2016-2017Preschool Year Calendar

September6, 2016


5 or 20First FACTS withdrawal made

20Prepaid tuition balance due

31Preschool Paperwork Deadline and
Health Inventory Forms due


1-5NCPC Vacation Bible School (free)

29-31Teacher Week


1-2 Teacher Week (cont.)

5Labor Day (school closed)

8Preschool 3’s Parent Workshops (9 a.m.)

9Preschool 4’s Parent Workshops (9 a.m. or 1 p.m.)

10Preschool Visitation Day (9-11 a.m.)

1214Preschool 4’s begin with gradual entry

13 & 15Preschool 3’s begin with gradual entry

16Preschool 4’s full program begins

20Preschool 3’s full program begins


1 Applebee’s Bel Air Fundraiser

21 Open House (8:30-11 a.m.)

22Corn Maize Fundraiser - Beachmont

26Preschool 4’s individual and class pictures

27Preschool 3’s individual and class pictures


3Preschool 3’s parent conferences (Preschool in session)

4Preschool 4’s parent conferences (Preschool in session)

14-18American Education Week

Monday –Grandparent’s Day for Preschool 4 AM and 4 PM: Child with last name A-L(held in preschool classroom)

Tuesday – Grandparent’s Day for Preschool 3 AM: Child with last name A-L(held in preschool classroom)

Wednesday – Grandparent’s Day for Preschool 4 AM and 4 PM: Child with last name M-Z(held in preschool classroom)

Thursday – Grandparent’s Day for Preschool 3 AM: Child with last name M-Z(held in preschool classroom)

14-18Book Fair

17Kindergarten Information Night (6:30 - 8:00 p.m.) All Preschool Families Welcome!

21-25Thanksgiving vacation (school closed)

28School resumes following Thanksgiving vacation


2 Barnes and Noble Fundraiser

7 Picture Retake for Preschool 4’s and 3’s

153’s Preschool Christmas program

164’s Preschool Christmas program

20All preschool students invited to the Grammar School Christmas Concert

21Last day before Christmas vacation

22-31Christmas vacation (school closed)


1-2Christmas vacation (cont.), (school closed)

3School resumes following Christmas vacation

16Martin Luther King Jr. Day (school closed)

26 Open House (8:30-11 a.m.)


8Registration fee and Enrollment Contracts due for all students

18February Flip Pancake Breakfast

20President’s Day (school closed)

274 AM Preschool Father’s Night (6-7 p.m.)

283 AM Preschool Father’s Night (6-7 p.m.)


64 PM Preschool Father’s Night (6-7 p.m.)

16-17Preschool Parent-Teacher Conference Day (Preschool closed)

20 Open House (8:30-11 a.m.)


8 Lion’s Den Coffee House (Upper School)

10-17Easter Vacation- (school closed)

18 School resumes following Easter vacation

28-29Evening for the Arts


2Prepayment tuition -

20% down payment due

113’s Preschool Mother’s Tea

124’s Preschool Mother’s Tea

18All preschool families invited to the Grammar School Recitatio (6:30 p.m.)

18Last day for 3’s Preschool

19Last day for 4’s Preschool

Inclement weather days have been built into this calendar. If we use more than our allotment, we may recoup some holidays and in-service days for instructional time. Notice will be given.