2009 End of Year Checkout Form and Timelines
May 20Notify parents of seniors in danger of failing--documentation Teacher ______
May 27, 28Textbook Check (Teacher gives deficiency form to student-Teacher ______
June 2, 3Book Check Forms Completed by Teachers to mail from the office Ms. Shifflett ______
June 2 Senior Ethics Day and Class Elections (speeches in HR)
Senior Exams Due by 3:30 pm
June 4Last Day for SOLs (Retakes June 5, 8, 9)Guidance ______
2 Final Exam Copies – chairs responsible for turning in a copy to office Dept Chair ______
June 9 or 10 Awards Assembly, SCA Inductions, 9th Grade Activity, Senior Picnic, Field Day,
Yearbook, Literary Magazine Distribution, (Democratic Primary in Library)
June 11Locker Clean Out Teacher ______
June 12Exam Waivers Due (grades 9-11)Ms. Lancaster______
June 13 Saturday Exam Review Day, 9-11 am
June11, 12 Senior Exams Administered
*June 11Grade Window Opens for Seniors Only, 9:00 am
June 15Senior Grades Due by 3:00 pm Guidance ______
June 16Senior Deficiencies Due by 9 am Ms. Shifflett______
Senior Verifications Due to Guidance by 12 NOON Guidance ______
June 16-19Textbook Deficiency Sheets Due at End of each exam periodMs. Shifflett ______
June 17End of Year Staff Luncheon at SBHS, Recognition, 2:15 pm
June 18Graduation Practice, 2:00 pm
June 18Media Center Obligations Library Staff ______
Financial Clearance Ms. Farrish______
June 19Room Checkout Dept. Chair ______
Department Materials Dept. Chair ______
Final Exams with cover sheetsMs. Normandy______
List of Students Who Have Not Completed Exams (by 3:00 pm)Ms. Lancaster______
June 23Guidance Checkout (Time TBA)Mr. Lucas ______
Grading Timelines for Grades 9-11
June 16-19Grading Window Opens at 8 am on June 16 and closes on Monday, June 22, at 3 pm
June 223 pm—Grades Due, only send
Verifications will be placed in mailboxes in the afternoon
June 23All Verifications Must be Signed and returned to Guidance by 10:00 am; any corrections should be clearly marked in RED
Final CheckoutJune 23 (at time to be announced after everything else has been completed)
____Keys (new 08-09, see last page of packet for details)
____Copies of exams not taken by students with cover sheet listing names
____Teacher Grade Book
____Badge Return
____Summer Information Sheet
____This Check Out Form
Summary of Activities and Procedures
Please organize and prepare early for the end of the year. Department chairs and new teacher mentors are asked to highlight the information with department members and new teachers. Let the administration know of questions or corrections needed.
- Book Check (May 27th and 28th)
- Check the student’s textbook against your book loan list
- If the book numbers do NOT match or the student does not have a book, complete a book deficiency form.
- Lost Books – Title of Book, Book Number, and cost of the book are needed.
- If the book is damaged complete the book deficiency form and indicate the fine for the damage.
- Damaged Books – Title of Book, Book Number, and the fine for the damage must be indicated.
- DEFICIENCY AND ENVELOPE PREPARATION BY TEACHER (June 2nd and 3rd)—If the student does not show the book or pay the fine, address an envelope to the student’s parents and place the white copy in an envelope.
- Bring the envelope to the main office to be mailed home. Keep the pink and yellow copies and follow the directions in Section II below.
- Confirm that each student submits his or her textbook when you collect books at the end of the year.
- Deficiencies Collected During Exams
- This covers deficiencies for classroom instructional materials such as textbooks.
- Coaches and sponsors are responsible for following through to collect deficiencies for club and athletic activities. Typically, such deficiencies are not turned in on the deficiency list until every effort has been exhausted by the sponsor or coach and approved by Mr. Person.
