1. The 10th edition of the “Rencontres Internationales des Jeunes Pianistes” is intended to young pianists of all nationalities.
2. The competition has four categories:
CAT. 1: born after March 1, 1999
CAT. 2: born after March 1, 1995
CAT. 3: born after March 1, 1991
CAT. 4: born after March 1, 1985
3. The program has to be played by memory.
4. The program for the final may eventually contain ONE piece played for the selection.
5. No changes of listed program is allowed after November 15, 2009.
6. Each category has maximum three awards.
7. The jury reserves the right to award ex aequo prizes.
8. The jury reserves the right not to award any prizes.
9. The prize winners are obliged to perform at the prize winners concert. This without remuneration.
10 Candidates in final will receive a certificate of participation.
11 The decisions of the jury are final.
12. EPTA-BELGIUM reserves all the rights for radio and TV broadcasts without compensation.
13.Travel expenses, boarding and lodging are to be supported by the candidate.
14. The application fee is not reimbursable.
15 EPTA-BELGIUM reserves the rights to any change of rules for the benefit of the competition.
In case of disagreement the French text is valid only
Program for the Selection
1) One piece by J. S. BACH
2) One (or more)pieces of free choice
Total timing: 7 min.
CAT. 2
1) One 2 or 3 parts Invention (or Preludia & Fuga from "WTC") by J.S. BACH
2) One (or more) piece(s) of free choice
Total timing: 12 min
CAT. 3
1) One Prelude & Fuga from "W.T.C" by
2)Two (or more) pieces of free choice
Total timing: 20 min.
CAT. 4
1) One Prelude & Fuga from "W.T.C" by
2) One virtuoso etude
3) One piece by a Belgian composer from the 20th or 21st century.
4) One piece of free choice
Total timing: 22 min.
“Les Rencontres Internationales des Jeunes Pianistes”
Program (complete titles)
Signature of participant
Only the participants having payed
the application fee will be playing.
“Les Rencontres Internationales des
Jeunes Pianistes”
Application form to be returned before
November 1, 2009to EPTA-BELGIUM
Lotsesteenweg, 186, B-1653 DWORP
or by fax n° +32 (0)23 80 08 27 or
Date of birth
Signature (person in charge of under age child)
Signature of participant
Application fee:
Cat.1: 50 Euros - Cat.2: 60 Euros
Cat.3: 70 Euros - Cat.4: 80 Euros
to be paid on bank account of EPTA-BELGIUM
IBAN: BE 053 6300 7724 775
Bank: ING Banque-Jambes-Nord
Rond Point Joséphine Charlotte
Bank taxes in charge of the participant.
Program for the Final
1)Two (or more) pieces of free choice
2) One piece composed after 1950
Total timing 8 min
1) A classical sonatina or movement of a sonata
2) One (or more) piece(s) of free choice.
3) One piece composed after 1950
Total timing: 14 min.
1) One movement of a classical sonata (first or last)
2) One (or more) piece(s) of free choice
3) One piece composed after 1950
Total timing: 22min
CAT. 4
A program of free choice
Total timing: 25 min.
10th Piano Competition
“Les Rencontres Internationales des
Jeunes Pianistes”
January 26 to 31, 2010
Age limit 24
Music Academy and Jules Bastin Hall
In partnership with
The Municipality of Waterloo
The Music Academy of Waterloo
The Friends of the Music Academy
Contact:fax:+32 (0)23 80 08 27