Membership Ballot #1 Reconciliation for chapter 15 – Personnel Management

All comments are resolved, the negative ones are withdrawn.

Due to later disccussions with C/Q all trigger events for conformance statements should come out of the Q/K-series. As a result issue #2 must be corrected.

Beverly Wilson

No negative comments!

ID # / Section / Vote / Type / Existing Wording / Proposed Wording / Comments / Disposition / Identifier
1. / 15.2.6 / A / S / Standardize the Conformance Statement to match the template in Chapter 5.

Response: the structure of conformance statements has changed from ballot #1 to #2

Reconciliation: insert two more columns to message definitions; swap last two columns in input parameter specification

Vote: 6/0/0

2. / 15.2.6 / A / Q / Should trigger name be B06 or Qnn/Rnn?

Response: For simplification of this definition (no separate synchronization of trigger events) it is discussed to use event codes out our own series.

Reconciliation: B06 and B07 instead of Qnn/Rnn

Vote: 6/0/0

Later change: Because each normative query trigger event should use the Q-series this reconciliation must be corrected afterwards (without vote).

3. / 15.2.6 / A / Mi / Query Name: Qnn Personnel Information by Segment / Need to ensure this number gets valued.

Response: next available query number is not valued.

Reconciliation: refer to ID2

Vote: 6

4. / 15.2.6 / A / Mi / Query Trigger: Qnn [next available number in the Q series] / Need to ensure this number gets valued.

Response: refer to 3

Reconciliation: refer to ID2

Vote: 6

5. / 15.2.6 / A / Mi / Response Trigger: Knn [next available number in the K series] / Need to ensure this number gets valued.

Response: refer to 3

Reconciliation: refer to ID2

Vote: 6

6. / / A / T / User Defined Table 0338 has no bottom line.

Response: wrong formatting

Reconciliation: draw line

Vote: 6

7. / / A / Mi / The difference between the uses for PRA_9, PRA_10, and ORG_9 is not clear. Needs explanation.


Reconciliation: PRA-8 Date entering practice (DT); PRA-9 Institution (CE) non-repeatable; PRA-10 Date left practice (DT) non-repeatable; The PRA segment is repeatable.

Vote: 6

8. / / A / Mi / User-defined Table 0005 - Race / This table shows no recommended values. In Chapter 3, table 5 has a list of recommended values; this should be consistent.

Response: Decide whether a reused table should repeat its values or better refer to the originating chapter. This topic is repeated with other tables later.

Reconciliation: refer to chapter 3

Vote: 6

9. / / A / Mi / Definition: This field refers to the staff member's race. User-defined Table 0005 - Race is used as the HL7 identifier or the user-defined table of values for this field. The second triplet of the CE data type for race (alternate identifier, alternate text, and name of alternate coding system) is reserved for governmentally assigned codes. In the United States, these codes are assigned by the Office of Management and Budget. / Definition: This field refers to the staff member’s race. Refer to User-defined Table 0005 - Race for suggested values. The second triplet of the CE data type for race (alternate identifier, alternate text, and name of alternate coding system) is reserved for governmentally assigned codes. / Should have consistent definition with Chapter 3, table 5.

Response: Though the same semantics is intended different definitions are used.

Reconciliation: Make use of the same definition like in chapter 3, using the term person’s race. In chapter 3, the same generalization (person instead of patient) should be made

Vote: 6

10. / / A / Mi / User-defined Table 0189 - Ethnic group is used as… / This table shows no recommended values. In Chapter 3, table 0189 has a list of recommended values; this should be consistent.

Response: see 24; add values – or better refer to chapter 3

Reconciliation: Refer to chapter 3.

Vote: 6

11. / / A / Mi / Definition: This field further defines the staff member’s ancestry. User-defined Table 0189 - Ethnic group is used as the HL7 identifier for the user-defined table of values for this field. ERISA has a published list of ethnic classifications that may be used by local agreement at a site. The second couplet of the CE data type for ethnic group (alternate identifier, alternate text, and name of alternate coding system) is reserved for governmentally assigned codes. In the United States, these codes are assigned by the Office of Management and Budget. / Definition: This field further defines the staff member’s ancestry. Refer to User-defined Table 0189 - Ethnic group for suggested values. The second triplet of the CE data type for ethnic group (alternate identifier, alternate text, and name of alternate coding system) is reserved for governmentally assigned codes. In the US, a current use is to report ethnicity in line with US federal standards for Hispanic origin. / Should have consistent definition with chapter 3 table 0189

Response: when using the same data element a consistent definition should be used.

