, Malachy / Sleepy Pendoodle
79 / DUMBLETON, Mike / Downsized
2283 / DUMBLETON, Mike / Let's Escape
57 / DUMBLETON, Mike / Muddled-up farm
943 / DUMBLETON, Mike / Passing on
2308 / DUNBAR, Joyce / A chick Called Saturday
703 / DURANT, Alan / Big fish, little fish
103 / DWYER, Christina / Jimmie Jean & the turtles
683 / EASTMAN, P.D. / Are you my mother?
689 / EDWARDS, Hazel / Axminster the carpet snake
2285 / EDWARDS, Hazel / Stickbeak
139 / EDWARDS, Hazel / There's a hippopotamus on our roof eating cake
918 / EDWARDS, Richard / Nonsense nursery rhymes
218 / EDWARDS, Yvonne / Going for kalta
140 / EHLERT, Lois / Growing vegetable soup
1019 / EMPACHER, Helen / What we count then and now
926 / FALCONER, Ian / Olivia
927 / FALCONER, Ian / Olivia and the missing toy
928 / FALCONER, Ian / Olivia saves the circus
2295 / FATCHEN, Max / Australia At the Beach
50 / FATCHEN, Max / Very long nose of Jonathon Jones
877 / FIENBERG, Anna / Minton goes home
878 / FIENBERG, Anna / Minton goes trucking
879 / FIENBERG, Anna / Minton goes under
813 / FITZPATRICK, Marie-Louise / I'm a tiger too
31 / FLEMING, Garry / The very ordinary caterpillar
2574 / FOREMAN, Michael / Dad! I Can't Sleep
969 / FOSTER, John / Rhyme time around the year
84 / FOX, Mem / Boo to a goose
5 / FOX, Mem / Harriet, you'll drive me wild
132 / FOX, Mem / Hattie and the fox
835 / FOX, Mem / Koala Lou
16 / FOX, Mem / The magic hat
914 / FOX, Mem / Night noises
956 / FOX, Mem / Possum magic
100 / FOX, Mem / Sail away: the ballad of Skip and Nell
983 / FOX, Mem / Sleepy bears
1006 / FOX, Mem / Time for bed
151 / FOX, Mem / Whoever you are
1032 / FOX, Mem / Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge
1040 / FOX, Mem / Wombat divine
722 / FREEMAN, Pamela / Cherryblossom and the golden bear
71 / FRENCH, Jackie / Diary of a wombat
2259 / FRENCH, Jackie / Pigs Don't Fly
986 / FRENCH, Jackie / Smudge
74 / FRENCH, Jackie / Too many pears!
142 / FRENCH, Simon / Guess the baby
2581 / FRENCH, Vivian / Caterpillar Caterpillar
2294 / FRENCH, Vivian / Oliver's Vegetables
63 / FRENCH, Vivian / Space dog and the space egg
149 / FREYMANN, Saxton / How are you peeling: foods with moods
933 / FREYMANN, Saxton / One lonely sea horse
1042 / FUGE, Charles / Yip snap yap
947 / FURCHGOTT, Terry / Phoebe and the hot water bottles
874 / GAG, Wanda / Millions of cats
1023 / GARDINER, Lindsey / When Poppy and Max grow up
47 / GERMEIN, Katrina / Big rain coming
210 / GERMEIN, Katrina / Leaving
76 / GIBSON, Ray / I can cut and stick
822 / GILMAN, Phoebe / Jillian Jiggs
823 / GILMAN, Phoebe / Jillian Jiggs and the secret surprise
824 / GILMAN, Phoebe / Jillian Jiggs to the rescue
900 / GLEESON, Libby / Mum goes to work
961 / GLEESON, Libby / Queen of the universe
207 / GLEESON, Libby / Shutting the chooks in
982 / GLEESON, Libby / Sleep time
1029 / GLEESON, Libby / Where's mum
954 / GODWIN, Jane / Poor fish
165 / GODWIN, Sam / The drop goes plop: a first look at the water cycle
816 / GORDON, Anagelica / In Redfern
902 / GORE, Sheila / My cake
910 / GORE, Sheila / My shadow
