0BAmerican Planning Association

1BIndiana Chapter

2BNomination Form

APA Indiana Chapter must receive complete entries and all accompanying materials for all awards categories by UFriday, March 23, 2012by 5:00 PM ETU. Any entries received after this date will not be considered. The categories available for nomination are as follows:

3BAwards for Excellence in Planning
  • Outstanding Plan
  • Outstanding Best Practice
  • Outstanding Community Initiative
  • Outstanding Student Project
  • Outstanding Journalism
  • Outstanding Marketing Project
  • Outstanding Implementation
4BAwards for Distinguished Leadership
  • Mike Carroll Award for Distinguished Leadership by a Professional Planner
  • Earl Franke Award for Distinguished Service to the Chapter
  • Distinguished Leadership by an Elected Official
  • Distinguished Leadership by a Citizen Planner

Please refer to the Call for Nominations for specific descriptions and criteria for each of the listed awards.

5BSection A: Nomination

I nominate______

for an APA Indiana Chapter Hoosier Planning Award. This submission is to be entered in the category of:


6BSection B: Attachments

The following attachments are mandatory for all awards categories. Entries should be submitted via CD-Rom (seven copies required). Entries without all of the required attachments will not be considered. All submissions will become the property of APA Indiana Chapter and will not be returned.

  1. Nomination Form in PDF or Word format.
  2. A 150 word summary of the project or nominee’s accomplishment in Word or PDF format.
  3. The one-page summary of the submission, or in the case of an individual, a one-page resume in Word or PDF format.
  4. A two-page explanation demonstrating how the submission meets each of the criteria for the category in which the award is sought in Word or PDF format.
  5. The one-page statement in support of the submission in Word or PDF format.
  6. If nominating a plan, project (or implementation), one copy of the final plan or project document in Word, PDF or indesign format.
  7. If nominating for Outstanding Journalism, one copy of the nominated report in its original media (print, television, radio, etc.) in Word, PDF or indesign format.

All award nominations for APA Indiana Planning Awards must include digital images that are copyright free.

a) 10 digital, copyright-free images (.jpeg or TIF format) Uwith photo captionsU.

b) 10 digital copyright-free images (.jpeg or TIF format) Uwithout captionsU.

c) Each image must be a minimum of 250 dpi.

d)Captions must be between 15 and 25 words each.

e) Photo collages and PowerPoint presentations are not acceptable.

Section C: Nomination Coordinator

Please provide the name of an individual to act as your nomination coordinator. The nomination coordinator will work with APA Indiana Chapter Awards Committee in obtaining additional information and materials from winning entries in preparation for the awards presentation ceremony.

Name: ______

Organization: ______

Title: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______

Telephone: ______Fax: ______E-mail: ______

Section D: Contacts

Please provide the names of up to two individuals, other than the nominator, to be notified in the event that this submission is selected to receive an award. If this submission is for an individual, that person must be listed below as one of the contacts.

Name: ______

Organization: ______

Title: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______

Telephone: ______Fax: ______E-mail: ______

Name: ______

Organization: ______

Title: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______

Telephone: ______Fax: ______E-mail: ______

Section E: Nominator/Entrant

Please list contact information for the nominator of the person or project being submitted for an award if different from the nomination coordinator:

Name: ______

Organization: ______

Title: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______

Telephone: ______Fax: ______E-mail: ______

I certify that the submitted work was done by the parties credited and meets all eligibility requirements. I understand that any entry that fails to meet submission requirements may be disqualified. Signer must be authorized to represent those credited.

Signature of Nominator/Entrant: ______

Date: ______

Mail Submissions to:

Joshua Desmond, AICP

City of Bloomington Planning Department

401 N. Morton St.

P.O. Box100

Bloomington, IN47402