- When the student pays for a deficiency, write the word “PAID” and your initials on the forms. (Remember you still have the pink & yellow forms) Give the yellow copy to the student. Put the money along with the pink copy in a plain white envelope and turn it in to Ms. Farrish at the end of the day. Under NO circumstances should you collect money and keep it overnight.
- At the end of each exam period, if a student has not paid the deficiency, then you should bring the pink and yellow copies of the deficiency to the main office.
- The main office will not accept money directly from a student until after deficiency notices have been submitted by teachers (i.e. after each exam period). Prior to this time, students will be instructed to submit the funds to their teacher.
III.Locker Clean Out
- June 11 – during 1st block
- Tell students the school will not be responsible for articles left behind.
- All pictures, posters, mirrors, tape, etc. should be removed from the lockers. The only things left should be books.
- Teachers assigned to monitor the clean-out are responsible for checking the lockers in their areas.
4. We will release odd numbered rooms first, even numbered rooms second.
Teachers are expected to help cover the halls.
- Exam Information
A. Exam Review and make-up work
- Saturday, June 13 - 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
- Passes and Early Dismissals
- NO passes should be issued during the exam period unless it is an EMERGENCY. Students should remain in their classrooms.
- Dismissal on exam days will only be granted during the break between exams. Let students know they cannot leave exams until the end of the exam period.
- Students who do not have a second exam should have a note from home giving them permission to leave early. They are required to sign out at the main entrance at the beginning of the exam break.
- Requests for Early Exams
1. These must be approved by the administration.
2. Requests should be submitted in advance to Ms. Whitfield.
- Final Exams—Except for Senior Exam Exemptions, All Students Are Expected to Take Final Exams. Any exceptions need to be approved by Mr. Person.
- Teachers are responsible for administering the exam for the entire period.
- Exams should mirror instruction and assessments you have used previously.
- The exam should cover the second semester’s work.
- Do NOT use students to type, run copies, duplicate, or grade your exams.
- Carefully store your exams so students do not have access to them.
- Exam Waiver for students who need 100+ points
- BOTH the parent and the teacher need to sign off on the form.
- Fill out the form on page 6 completely. Make copies as needed.
3. The form should be signed by the parent and returned to Ms. Lancaster by Friday, June
- Completed Student Exams
- Due to the main office by 3:00 PM on Friday, June 19.
- Follow the directions on the cover sheet on page 7.
- Students Missing Exams
- Call your students and make arrangements for them to complete the exam before 12:00 on Monday, June 22. If possible have them come in on the afternoon following the missed exam so we are not waiting until the first workday this year.
- On Friday, June 19 at 1:30 pm, give Ms. Lancaster a list of those students you have not been able to contact. Complete the form on page 11.
- Any student who does not complete the exam by Friday, June 19, at 3 pm should be given an Incomplete unless specific arrangements have been made for Monday, June 22 by noon.
- At check out turn in an exam for any student who needs less than 100 points and has not taken the exam. Follow the directions on the form on page 8.
V.Grading and Comment Sheets
A. It is critical that you follow the timelines and directions.
B. Comments should address the final year grade.
- Written comment sheets are required for any student who has a “D” or “F” or whose grade has dropped 2 or more letter grades.
- Corrections on Verification sheets should be done in red ink.
A. Prior to check out, please move your textbooks to the following locations:
- CTE: Class sets are kept in teacher’s classrooms
- English: Room 207
- Fine Arts: Class sets are kept in teacher’s classrooms
- Foreign Language: Spanish, Latin- Room 206, German, French, ASL- Room 208
- Math: Room L508
- Health and Physical Education: L602
- Science: Room 404
- Social Science: World History I- Room 605, All Others- Storage Under Stairwell #1 (near room L200)
- Damaged Books in need of repair should be taken to room 213
- Teachers’ Editions
- All teachers’ editions of the textbooks should be stored in the department office.
- Follow the directions on the teacher’s material cover sheet on page 10.
