2 Year Rolling Topic – Cycle 1: Science, Geography, DT, Art, PSHE, History, ICT, Music, Dance/P.E, French, R.E.
YR 3 / History Topic Title: Roman Empire’s Impact on Britain (Roman Legacy)
Knowledge / key concepts:
- Introduction to Rome.
- What was life like in Britain before the Romans invaded?
- Why and how did the Romans invade?
- What was Britain like under the Romans?
- What was it like to be a Roman soldier?
- What was the legacy of the Romans in Britain?
- Comparing a map of the Roman Empire with countries today.
- Locating Roman settlements in modern day Britain.
- Land formation and soil structure in different regions of the world.
- Where fossils are found and why?
Knowledge / key concepts:
- Locational knowledge
- Fieldwork and mapping skills (compass directions, directional language)
- Use and map simple maps with keys.
- Use the eight points of a compass, four and six figure grid references, symbols and key (including Ordnance survey maps) to build their knowledge of the UK and wider world.
Knowledge / key concepts:
- What is pre-history?
- Introduction to the Stone Age
- The Palaeolithic Period
- The Mesolithic Period
- The Neolithic Period
- The Bronze Age
Science Topic Title: Light
Knowledge / key concepts:
- There must be light for us to see. Without light it is dark. To explore soils and how they are formed.
- Light comes from a source.
- We need light to see things, even shiny things.
- Transparent materials let light through them and opaque things don’t let light through.
- Beams of light bounce off some materials.
- Shiny materials reflect light beams better than non-shiny materials.
Knowledge / key concepts:
- Electricity powers many common appliances.
- A souce of electricity (mains or Battery) is needed for electrical devices to work.
- Electricity sources push electricity round a circuit.
- A complete circuit is needed for electricity to flow and devices to work.
- More batteries will push the electricity round the circuit faster.
- Devices work harder when more electricity goes through them.
- Some materials allow electricity to flow easily and these are called conductors. Materials that don’t allow electricityto flow easily are called insulators.
- Materials can be divided into solids liquids and gases.
- Solids, liquids and gases are described by observable properties.
- Heating causes solids to melt into liquids and liquid to evaporate into gases.
- Cooling causes gases to condense to liquids and liquids to freeze to solids.
- The temperature at which given substance change state are always the same.
separating them
Knowledge / key concepts:
- Materials change state by heating and cooling.
- Some changes can be reversed and some can’t
- When two or more substances are mixed and remain present the mixture can be separated.
Knowledge / key concepts:
- Comparing and grouping different rocks on the basis of their appearance and physical properties.
- Describe in simple terms how fossils are formed.
- Recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter.
affect them
Knowledge / key concepts:
- Some things are living, some things were once living but are now dead and some things have never lived.
- There is variation between all living things.
- Different animals and plants live in different places.
- Living things are adapted to survive in different habitats.
- Environmental change can affect the animals an d plants that live there.
Knowledge / key concepts:
- Many animals have skeletons to support their bodies and protect vital organs.
- Muscles are connected to bones and move them when they contract.
- Moveable joints connect bones.
Art Topic Title:
Knowledge / key concepts:
- 3D
- Figure drawing and collage
- Sculpting / photography
- Appreciating and evaluating the work of Abstract Artists
- Abstract compositions
- Learn about great Artists Old Masters and contemporary and their portrayal of light.
- Interpreting, drawing and shading
- Mastery in 3D model making…bread
- Drawing in Computing…Angels
Knowledge / key concepts:
- Observational drawing
- Painting
- modelling
- Appreciating and evaluating workof Artists-contemporary and established.
- Drawing in Computing
Knowledge/key concepts: Link to topic / French
Prepare and combine foods…..Croque Monsieur
Raymond Blanc
- Cook according to recipe
- Taste
- Evaluate
Knowledge / key concepts:
- Cross curricular-Magnetic fish game.
Knowledge / key concepts:
- Still life: drawing / painting
- Textiles (DT pink)
- 3D modelling
- Appreciating and evaluating work of Artists modern and traditional.
- Drawing in Computing
Knowledge / key concepts: Link to topic
- Thick wools
- A range of fabrics
- Beads, buttons and sequins!