Reconciliation: see comment to #9.

Vote: 6

Freida Hall

This negative comment has been withdrawn due to adjustments.

ID # / Section / Vote / Type / Existing Wording / Proposed Wording / Comments / Disposition / Identifier
12. / Ch. 15
Ch. 2 / N / Mj /
Chapter 15 has introduced new elements that are a CM data type in the PRA segment.
/ Quoting Chapter 2: „No new CM’s are allowed after HL7 Version 2.2. Hence there are no new CM’s in Version 2.3.“ I believe the intent was to ban CM’s on all future versions, not just 2.3. This statement in Chapter 2 needs to be changed if we are now allowing CM data types.

References: #35 - #38

Response: Refers to chapter Because no CM data types are allowed, another data type must be used instead – or a better solution.

Reconciliation: see comment to #7.

Vote: 6

Robin Zimmerman

All negative comments has been withdrawn due to adjustments.

ID # / Section / Vote / Type / Existing Wording / Proposed Wording / Comments / Disposition / Identifier
13. / 15.2.1 / A / S / PMU/ACK – add personnel record (event B01)
An event B01 signals to add a new record for healthcare administration information about an individual healthcare practitioner establishing a relationship between that practitioner and the institution. / PMU/ACK – add personnel record (event B01)
An event B01 signals to add a new record for healthcare administration information about an individual healthcare practitioner establishing a relationship between that practitioner and the institution (e.g., upon hire). Refer to STF-30 Institution Affiliation Period. / Clarify usage / Robin Zimmerman

Response: STF-30 ??, compare with #25

Reconciliation: withdrawn by Robin

Vote: 6

14. / N / Mi / PMU/ACK – terminate staff member (event B0?)
An event B0? signals that the formal relationship between a staff member and the institution has ended. (e.g., upon termination). Refer to STF-30 Institution Affiliation Period. / Missing trigger event / Robin Zimmerman


Reconciliation: Add a new trigger event: „An event B08 signals that the formal relationship between a staff member and the institution has ended (e.g., upon termination).“ Delete 2nd sentence of 15.2.2.

Vote: 4/0/0

15. / 15.2.2 / A / S / PMU/ACK – update personnel record (event B02)
An event B02 signals to update the record with the healthcare administration information about an individual healthcare practitioner. This includes the ending of a relationship between the practitioner and the institution. / PMU/ACK – update personnel record (event B02)
An event B02 signals to update the record with the healthcare administration information about an individual healthcare practitioner.. not pertaining to any other trigger events. / Clarify usage / Robin Zimmerman


Reconciliation: Refer to #14

Vote: 5

16. / 15.2.4 / A / S / PMU/ACK – activate practicing person (event B04)
An event B04 signals that a health professional is able to practice. This message applies to STF-7. / PMU/ACK – activate staff member (event B04)
An event B04 signals that a staff member is available for work (e.g., schedules can be created) and has a relationship with the institution. This message applies to STF-7. / Clarify usage / Robin Zimmerman


Reconciliation: Apply the proposed wording

Vote: 5

17. / 15.2.5 / A / S / PMU/ACK – deactivate practicing person (event B05)
An event B05 signals that a health professional is no longer practicing. This message applies to STF-7. / PMU/ACK – deactivate staff member (event B05)
An event B05 signals that a staff member is temporarily unavailable for work, while maintaining a relationship with the institution. This message applies to STF-7. / Clarify usage / Robin Zimmerman


