
All Gospels (Matthew, Mark Luke, John)

In all Gospels, John the Baptist speaks

Peter confesses the Messiah

Five thousand fed, a triumphal ride

Judas betrays, and Jesus’ arrest

Peter denies, Pilate sentences

The crucifixion, and the burial

Women arrive at an empty tomb

In all four gospels


In Matthew, Jesus is the King

In Mark, the servant sacrifice

In Luke, the perfect Son of Man

In John, he is the Son of God

Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke)

‘Synoptics,’ Matthew, Mark and Luke

The temptation, a paralytic healed

Choosing the twelve, and stilling a storm

Jairus’s daughter, the twelve are sent

Transfiguration, and a rich young man

The Sower’s story, ‘give Caesar’s due’

Woes to scribes, future warnings

In Matthew, Mark and Luke

Two Gospels

In Matthew and Mark, John the Baptist’s death

A fig tree wilts, four thousand fed

In Mark and Luke is the widow’s mite

A demonized man at the synagogue

In Matthew and Luke is the Lord’s Prayer

The Lost Sheep, and the Talents

Also many sayings shared

By sermons in Matthew and Luke

Matthew Alone

In Matthew alone are the wise men

An Egypt flight, a Sermon on the Mount

‘Come to me, I’ll give you rest’

The Tares, Two Sons, and The Laborers

Ten Waiting Virgins, and The Sheep and Goats

The guards at the tomb, and their report

‘Go, disciple the nations’

All in Matthew alone

Luke Alone

In Luke alone, John the Baptist’s birth

Shepherds and angels for Jesus’ birth

A Sermon on the ‘Plain,’ a Good Samaritan

A Rich Fool, and a Prodigal Son

An Unjust Steward, ten lepers healed

The Rich Man and Poor Lazarus

Mocked by Herod, The Emmaus Road

All in Luke alone

John Alone

In John alone, water into wine

Nicodemus, and the woman’s well

Many I AM’s, like the bread of life

A woman’s adultery, a man born blind

Lazarus raised, Jesus washes feet

The Discourse in the Upper Room

‘Peter, if you love me, feed my sheep’

All in John alone