DT Topic Title:Angels in stand-up spar frames
Knowledge / key concepts:
Simple circuits
- Programming - Put programming commands into a sequence to achieve a specific outcome, solve an open-ended problem, use repeat commands, describe the algorithm necessary for a simple task, keep testing my program and recognise when I need to debug it
- Multimedia - Create different effects with different technology tools, combine a mixture of text, graphics and sound, evaluate my work, use appropriate keyboard commands to amend text on my device
- Technology in our Lives - Describe the World Wide Web, use search tools to find and use an appropriate websites, using images
- e-Safety - Protect my personal information, se the safety features of websites, reporting concerns to an adult
- Computing
- Programming - Put programming commands into a sequence to achieve a specific outcome, break an open-ended problem up into smaller parts, describe the algorithm I will need for a simple task, keep testing my program and can recognise when I need to debug it
- Multimedia - Create different effects with different technology tools, combine a mixture of text, graphics and sound to share my ideas and learning, evaluate my work
- Handling Data - Collect data to help me answer a question, talk about the different ways data can be organised, use a datalogger
- e-Safety - Ask an adult before downloading from internet, make good choices about how long I spend online, post positive comments online
Multimedia - combine a mixture of text, graphics and sound to share my ideas and learning
Handling Data - search a ready-made database to answer questions, add to a database, make a branching database
Technology in our Lives - use search tools to find and use an appropriate website, save and retrieve work on the Internet, the school network, or my own device, talk about the parts of a computer
e-Safety - Talk about what makes a secure password and why they are important, use the safety features of websites
RE Topic Title: Bread
Through the concept of ‘symbol’
Creating their own bread symbol and explaining what it means.
Explaining how bread is a symbol for Christians at Harvest
Topic Title: Light
Through the concept of ‘light as a symbol’
Understanding the importance and significance of light to Christians and Hindus.
Identifying ways in which light is used in festivals.
Expressing their own response to light. / RE Topic Title: Angels at Christmas
Through the concept of ‘Angels’
Expressingtheir own ideas about angels through Art.
Knowing how angels are depicted in different ways (cards)..
Retelling one of the birth narratives, featuring angels. / RE Topic Title: Amazing stories about Jesus
Through the concept of ‘specialness’
Sharing a selection of stories that highlight the specialness of these stories.
Explaining that these stories show that Jesus is very special to Christians (God on earth)
Retelling one of these stories in an interesting way (Book/film roll/scroll). / RE Topic Title Weddings-Christian & Hindu
Through the concept of ‘celebration & ritual’
Explaining some of the rituals and symbols used at weddings.
Identifying some of the similarities and differences between Christian and Hindu weddings
Topic Title Easter-Paschal Candle
Through the concept of ‘darkness & light’
Expressing their own response to darkness and light
Explaining the rituals associated with the Paschal Candle
Identifying the celebration as Christian. / RE Topic Title: Special Places
Through the concept of ‘specialness
Talking about their own special places and why they are special
Contributing towards building a special place in the classroom as a group.
Explaining ways in which Christians use churches and Hindus use temples(mandirs).
Identifying some similarities and differences.
French will take the format of:
Appreciating songs, stories and rhymes…...Les BebeChouettes…..Activate-warm-up activities.
Speaking in sentences using familiar and broadening vocab, asking and answering questions and developing pronunciation….Hello, who are you? How are you? Responding to registers.
Learning about the culture and customs of France…..bread tasting and evaluating.
Topic related written French….labelling Roman soldiers’ and women’s costumes. / French will take the format of:
Appreciating songs, stories and rhymes..PasMaintenant, Bernard..Activate-warm-up activities.
Speaking in sentences using familiar and broadening vocab, asking and answering questions and developing pronunciation…..My family and where I live. Responding to registers.
Learning about the culture and customs of France…. Looking at the map of France. Cooking Croque Monsieur in DT.
Topic related written French.…Labelling the parts of a plant in French. / French will take the format of:
Appreciating songs, stories and rhymes…Je Suis Petite, Moi?....Activate-warm-up activities
Speaking in sentences using familiar and broadening vocab, asking and answering questions and developing pronunciation. Animals-pets, on the farm and in the zoo. Responding to registers.
Learning about the culture and customs of France. Comparing schools in England and France.
Topic related written French……What sports I like and don’t like.
P.E /Dance
Dance-to build snake and serpent dances.
Gym-building a travelling sequence
Games- Invasion style / P.E/Dance
Dance-Christmas performance
Gym- building a travelling sequence
Games- Invasion style / P.E/Dance
Gym- work those muscles
Games- net/wall style / P.E/Dance
Gym-peculiar creatures
Games-net/wall style / P.E/Dance
Athletics...throwing, jumping,running
Games-striking and fielding…skils for rounders. / P.E/Dance
Athletics Sports Day
Games-net….skills for bat and ball type games
Citizenship/ PSHE
New Beginnings / Citizenship/PSHE
Feeling Good / Citizenship/PSHE
Going for Goals / Citizenship/PSHE
Keeping Safe / Citizenship/PSHE
Relationships / Citizenship/PSHE
Changes in Families
Play it again:
Into the Ark
The Happiest time of the Year / Music
Christmas Performance:
Practising and performing songs for the Christmas Performance / Music
Animal Magic:
Tortoise Song
Animals in Music / Music
Animal Magic:
Animal Hasthas
Sound like an animal moving / Music
Dragon Scales:
Old Macdonald
What you got? / Music
Dragon Scales:
Pentatonic Improvisations
Dragon Talk