1.  Define EDI.

2.  Write short notes on C-mode & cHTML

3.  List the benefits of i-convenience.

4.  Compare i-mode and WAP.

5.  What are the problems faced by designers of mobile systems?

6.  How mobile device use can be characterized?

7.  List the Developer issues in case of Wireless mobile devices.

8.  What is triangular routing and LBS?

9.  What is AGPS? List its merits.

10.  Write short notes on Mobile Advertising in Building a Brand.

11.  Compare Wireless and Wired Commerce .

12.  Write short notes on Bluetooth and its security

13.  List the pros and cons of Infra-Red data communication and control

14.  Compare 2G, 2.5 G, 3 G and 4G.

15.  Write short notes on TRAI and 2G Spectrum scam.

Part B

1.  With a neat sketch describe the components and entities of Mobile Commerce Framework (13)

2.  Write brief history and detailed technical key notes on NTT DOCOMO i-mode (13)

3.  List out the IEEE standars and Specifications for WLAN & WPAN(13)

4.  Explain the successful business models and its benefits in context of i-mode. (13)

5.  With essential notation explains Wireless Device interfaces and usability. (7)

6.  With diagrams describe Input and output Interaction with wireless devices. (6)

7.  Explain the working scenario and technical key elements of Location Based Services with example (13)

8.  With essential notations and terminologies explain the infrastructure for M-Commerce.(13)

9.  List the non- internet applications in M-Commerce and discuss its utility.(6)

10.  Discuss the role of Mobile marketing and advertisement in facilitating business.(7)

11.  Write the successful business models and its benefits in context of i-mode. (13)

12.  How technology advances promote strategies formulation in Mobile Communication networks. (13)

13.  With neat diagram explain framework MLBS and LBS. (13)

14.  Hungama Digital Media Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.is a leading aggregator, developer, publisher and distributor of Bollywood and South-Asian entertainment content. Hungama delivers content to consumers in 47 countries across mobile, Internet, and Internet protocol television (IPTV) services, and has more than 150 partners across the world. Before migrating to AWS, the company ran its servers in local data centers. In 2008, Hungama migrated to AWS.

Why Hungama prefered AWS ? Is there any technical issue? If so, how it is solved?