VII.Room Check
- All personal items should be secured.
- Remember that the rooms are emptied in order to scrub and wax the floors. Anything you can do to make this easier on our custodians will be appreciated.
- Check Out – Tuesday, June 23- after each staff member completes all EOY tasks
- Bring the following materials to checkout:
- 2009 End- of -Year Checkout Form, page 1.
- Copy of the “Exams Not Taken” cover sheet with exam copy, page 8.
- Badge
- Summer Information Sheet, page 12.
- Grade Books that are easily understood in case we have to check them
- Technology Information
- Keys- See page 17
- Staff Duties During Exams
- All teachers without afternoon exams will be assigned duties, particularly during the snack break.
- A listing of specific duties will be given to staff for the exam days.
Exam Schedule
Tuesday, June 161 and 21:30PM
Wednesday, June 176 and 51:30PM
Thursday, June 183 and 41:30PM
Friday, June 197 and 81:30PM
Exam Day Schedule
8:50 Warning Bell
9:00 – 11:00Exam
1:30 Dismissal
(Note: Schedule subject to adjustment to accommodate bus runs)
Due: Thursday, June 11
To: Ms. Lancaster
Final Exam Waiver
Student Name: ______
Date: ______
Subject: ______
Teacher: ______
The above named student is UNABLE to pass my class as supported by the information below. The exam grade needed by the student must be over 100% to grant him/her an exam waiver.
Teacher Signature
Please list grade in percentages:
1st 9Weeks / 2nd 9
Weeks / Exam / 1st
Sem. / 3rd 9
Weeks / 4th 9 Weeks / Exam / 2nd
Sem. / Final
As the above grades show, it is NOT POSSIBLE for this student to pass the class indicated. I, therefore, request an exam waiver with the understanding that the student will not attend the exam and will receive a ten (10%) for the exam.
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Due:Friday, June 19
To: Ms. Normandy
Cover Sheet for Completed Student Examinations
Instructions for Student Examination Papers:
- Complete the above information and use this sheet as a cover.
- If you use an answer sheet, include a copy of all exams used eachperiod.
- Do not fold the examination papers—leave flat.
- Put a rubber band or string around the entire pack.
- This packet is to be given to Mrs. Normandy by 3:00 p.m., Friday, June 19.
- Exams are filed for a semester and are subject to review by your student and their parents.
Due: Tuesday, June 23
To: Checkout
Examinations Not Taken
The following student(s) have not taken my second semester examination:
Student’s Name / Subject / Number of points needed on exam to pass for the year / Date that you contacted the parent regarding the missed exam- Attach an exam for each student who needs 100 points or less to pass for the year. Be sure to include the student’s name, your name and subject on each exam.
- You will be contacted once the exam is completed.
- Please bring this sheet and the exam(s) to checkout on Tuesday, June 23.
Distribution of Report Cards
Staff Expectations for Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Last Teacher Workday
The assistance of the entire staff will be required at 9:00 a.m. in the cafeteria on Thursday, June 23, for the purpose of preparing report cards for mailing. Teachers who do not have a homeroom will assist homeroom teachers. Please follow the timeline below so that report cards can be mailed as scheduled.
Verification sheets will have been placed in mailboxes on June 22nd in pm.
9:00 a.m.Verification Sheets due to guidance with all changes completed.
8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Classroom teachers will place comment sheets in the mailing envelopes that are sorted by homeroom and are located in boxes in the cafeteria.
Allteachers will be called to the cafeteria when guidance finishes printing report cards. Homeroom teachers and their assigned helpers will be expected to put the report cards in the proper envelopes, and seal the envelopes.
Note: ONLY the items listed above can be placed in the envelopes for mailing.
Due: Friday, June 19
To: Dept. Chair
Teacher’s Materials Cover Sheet
The following materials are to be turned in to your department chair:
- Teacher’s Editions
- Teacher’s Manuals
- Teacher’s copies of student texts
- Ancillary textbook materials
Complete the following information and place this sheet on top of your materials:
Due: Fri., June 19 – 3:00 p.m.
