200 South Wacker Drive, 31st Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60606

847.242.9525TEL 847.242.9432 FAX marbleleadership.com

Coaching Agreement

Please review this agreement, sign it, and return by fax. If you have any questions about provisions in the agreement, please call to talk them over.

Client Name:

InitialTerm: 6 months*


Foundation Coaching Sessions: Client will participate in 1 foundation coaching session. These sessions are necessary in order to acquaint the client to the coaching process, terminology and to establish goals for coaching.

The Leadership Circle: Client will participate in a 360 assessment known as The Leadership Circle 360 Profile as a basis for insight and expediting coaching results. The fee for the assessment is $350 plus shipping. The 90 minute debrief is $500.

Number of coaching sessions per month: TBD Duration: Varies

Client agrees: 1. To call the coach (if phone meeting is scheduled) at the time of the appointment

  1. That fees are due 15 days after receiving the invoice
  2. Communicate any part of the coaching experience which is not working and take action to restore the power to the relationship

Periodically, we will evaluate the coaching results against established goals to determine next steps. Cancellations of meetings by either coach or client should provide at least 24 hours notice whenever possible.

The coach will keep all information regarding the client strictly confidential and will not reveal the identity of the client as such unless permission is granted by the client. Under the current law, coaching conversations are not protected from disclosure. Therefore, the coach will keep very few notes or permanent records of discussions.

Services provided by the coach to the client are coaching services, designed jointly with the client. Coaching is not counseling, consulting or therapy though it may address personal areas or situations in the client’s life which could affect business performance. Coaching is not a substitute for other forms of professional advice.

The coach promises to be candid in conversations with honest and straightforward feedback, requests and questions. The client promises that decisions on how to handle the issues discussed in coaching meetings are the responsibility of the client as is taking action on any issue addressed.

*The client may choose to discontinue coaching at any time with all outstanding fees due and payable immediately upon termination.

Signatures below indicate full understanding and agreement.

Client: ______Date: ______

Coach: ______Date: ______