
2018 State Winners Advance to the

National Economics Challenge SMSemi-Finals

The National Economics Challenge SM Semi-Finals will take place at the winning team’s school. The team coach/teacher is responsible for reserving a classroom with four computers or laptops that have internet access and an independent proctor for a period of 85minutes.

The National Economics Challenge SMSemi-Finals consist of three consecutive individual rounds and one team round. The first part will consist of three individual consecutive rounds, where students will have 60 minutes to independently answer 45 questions. The second part will consist of a team round,in which students will have 20 minutes to answer 15 questions collaboratively.

CEE will email the National Economics Challenge SM Semi-Finals access codes to the winning team's school principal and coach/teacher. The email will also includea proctor form, instructions, a verification code for each student, and two test codes. One test code will be for the team round, and the other code will be for individual student rounds. The Semi-Finals will be conducted online and internet access is needed to participate.

The school principalshould identify and appoint a proctor (a teacher other than the team’s coach/teacher, or a school administrator) for the National Economics ChallengeSMSemi-Finals.The time limit is 85 minutes, and the test must be conducted during school hours and no later than 6pm EST. Once the students login with their individual access codes and select begin, the clock will start. Both the school principal and proctor will sign the proctor sheet and return to CEE.

After the challenge CEE will score the National Economics Challenge SM Semi-Finals tests, and team rankings will be posted on CEE’s website

The top eight highest scoring semi-finalist David Ricardo and Adam Smith teams will be invited to advance to the National Economics Challenge SM Finals. Teams (students and coach) will receive up to 50% of travel costs to get you to New York City (see travel reimbursement guideline), and all hotel, food and event expenses-paid for a team of four students and one coach, while in New York City to compete at the finals level the weekend of May 19-21, 2018. NOTE: Reconstituting teams members is permissible.The top eight highest scoring teams must confirm their participation at Nationals by May 1st.

Questions? Visit our Website more information
or contact Council for Economic Education staff by email: r by phone 212-730-7007
Rosalie Polanco ;
Kevin Gotchet ;
Rosanna Castillo

National Economics ChallengeSMSemi-Finals


Semi-Finals: on April 24th, 2018during school hours, and no later than 6pm EST (or April 19th, 2018in the event that your schools is on spring break, or if you receive pre-approval from CEE).
National Finals: Top eight teams in each division will be invited to participate at National Finals which will be held May 19-21, 2018.


The State Coordinator will announcestate winners and register teamsby filling out, signing and submitting the2018 NEC Semi-Finals State Winner Registration (Click here)no later thanApril 15th, 2018or at the conclusion of your state competition. Please contact CEE if an extension is required, and/or if your winning teams must participate early (April 19), instead of the official date of April 24th.

State Coordinator’s will provide the following information to the state champions:


  1. Register the team (coach/teacher and students):
  • Review the proctor instructions and rules, and identify the team’s testing date ofApril 24th. If requesting an early test date ofApril 19th, please provide a note from theschool principal stating that the school will be on spring break (or another valid reason) during the regularly scheduled Semi-Finals date.
  • Fill out, submit, and sign the2018 NEC Semi-FinalsRegistration(Teacher Form) (Click here).Send signed form to the state coordinator.
  • Direct the team’s students to submit the 2018 NEC Semi-Finals Registration(Student Form) (click here). (Have a parent/guardian sign if the student is 13 years old or younger and email a picture or scanned copy to the State Coordinator).
  1. Coordinate with school principal:
  • Identify a proctor to administer the test. The proctor may be a school teacher, school administrator, principal, or council/center staff. (Note that the team’s coach/teacher may not be the proctor.)
  • Affirm in writing that test conditions were conducive to ensuring fair results for the National Semi-Finals.Please fax affirmation to 212-730-1973.Secure a classroom with internet access and 4 computers or laptops at the winning team’s school on April 24th, 2018 (or April 19th, 2018 for those schools on spring break during the set testing date) during school hours,and no later than 6pm EST.
  • Confirm that the access codes, time/date/room assignment information is provided to the proctor.
  1. Coordinate with the students:
  • Provide students with the time on April 24th, 2018 (or April 19th, 2018 for those schools on spring break during the set testing date) during school hours, and no later than 6pm EST.
  • Once the room has been identified, provide students with the exact location.


  1. Identify a proctor, testing room with four computers and internet access for the date/time of the competition
  2. Provide proctor with testing codes and a copy of the proctor instructions
  3. At the conclusion of testing, collect form from proctor, sign, and return to CEE (fax to 212-730-1973)


  1. Review the proctor instructions and proctor the students duringthe National Semi-Finalson Tuesday April 24th (or, April 19th, 2018 for those schools on spring break during the set testing date with pre-approval) during school hours, and no later than 6pm EST.
  2. Affirm in writing that test conditions were conducive to ensuring fair results for the National Semi-Finals- Fill in and sign the proctor form, and return to the principal, for their signature and to have it faxed back to the Council for Economic Education, attn.: Rosanna Castillo, fax: 212-730-1973.

All forms are available at in the ‘Preparing your team’, teacher section of the website.


The top eight highest scoring semi-finalist David Ricardo and Adam Smith teams will be invited to advance to the National Economics Challenge SM Finals.

Teams (students and coach) will receive up to 50% of travel costs to get you to New YorkCity (see travel reimbursement guideline), and all hotel, food and event expenses-paid for a team of four students and one coach, while in New York City to compete at the finals level the weekend of May 19-21, 2018.

NOTE: Reconstituting teams members is permissible.The top eight highest scoring teams must confirm their participation at Nationals by May 1st.