To: Ms. Lancaster
You are expected to contact your students on the day they miss the exam(s) and make arrangements for them to come in to take their exams.
Students who have not taken their exams by 3:00 on Friday, June 19.
Student’s Name / Subject / Phone Number / Office UseDue: Tuesday, June 23
To: Office Checkout
Summer Information Form
Name: ______
Address: ______
Phone Number: ______Best Time to Call: ______
Cell Phone #: ______
Personal E-mail: ______
We will not publish your personal e-mail address.
If you will be away from the above address, please complete the section below so that we might contact you, if it should become necessary.
Dates you will be away: ______
Phone number: ______
Best time to call: ______
Due: Thursday, June 4
To: Department Chairs
File Copy for Department Chairs
Due to Department Chairs on June 4, 2009
Stone Bridge High School
Cover Sheet for File Copies of Examinations
Second Semester: 2008-2009
Note: Be sure to give a description of projects, performances, practical applications, etc., that are included as part of your examination
Due: Thurs, June 4
To: Office
File Copy for the Main Office
Due to Main Office on June 4, 2009
Stone Bridge High School
Cover Sheet for File Copies of Examinations
Second Semester: 2008-2009
Note: Be sure to give a description of projects, performances, practical applications, etc. that are included as part of your examination
Library End of Year Procedures for Staff
This sheet must be filled in by each teacher and returned to the Media Center before any of the library staff will sign the "2009 End of Year Checkout Form."
Teacher’s Name______
Teacher’s Room______
Please check off each of these items as you do this inventory. Please make a note on this sheet if equipment is not in working order.
_____All books, videotapes, etc., have been returned to library.
_____All A-V equipment has been returned to library (digital cameras and
digital camcorders,tape players, boom boxes, CD players, LCD projectors,video cameras, tripods, microphones, slide projectors, etc.)
_____Remote for TV/VCR is returned to department chair.
_____Overhead projector, number ______is on a cart and will remain
located in the room.
_____TV and VCR are in working order.
_____Mobile teacher’s cart (locking, with doors) will remain in the
classroom. If it is not needed next year or if you will not be at Stone
Bridge, please return cart to library. Cart number is ______.
Teacher’s Signature______
Librarian’s Signature______
All staff members must turn in their keys at the end of the year.
Staff Returning to SBHS in the Fall:
1) Each staff member will receive 2 envelopes (one for classroom door keys and one for misc. keys such as file cabinets, desk, etc.).
2) Remove all "Classroom Door" keys from any key rings and place them into one envelope.
3) On the outside of the envelope, write your name in the upper right hand corner.
4) In the center of the envelope, write the letters/numbers that are stamped on each key (Example, AA3, AB24, AC2, Etc.) and the room number that each key opens.
5) If you have door keys for areas other than your classrooms (i.e. practice rooms, coaches’ keys, yearbook office, etc.), please place a star next the key code when you record them on your envelope. Regardless of your room assignment, I will know to return the key to you for next year.
6)In the second envelope, place all miscellaneous keys (file cabinets, desk, lights, etc.) These keys can remain on a key ring.
7) On the outside of the envelope, write your name in the upper right hand corner.
8) In the center of the envelope, write the letters/numbers that are stamped on each key (Example, NM056, SS519, CH751, Etc.) and theobject/lock that each key opens. (i.e. file cabinet, teacher’s desk, etc.)
9) Turn in both envelopes at check out.
Staff Not Returning to SBHS in the Fall:
1) Staff who are leaving should clean out their file cabinets, desk, and wardrobes.
2) Leave these items (file cabinets, desks, and wardrobes)unlocked with their key taped inside the top drawer/shelf. (i.e. File cabinet should have key taped inside, desk should have key taped inside, etc.)
3) Follow the directions above for classroom keys and any remaining miscellaneous keys.