Essential Components for Instruction (C-2)
DIRECTIONS: With your support provider, discuss and record information to ensure all essential components for instruction are considered when designing your lesson series.
Participating Teacher: Valerie XXX / Support Provider: Jeff XXX
Content Area: Math
Grade/Period: 7th Grade, Period 3 / Beginning Date: 3/11/09
Ending Date: 3/24/09
Anticipated number of lessons in series? 7
1.Copy the academic content standard(s) being addressed: / 2.What are the learning objectives?
CA 7th Grade Mathematics Standards:
AF 3.3: Graph linear equations on a coodinate plane using slope and y-intercept
AF 3.4: Represent linear function using function tables and graphs
AF 4.2: Use direct variation to solve problems
How will students be helped to connect the content to
real life applications?
I will show my students how to read and interpret graphs, and will link the standards to real world examples of rate depicted graphically such as unemployment, home ownership, and housing prices. Since these are topics they are currently learning about on the news, I think this will increase their interest and enhance their understanding. / Students will be able to calculate the slope of a line in several ways: using the slope formula, examining a graph, and using direct variation.
Students will be able to graph a line using function tables.
Students will be able to graph a line using slope-intercept form.
Students will be able to compare functions using systems of equations and inequalities
Students will be able to determine relationships between sets of data using scatter plots
Ho How will the learning objectives be communicated to the students? Families?
Goals will be communicated to students each day at the beginning of the lesson as a slide in the PowerPoint presentation. My students can read the goals there, and I will discuss them verbally. These goals will also be displayed on my board, under the heading "Standards". Additionally, goals will be listed as an announcement on SnapGrades, the online grading program my school uses that both students and parents have access to.
3.Describe the entry-level assessment used to measure the understanding of the content standard.
To diagnose readiness, I will give my students a pretest in order to check their prerequisite skills. The pretest will include tasks such as graphing points on a coordinate plane, evaluating expressions for given values, and solving one and two-step equations.
What method/criteria (e.g., scoring guides, rubrics, etc.)will be used to interpret the results of the entry-level assessment?
My students will be assessed using a scoring guide.
4.Describe the summative assessment to be used to measure the learning in the content area.
My students will take an End of Chapter Exam that I have created using Edusoft and Exam View. The exam will include multiple choice and short answer questions.
What method/criteria (e.g., scoring guides, rubrics, etc.)will be used to interpret the results of the summative assessment?
A scoring guide will be used to interpret the results.
5.Based on the entry-level assessment, what knowledge/vocabulary/skills are needed to ensure student learning during this lesson series? / 6. Based on the entry-level assessment results, what
Progress-monitoring assessments will be used during this
lesson series?
Based on the initial assessment, plotting points must be reviewed with some of my students. I will spend some time reviewing this concept in class, as well as concentrate on it with my Intervention students to be sure that they are all successful. Also, it is clear that I need to spend some time discussing with my students exactly what slope is, and the differences between positive slope, negative slope, and no slope. Since this is such a huge part of the unit, it is important that all students have a strong foundation and a good understanding of what this term means and how it influences our ability to read graphs. / In order to monitoring progress, I will use daily warm-ups, tickets out the door, homework, classwork, periodic quizzes, and class discussions.
7.How might key understandings from the Action Plan (IIP Cells 5-8)be applied to thislesson series? / 8.What materials will be needed for this lesson series?
Based on the periodic quizzes I give my students, I will assess their individual performance and understanding of stndards using the Edusoft technology. I will then create personalized worksheets and handouts for students based on the standards that they are struggling with, and provide extra support when needed. / PowerPoint lessons
Microsoft Excel
Graph paper
Two-sided student whiteboards (graphing and plain)
Whiteboard markers
9. How will students’ use technology to advance their learning? What technology will be used to enhance instruction? / 10. To ensure student engagement, what needs should be considered for the classroom environment?
My students enjoy the technology in the classroom, and are pretty eager to participate in order to use it. I will have students plot points, graph lines, find intercepts and determine slope up on the SmartBoard. I will also have them use the Airliner tablet to complete the same tasks from their seats.
Additionally, I plan to include a brief lesson on the computer program Excel. I will show them how they are able to do the same problems they are completing in class by creating function tables, and then generating a graph usig the program. I will have all of my students make a graph in this way.
Microsoft Excel
Airliner writing tablet / Because so much of this unit revolves around graphing, I need to make sure all of my students are facing the front of the room and can easily see the whitebord and Smartboard.
Based on my preassessment, I will group students so that those with a strong understanding can work with those who could use extra support.
I will move around the room to monitor student progress regularly, and will allow students to use whiteboards to participate in classwork as another method of checking for understanding.
11. What instructional strategies will be used in this lesson series? How might they assist in reaching all learners?
Each day will begin with a warm-up activity that requires students to recall skills from the previous day's lesson and demonstrates their understanding of prerequisite skills.
As I teach each lesson, I will "chunk" concepts so that students get to see me do an example, nd then practice the skill themselves before introducing another type of problem.
I will use a method where students "watch one, do one, teach one."
I will have students work independently and in groups.
I will have students work in tutor/tutee pairs.
I will scaffold lessons so that material is meaningful and accessible to all students.
I will use visual aides to enhance all material covered
I will have my students use whiteboards to complete problems, and demonstrate their understanding.
I will make myself available, after school and during lunch, for any students who need extra support.
Notes will be available for all students who need them.
12. What accommodations or modifications are required during this lesson series for students on an IEP, 504 or other learning plan?
(Consider students not selected as Focus Students) / 13. In order for students to be successful, what English language development (ELD) proficiency level data or which ELD standards must be considered?
Although I have no students with 504 plans, I do have students enrolled in Academy classes. The academy classes are study skills/intervention classes for students with a GPA of 2.0 and below. For the Academy students, I will provide weekly Snapgrades printouts and highlight missing assignments that they can complete with extra help from the academy teacher. / I will continuously check in with my students who have CELDT scores of 3 in the Listening and/or Reading.
14. Other considerations:
I will provide after school tutoring for any students who are falling behind, or failing to complete tasks. I will work as a tutor, as well as use peer tutors from the National Junior Honors Society, a club at our school.

Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – 2010

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