Reconciliation: Apply the proposed wording

Vote: 5

18. / 15.3.1 / N / Mj / The STF segment can identify any personnel referenced by information systems. These can be providers, staff, system users, and referring agents. In a network environment, this segment can be used to define personnel to other applications; for example, order entry clerks, insurance verification clerks, admission clerks, as well as provider demographics. MFE-4-primary key value is used to link all the segments pertaining to the same master file entry. Therefore, in the MFE segment, MFE-4-primary key value must be filled in. Other segments may follow the STF segment to provide data for a particular type of staff member. The PRA segment (practitioner) is one such. It may optionally follow the STF segment in order to add practitioner-specific data. Other segments may be defined as needed. / The STF segment can identify any personnel referenced by information systems. These can be providers, staff, system users, and referring agents. In a network environment, this segment can be used to define personnel to other applications; for example, order entry clerks, insurance verification clerks, admission clerks, as well as provider demographics. When using the STF and PRA segments in the Staff/Practitioner Master File message, MFE-4-primary key value is used to link all the segments pertaining to the same master file entry. Therefore, in the MFE segment, MFE-4-primary key value must be filled in. Other segments may follow the STF segment to provide data for a particular type of staff member. The PRA segment (practitioner) is one such. It may optionally follow the STF segment in order to add practitioner-specific data. Other segments may be defined as needed. When using the segments included in this chapter for other than Staff/Practitioner Master File messages, disregard references to MFE-4-primary key value. / It is confusing to reference MFE in Chapter 15 since it is not included in any of the message structures. / Robin Zimmerman


Reconciliation: Apply the proposed wording

Vote: 5

19. / / N / Mj / HL7 Attribute Table – STF
1RPrimary Key
Value – STF
2OStaff ID Code / HL7 Attribute Table – STF
1CPrimary Key
Value –STF
2CStaff ID Code / If the recommendation not to use STF-1 when creating non-master file messages is to be followed, then the optionality can not be Required. When a non-master file message is created, STF-2 is Required to act as the key to the segment; it is optional when creating a master file message. / Robin Zimmerman

Response: Originally taken from chapter 8. (see below)

Reconciliation: Apply proposed change.

Vote: 5

20. / / N / Mj / Definition: This field must match MFE-4-primary key value to identify which entry is being referenced. This element should be populated with the identifier for the staff practitioner in the first component, other components are not to be value. / Definition: For MFN Master File Notification, this field is required and must match MFE-4-primary key value to identify which entry is being referenced.
For all other messages, this field should not be used. / It is confusing to reference MFE in Chapter 15 since it is not included in any of the message structures. / Robin Zimmerman


Reconciliation: Apply the proposed wording

Vote: 5

21. / / A / T / Definition: This field refers to the staff member's race. User-defined Table 0005 - Race is used as the HL7 identifier or the user-defined table of values for this field. The second triplet of the CE data type for race (alternate identifier, alternate text, and name of alternate coding system) is reserved for governmentally assigned codes. In the United States, these codes are assigned by the Office of Management and Budget. / Definition: This field refers to the staff member's race. User-defined Table 0005 - Race is used as the HL7 identifier or the user-defined table of values for this field. The second triplet of the CE data type for race (alternate identifier, alternate text, and name of alternate coding system) is reserved for governmentally assigned codes / Made text consistent with PID –10, version 2.4 / Robin Zimmerman


Reconciliation: Refer to #9

Vote: 5

22. /
Suggested values for User Table 0005 – Race / A / T / No suggested values / Value Description
1002-5 American Indian or Alaska Native
2028-9 Asian
2054-5 Black or African American
2076-8 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
2106-3 White
2131-1 Other Race
Note: The above values contain a pre-calculated Mod 10 check digit separated by a dash. / Made text consistent with PID –10, version 2.4 / Robin Zimmerman


Reconciliation: Refer to #9

Vote: 5

23. / / A / T / Definition: This field further defines the staff member’s ancestry. User-defined Table 0189 - Ethnic group is used as the HL7 identifier for the user-defined table of values for this field. ERISA has a published list of ethnic classifications that may be used by local agreement at a site. The second couplet of the CE data type for ethnic group (alternate identifier, alternate text, and name of alternate coding system) is reserved for governmentally assigned codes. In the United States, these codes are assigned by the Office of Management and Budget. / Definition: This field further defines the staff member’s ancestry. User-defined Table 0189 - Ethnic group is used as the HL7 identifier for the user-defined table of values for this field. The second couplet of the CE data type for ethnic group (alternate identifier, alternate text, and name of alternate coding system) is reserved for governmentally assigned codes. In the US, a current use is to report ethnicity in line with US federal standards for Hispanic origin. / Made text consistent with PID –22, version 2.4. / Robin Zimmerman


Reconciliation: Refer to #11

Vote: 5

24. / / A / T / Suggested values for User Table 0189 – Ethnic group / Value Description
H Hispanic or Latino
N Not Hispanic or Latino
U Unknown / Made text consistent with PID –22, version 2.4. / Robin Zimmerman

Response: Since the same table is used, the same values should be listed. compare with 10.

