“To Make the Best Better”

All members complete the following 2 requirements to be aShelby County 4H’er:

  1. Complete a 2014-2015enrollment formfor new members / 4-H Online for current members between November 1 and May 1.
  • Juniors—grades 4-6; Intermediates—grades 7-8; Seniors—grades 9-12
  1. Complete a 4-H record book to earn a project or personal development award or serve on County Council or exhibit at county fair.

IN ADDITION

All 4-H’ers are encouraged to:

Attend club and county activities as well as state and national events.

Participate on committees.

Serve as a club officer when elected. Clubs are encouraged to rotate officers annually. Elected officers should attend annual officer’s training.

Visit other clubs at any time.

Complete at least one project according to your pre-established goal.

Give an educational presentation, working exhibit, or share the fun at a club meeting.

Attend one county-level livestock workshop (sheep, swine, goat, etc.)


All members MUSTmeet the following 5 requirements to be eligible to exhibit at the 2015 Shelby County Fair, Iowa State Fair, Ak-Sar-Ben and Clay County Fair:

  1. Attend at least 4regular 4-H club meetings (between September 1 and June 1).
  • Dog, horse, rabbit and beef project members attend these additional Shelby Countysponsored meetings:
  • Dog members work with identified dog at least two dog projectmeetings. Four or more is recommended.
  • Horse members work with identified horse at leastthree horse project meetings, while following the guidelines set in “4-H Rules and Regulations for equine shows in Iowa”.
  • Rabbit and Beef members will attend one county workshop.
  1. Complete animal identification form by January 15 and/or May 15 for those projects requiring it.
  2. Certify in FSQA for beef, swine, sheep, rabbit, poultry, dairy and goat projects.
  3. Complete county fair entry form by due date determined by County Extension annually.
  4. Submit a record book the previous year (exception: 4th graders and first year 4-H’ers)


Enrollment form serves as the official record for determining:

 County fair exhibit eligibility /  Insurance premium payments.
 Area, state, and national eligibility. /  State and national statistical reports.
 Distribution of 4-H materials. /  County payment for state membership dues.

I understand the above membership requirements and agree to follow the terms.

Member’s signature ______Date ______

Parent’s signature ______Date ______

Drafted and approved by Shelby County 4-H Youth Committee Sept 2006/ Revised Oct 2013/Oct 2014

Extension programs are available to all without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, or disability.