2011-12 Success Stories for UWCCR
Community Impact Funded Programs: HEALTH
Agency:Reporting Period:
September 1st- December 31, 2011 January 1-March 31, 2012
April 1-June 30, 2012 Aug. 31st–September 30, 2012
Please give us a description of how one client’s life was enhanced by the services provided through your funded project. Please have someone from your agency write the story. Thank-you letters or pieces written by the client can be used as additional attachments, but are not acceptable alone. If possible, please use quotes from the recipient.
1. Is this client willing to use his/her real name? If so, what is the full name?
2. Is this client willing to have his/her photo included? If so, do you have a photograph or can we come out to shoot one?
3. Is this client willing to share his/her name and photo with press? If so, what is his/her current city of residence?
1. What were the emotional, mental, economic, and/or social conditions of the individual when he/she entered your program? How were they referred to your program?
2. What was (were) the type(s) of service(s) the client participated in? Describe his/her reaction(s) on a personal basis and if appropriate impact on the family, or other individuals.
3. Indicate how the person described what the program services did to change his/her life at the conclusion of their involvement. Consider goals they’ve set for themselves. How do they picture their future? Are they still in the program?
Are you still in contact with the client?
4. What are the emotional, mental, economic, and/or social conditions of the individual when he/she finished your program? Describe behavioral and attitudinal changes.
5. Please list the name and phone number of the person who wrote the success story and list the complete name of your agency and program.