Reconciliation: Refer to #10.

Vote: 5

25. / / N / Mi / STF-30 Institution Affiliation Period (DR) ?????
Definition: This field contains the dates on which the Staff Member began and ended his/her affiliation with the institution (e.g., hire date, termination date). / Support of trigger events B01 – Add Personnel Record and B0x – Terminate Staff Member. / Robin Zimmerman


Reconciliation: withdrawn by Robin


26. / / N / Mj / HL7 Attribute Table – PRA
1RPrimary Key Value - PRA / HL7 Attribute Table - PRA
1CPrimary Key Value –
PRA / If the recommendation not to use PRA-1 when creating non-master file messages is to be followed, then the optionality can not be Required. / Robin Zimmerman


Reconciliation: Apply change (see #19)

Vote: 5

27. / N / Mj / HL7 Attribute Table - PRA
SEQ = 12
LEN = 60
ELEMENT NAME = Set ID – PRA / A new data element, Set ID – PRA, must be added to act as the key of the segment when a non-master file message is being created, since PRA-1 is not recommended to be used.


Reconciliation: add new data element


28. / / N / Mj / Definition: This field must match MFE-4-primary key value, to identify which entry is being referenced. This element should be populated with the identifier for the staff practitioner in the first component; other components are not to be valued. / Definition: For MFN Master File Notification, this field must match MFE-4-primary key value, to identify which entry is being referenced. For all other messages, this field should not be used. / It is confusing to reference MFE in Chapter 15 since it is not included in any of the message structures. / Robin Zimmerman

Response: The definition is taken from chapter 8.

Reconciliation: Apply proposed wording (see #20)

Vote: 5

29. / / N / Mj / Definition: This field contains the category of practitioner. Refer to User-defined Table 0186 - Practitioner category for suggested values. Values may include codes for staff physician, courtesy physician, resident, physician assistant, physical therapist, psychiatrist, psychologist, pharmacist, registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, licensed vocational nurse, nurse practitioner, etc. HL7 suggests using the values established by the ANSI ASC X12 Health Care Provider Taxonomy. If the provider works in different Practitioner Categories in different organization units, then this information should be recorded separately in ORG-5. / Definition: This field contains the category of practitioner. Refer to User-defined Table 0186 - Practitioner category for suggested values. Values may include codes for staff physician, courtesy physician, resident, physician assistant, physical therapist, psychiatrist, psychologist, pharmacist, registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, licensed vocational nurse, nurse practitioner, etc. If the provider works in different Practitioner Categories in different organization units, then this information should be recorded separately in ORG 6, 7, 8. / ANSI ASC X12 Health Care Provider Taxonomy is composed of three codes to describe this data. This is inconsistent with the IS Data Type. The three elements can be recorded in ORG 6, 7, and 8. / Robin Zimmerman

Response: This definition comes from previous versions.

Reconciliation: Accept the deletion of the X12 reference.

Vote: 5

30. / / N / Mj / Suggested values for User Table 0186 – Practitioner Category:
<ANSI ASC X12 Health Care Provider Taxonomy> / No suggested values defined / IS Data Type is not consistent with values in ANSI ASX X12 Health Care Provider Taxonomy, which consists of three separate but related codes. / Robin Zimmerman


Reconciliation: Apply wording. Refer to #29

Vote: 5

31. / / A / T / Definition: This repeating field contains this practitioner’s license numbers and other ID numbers. This is a field made up of the following components: (1) the ID number, and (2) the type of number, and optionally (3) the state or province in which it is valid, if relevant, or other qualifying information. It is recommended that state qualifications use the abbreviations from the postal service of the country. The practitioner ID number type (component 2) is a user-defined table (Table 0338). This field should be used for identification purposes only. Detailed information regarding a license or certificate should be recorded in the LIC segment. / Definition: This repeating field contains this practitioner’s license numbers and other ID numbers. This is a field made up of the following components: (1) the ID number, and (2) the type of number, and optionally (3) the state or province in which it is valid, if relevant, or other qualifying information. It is recommended that state qualifications use the abbreviations from the postal service of the country. The practitioner ID number type (component 2) is a user-defined table (Table 0338). / LIC segment is not defined in this chapter. / Robin Zimmerman
