Evolution II

Directions: First, print this answer sheet. Use the website and its links to answer the questions which follow.

1.  Evolution is the change in ______in a population. Over long periods of time these changes will result in ______.


2.  What is the information about Rabbit A:

Speed______Worst Enemy ______

3.  What is the information about Rabbit B:

Speed______Worst Enemy ______

4.  What is the information about Fox A:

Speed______Worst Enemy ______

5.  What is the information about Fox B:

Speed______Worst Enemy ______

6.  On a separate sheet of paper, complete the data table of the Natural Selection Simulation Part1.

7.  On a separate sheet of paper, complete the data table of the Natural Selection Simulation Part 2.

8.  Summarize how the populations of both rabbits and foxes changed over time. ______


9.  Speciation can occur when a ______prevents ______from occurring between two ______.

10.  Initially why is there gene flow between the two wasp populations? ______

11.  How was the gene flow blocked in this simulation? ______

12.  What was the visible difference of the mutation in the second population? ______

13.  How did this mutation enable those wasps who had the new gene? ______& ______

14.  What was the change in population #2 over the next 100 years? ______

15.  What happened to the mountain millions of years later? ______

16.  Now that the two populations where able to interact with each other again – describe how their offspring interbreed. ______.

17.  Explain how the two species of butterfly may have evolved? ______


18.  Click http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/help/timeform.html Then complete the table below describe the plant and animal life for each time period.

Ancient Time


Plant and Animal Life


Millions of Years Ago

Pleistocene Epoch of the Cenozoic Era
Jurassic Period of the Mesozoic Era
Ordovician Period of the Paleozoic Era
Precambrian Time

In this section you will examine some fossils of organisms that lived in the past. Click on each name for more information to complete the table. Use Internet resources to complete the following table:

Age (MYA)*
Saber-toothed Cat
T. rex
Trilobite A
Trilobite B
Trilobite C

*MYA = millions of years ago


20.  Evolution often works by taking ______and modifying them to make an organism more ______to his ______.

21.  Identify the numbered parts on the following diagram:

22.  In this section you will compare the anatomy of several different organisms. Click on each specimen pair for more information. Record similarities and differences for each.

Specimen Pair
Specimen A
Specimen B
Similarities and Differences
Pair 1
Pair 2
Pair 3
Pair 4
Pair 5
Pair 6
Pair 7
Pair 8
Pair 9

23.  In this section you will compare the skull anatomy of several different organisms. Click on each specimen pair for more information. Record its name and two similarities for each.

Skull Pair
Specimen A
Specimen B


Pair 1
Pair 2
Pair 3
Pair 4
Pair 5
Pair 6
Pair 7
Pair 8
Pair 9
Pair 10


  1. What are the 4 embryos pictured? ______
  1. The embryos of the different vertebrates are so similar because they all inherit the ______for early ______development.
  1. Why do the squid, clam, octopus, oyster and earthworm all have the same genes for early development? ______
  1. Why do the three insect larvae look so similar? ______


  1. Using the table on the PROTEINS page:

1. Which organism below is the most distantly related to humans?
2. Which organism below is the most closely related to humans?
3. Which evolved first, a tuna fish or a turkey?
4. Give evidence to support your answer to question 3.
  1. Using the table on the DNA page, which organism below is most closely related to humans? ______
  1. Using the table on the DNA page, which organism below is most distantly related to humans? ______