12 / GOWAN, Mick / The sandcastle
37 / GRAHAM, Amanda / Arthur
105 / GRAHAM, Amanda / Picasso the green tree frog
6 / GRAHAM, Bob / Crusher is coming
770 / GRAHAM, Bob / Grandad's magic
10 / GRAHAM, Bob / Greetings from Sandy Beach
821 / GRAHAM, Bob / Jethro Byrde, fairy child
208 / GRAHAM, Bob / Let's get a pup
114 / GRAHAM, Bob / Max
38 / GRAHAM, Bob / Queenie the bantam
972 / GRAHAM, Bob / Rose meets Mr Wintergarten
963 / GRANT, Gwen / Race day
846 / GRAY, Nigel / Little bear's grandad
853 / GREJNIEC, Michael / Look
2289 / GREY, Mini / Egg Drop
122 / GRINDLEY, Sally / Dirty Denis
159 / HARD, Charlotte / One green island
121 / HARRIS, Christine / I don't want to go to school
92 / HARRIS, Christine / Sleeping In
169 / HARTLEY, Karen / Snail
173 / HARVEY, Bev / Dolphin family
861 / HATHORN, Libby / Magical ride
2292 / HAWKINS, Colin / What's the time, Mr Wolf
1010 / HEDLEY, Alistair / Treasury of nursery rhymes
115 / HERRICK, Steven / The place where the planes take off
767 / HILL, Eric / Goodnight Spot
2257 / HILL, Eric / Spot Goes on Holiday
2264 / HILL, Eric / Spot Goes to the Farm
2245 / HILL, Eric / Spot Goes to the Park
990 / HILL, Eric / Spot visits his grandparents
2246 / HILL, Eric / Spot's Baby Sister
1030 / HILL, Eric / Where's Spot
2260 / HILL, Eric / Where's spot?
709 / HILTON, Nette / The blue bike
104 / HILTON, Nette / Little Platypus
852 / HILTON, Nette / The long red scarf
69 / HILTON, Nette / Tough Lester
2311 / HOBBS, Leigh / Old Tom at the Beach
60 / HOBBS, Leigh / Old Tom, man of mystery
53 / HOFFMAN, Mary / The colour of home
680 / HOLABIRD, Katherine / Angelina Ballerina's invitation to the ballet
96 / HONEY, Elizabeth / Not a Nibble
216 / HOOPER, Meredith / Woolly jumper: the story of wool
732 / HUGHES, Shirley / Dogger
13 / HUNT, Nan / Families are funny
886 / HUNTER, Rebecca / Moving house
906 / HUNTER, Rebecca / My first day at school
907 / HUNTER, Rebecca / My first pet
733 / HUTCHINS, Pat / Don't forget the bacon
753 / HUTCHINS, Pat / Follow that bus!
766 / HUTCHINS, Pat / Good-night owl
801 / HUTCHINS, Pat / The house that sailed away
818 / HUTCHINS, Pat / It's my birthday
73 / HUTCHINS, Pat / Rosie's walk
993 / HUTCHINS, Pat / Sticky Titch
999 / HUTCHINS, Pat / Ten red apples
1005 / HUTCHINS, Pat / Tidy Titch
1008 / HUTCHINS, Pat / Titch and Daisy
134 / HUTCHINS, Pat / We're going on a picnic!
1043 / HUTCHINS, Pat / You'll soon grow into them, Titch
72 / HUTCHINSON, Sascha / Little duck
2262 / INKPEN, Mick / Kipper's Toybox
2269 / JAKAMARRA, Henry Cook / The Two Wallabies
1044 / JINKS, Catherine / You'll wake the baby
182 / JOHNSON, Jinny / How fast is a cheetah?
2261 / JUNGMAN, Ann / The Most Magnificent Mosque
15 / KALAN, Robert / Jump frog jump
2291 / KELLEHER, Victor / What Dino Saw
191 / KENNETT, David / Polar bear
2247 / KERR, Judith / Mog and the Vee Ee Tee
8 / KILLEEN, Gretel / What'll we get for grandma?
899 / KING, Karla / Ms Johnstone to the rescue
797 / KING, Stephen Michael / Henry and Amy: right-way-round and upside down
2004 Booklist Early Years (R-2) FULL LIST
