1.Who is your Rating Official?------
2.Who is the Manager who signed off on the TOPS Rating?------
3.Do you have copies of all paperwork that makes up your TOPS Packet? Yes No
4. Did Management at the beginning of the TOPS Performance Period sit down with you and explain TOPS in Detail? Yes No
Did they explain the Performance Standards? Yes No
5.Did Management establish Benchmarks toward which the Employee can Aim?
6.Did Management show you a copy of any Documented Observations that Management relied upon to evaluate your performance? Did management provide any copies of such Observations?
7.Did Management provide you with a list of Competencies and Goals that were relevant to your position within TSA?
8.Did Management say that your use of “Approved Leave” influenced their decision in evaluating your performance?
9.How many Rating Officials did you have? ONE More than ONE?
10.Were there any other TSA Management Officials that should have been involved in rating your performance?
11.Were there ongoing Reviews? Weekly? Monthly? Only at Mid Term?
12.Did Management at any time call you into their Office during the rating Period and inform you that your performance was at a Level 3 or Below? Yes No WHEN?
13.Did at the beginning of the Appraisal period, the Rating Official discuss “All” elements of the Employees performance plan to include Goals, Competencies, and Expectations, and did the Rating Official inform you of the Sliding Scale or Point total that you would need to accomplish your Goals and achieve Exceed Excellence?
14.How long was your total meeting with Management? ------MINUTES
15.Did you receive a “Written Performance Plan” within 30 days of your initial sit down with management?
16.Did you change Rating Officials during the TOPS Rating Year?
17.Did you have another sit down with that new Rating Official to discuss your TOPS Performance Plan and Expectations?
18.Were any Local Policies or Competencies added to your Core TOPS Review?
19. Were Supervisor Comments Individualized or Copy and pasted?
20.Were any informal discussions or Progress Reviews initiated during the year to discuss your TOPS?
21. Was your Mid Term TOPS Score Lower than Last Year’s TOPS Score? If so Did your Supervisor advise you on how to raise your score or place you on a P.I.P.? Yes No
22. Did Management “mandate” Self assessments or threaten to lower your Score? Yes No
23 Did you sign an undated TOPS Review Form? Or were you told to sign and Management will date it later? When did you receive your TOPS Score? Why didn’t you Sign it?
24. Did you give your Supervisor copies Of Awards, or write a Self Assessment?