Application Form
Internship Programme 2017/18 /
  1. Personal Information

Name / Gender
Date of Birth (AD)-dd/mm/yy / Nationality
Current Address
Permanent Address
Telephone / Mobile
Guardian's name and Address
Details of your Pastor
Pastor's Name / Address
Name and Address of your Church / Mobile

2. Qualifications (starting from the highest degree to the lowest one)

Level / Subject / Institution / Date / Results
e.g. B.A. / e.g. Business Studies / e.g. Tribhuwan University / eg. 1997-99 / eg. 1st division

3. Work Experience (If any)

Employer / Job Title / Main Responsibilities / Dates of Employment / Reason for Leaving
Start date / End date

4. Questions

4.1 Write a few sentences introducing who you are and what your aim in life is.
4.2. Write in a few sentences why you would like to be a part of UMN's Internship Programme.
4.3. UMN is a Christian and a value-based development organisation. UMN has a set of values to guide its development work. Which of the 6 UMN values do you like the most? Give your reasons with an example.
(UMN values: Integrity, Love and Service, Equity and Social Justice, Innovation and Creativity, Special Concern For Poor and Marginalised People and Care For The Environment)
4.4. In which of these fields or technical areas of work are you interested in specialising: Education, Sustainable Livelihoods, Disaster Management & Environment, Community & Mental Health, Gender, Disability & Peacebuilding, Good Governance, Information Technology Services, Programme Management, Finance, Funding, Communications, Human Resource Managementand Integral Mission.
4.5. How long have you been a part of your local church? What is your role in the church and how do you support it in its services to the people?
4.6. What do you think are the major issues or problems of our country? What do you think are the most appropriate ways the Nepalese youth like you can contribute to addressing them?
4. 7. Describe where and how you will use the skills and knowledge of this Internship programme in the future.

5. Language Skills

What is your mother tongue?

Language / Level of spoken competence
(e.g. basic, intermediate, fluent) / Level of written competence
(e.g. basic, intermediate, advanced)

6. Computer Skills

6.1. Please describe your level of computer literacy, stating applications of which you are competent user.

7. Other Relevant Training / Information (If any)

Please state where you learnt about this Programme: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

Note: Please return the completed application form to United Mission to Nepal, PO Box 126, Thapathali, Kathmandu or electronically to by 12June 2017 or 29 Jestha2074